diff --git a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
index ef458c3c886f22137fbb6e0c21e4c01656de4534..af0ebb186a8143da2a813ff574ca6d2781c0dfaa 100644
--- a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
+++ b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
@@ -6553,7 +6553,7 @@ Same as above, but written in the nested notation ::
-Best practice *recommendation* for using parameter - see `access-column-values`_
+Best practice *recommendation* for using parameter - see `access-column-values`_ ::
   10 {
     sql = SELECT p.id AS _pId, p.name FROM exp_person AS p
@@ -6587,6 +6587,78 @@ FormElement) forms: ::
 	  rsep = , 
+.. _`system`:
+.. _`autocron`:
+Auto Cron
+The `autocron` service fires periodically jobs like `send a mail` or `open a webpage`.
+* The frequency can be configured.
+* Minimal time distance is 1 minute.
+* Per job: if a job's runs and the receives the next trigger, the running job will be completed first.
+* Per job: if more than one trigger arrives during a run, only one trigger will be processed.
+* If the system misses a run, it will be played as soon as the system is online again.
+* Running and processed jobs can easily be monitored.
+Setup a cron entry, typically as the webserver user ('www-data' on debian): ::
+  * * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/typo3conf/ext/qfq/qfq/external/autocron.php
+Create / edit `autocron` jobs
+Create a T3 page with a QFQ record. Such page should be access restricted and is only needed to edit `autocron` jobs: ::
+	form={{form:S}}
+	10 {
+		 # List of Forms: Do not show this list of forms if there is a form given by SIP.
+		# Table header.
+		sql = SELECT CONCAT('{{pageId:T}}&form=cron') as Pagen, 'id', 'Enable', 'Next run','Frequency','Comment','Last run','Status' FROM (SELECT 1) AS fake WHERE  '{{form:SE}}'=''
+		head = <table class='table table-hover qfq-table-50'>
+		tail = </table>
+		rbeg = <thead><tr>
+		rend = </tr></thead>
+		fbeg = <th>
+		fend = </th>
+	10 {
+		# All Cron Jobs
+		sql = SELECT CONCAT('{{pageId:T}}&form=cron&r=', c.id) AS _Pagee, c.id,
+				  IF(c.status='enable','green','gray') AS _bullet,
+				  IF(c.nextrun=0,"", DATE_FORMAT(c.nextrun, "%d.%m.%y %H:%i:%s")),
+				  c.frequency,
+				  c.comment,
+				  IF(c.lastrun=0,"", DATE_FORMAT(c.lastrun,"%d.%m.%y %H:%i:%s")),
+				  LEFT(c.laststatus,40),
+				  CONCAT('form=cron&r=', c.id) AS _Paged
+				 FROM Cron AS c
+				 ORDER BY c.id
+		rbeg = <tr>
+		rend = </tr>
+		fbeg = <td>
+		fend = </td>
+		}
+	}
 .. _help:
diff --git a/extension/qfq/external/AutoCron.php b/extension/qfq/external/AutoCron.php
index ba45453b88cde47a869751ffc3e9640a3483bb86..de8dfaa2f3809d334b28bd8e30e1a7206ef327f4 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/external/AutoCron.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/external/AutoCron.php
@@ -19,11 +19,6 @@ require_once(__DIR__ . '/../qfq/report/SendMail.php');
 class AutoCron {
-    /**
-     * @var Database instantiated class
-     */
-    protected $db = null;
      * @var Store
@@ -39,6 +34,14 @@ class AutoCron {
     private $phpUnit = false;
+    /**
+     * @var Database[]
+     */
+    private $dbArray = array();
+    private $dbIndexQfq = '';
     public function __construct($phpUnit = false) {
         $this->phpUnit = $phpUnit;
@@ -48,8 +51,12 @@ class AutoCron {
 //        set_error_handler("\\qfq\\ErrorHandler::exception_error_handler");
         $this->store = Store::getInstance();
-        $this->db = new Database();
-        $this->evaluate = new Evaluate($this->store, $this->db);
+        $this->dbIndexQfq = $this->store->getVar(SYSTEM_DB_INDEX_QFQ, STORE_SYSTEM);
+        $this->dbArray[$this->dbIndexQfq] = new Database($this->dbIndexQfq);
+        $this->evaluate = new Evaluate($this->store, $this->dbArray[$this->dbIndexQfq]);
@@ -62,7 +69,7 @@ class AutoCron {
     private function checkForOldJobs($ageMaxMinutes) {
         $sql = "SELECT c.id, ' Started at: ', c.inProgress FROM Cron AS c WHERE DATE_ADD(c.inProgress, INTERVAL $ageMaxMinutes MINUTE)<NOW()";
-        $this->db->sql($sql, ROW_EXPECT_0);
+        $this->dbArray[$this->dbIndexQfq]->sql($sql, ROW_EXPECT_0);
@@ -98,7 +105,7 @@ class AutoCron {
         // Do the calculation with MySQL to stay in the MySQL date/time calculation world.
         $sql = "SELECT DATE_ADD('" . $job[AUTOCRON_NEXT_RUN] . "', INTERVAL CEILING( ( 1 + TIMESTAMPDIFF($unit, '" .
             $job[AUTOCRON_NEXT_RUN] . "', NOW() ) ) / $count ) * " . $job[AUTOCRON_FREQUENCY] . ") AS " . AUTOCRON_NEXT_RUN;
-        $row = $this->db->sql($sql, ROW_EXPECT_1);  // frequency, nextRun, unit, count
+        $row = $this->dbArray[$this->dbIndexQfq]->sql($sql, ROW_EXPECT_1);  // frequency, nextRun, unit, count
@@ -212,7 +219,7 @@ class AutoCron {
         // Select pending jobs
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM Cron AS c WHERE c.status='enable' AND c.nextRun < NOW() AND c.nextRun!=0 AND c.inProgress=0";
-        $jobs = $this->db->sql($sql);
+        $jobs = $this->dbArray[$this->dbIndexQfq]->sql($sql);
         // Iterate over all AutoCron Jobs
         foreach ($jobs as $job) {
@@ -220,7 +227,7 @@ class AutoCron {
             $this->store->setStore($job, STORE_PARENT_RECORD, true);
             // Start progress counter
-            $this->db->sql("UPDATE Cron SET inProgress=NOW() WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", ROW_REGULAR, [$job[COLUMN_ID]]);
+            $this->dbArray[$this->dbIndexQfq]->sql("UPDATE Cron SET inProgress=NOW() WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", ROW_REGULAR, [$job[COLUMN_ID]]);
             switch ($job[AUTOCRON_TYPE]) {
                 case AUTOCRON_TYPE_WEBSITE:
@@ -236,7 +243,7 @@ class AutoCron {
             // Finish Job
             $job = $this->calcNextRun($job);
             $sql = "UPDATE Cron SET lastRun=NOW(), lastStatus=?, nextRun=?, inProgress=0 WHERE id=? LIMIT 1";
-            $this->db->sql($sql, ROW_REGULAR, [$job[AUTOCRON_LAST_STATUS], $job[AUTOCRON_NEXT_RUN], $job[COLUMN_ID]]);
+            $this->dbArray[$this->dbIndexQfq]->sql($sql, ROW_REGULAR, [$job[AUTOCRON_LAST_STATUS], $job[AUTOCRON_NEXT_RUN], $job[COLUMN_ID]]);
diff --git a/extension/qfq/sql/formEditor.sql b/extension/qfq/sql/formEditor.sql
index 8d3f6492b35cd49fca52ce11f9b4fd40bcf7923e..6c7f3eb04f5211b97bdc33eca8e4e0d8446fe390 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/sql/formEditor.sql
+++ b/extension/qfq/sql/formEditor.sql
@@ -422,25 +422,27 @@ VALUES
   (4, 'cron', 'cron {{SELECT IF("{{r}}" = "0", "(new)", "(Id: {{r}})") }}', 'Cron', '');
 # FormElements: CopyForm
-INSERT INTO FormElement (formId, name, label, mode, modeSql, type, encode, checkType, ord, parameter, size, note)
+INSERT INTO FormElement (formId, name, label, mode, modeSql, type, encode, checkType, ord, parameter, size, note, dynamicUpdate)
-  (4, 'status', 'Enabled', 'show', '', 'checkbox', 'specialchar', 'alnumx', 10, '', '', ''),
-  (4, 'type', 'Type', 'show', '', 'radio', 'specialchar', 'alnumx', 20, 'buttonClass=btn-default', '', ''),
-  (4, 'nextRun', 'Next run', 'show', '', 'text', 'specialchar', 'alnumx', 30, '', '',
-   '<p>Cronjob will be started if specified timestamp is over. If timestamp=0: Job will never be started</p>\r\n<p>Every time the jobs runs, this timestamp will be increased automatically by&nbsp;''frequency`.</p>'),
-  (4, 'frequency', 'Frequency', 'show', '', 'text', 'specialchar', 'alnumx', 40, '', '',
-   '<p>Repeat AutoCron-job with the specified interval. If empty: no repeating.</p>\r\n<p>E.g.: "1 DAY", "15 MINUTE'', "6 MONTH" - used directly in SQL-Function "DATE_ADD(&lt;nextrun&gt;, INTERVAL &lt;frequency&gt;)"&nbsp;</p>'),
-  (4, 'comment', 'Comment', 'show', '', 'text', 'specialchar', 'allbut', 50, '', '',
-   '<p>Name/Description of cronjob</p>'),
-  (4, 'sql1', 'Mail', 'show', '', 'text', 'none', 'all', 60, '', '60,4',
-   'Query: &#123;&#123;!SELECT ... as sendMailTo...&#125;&#125;<br><b>sendMailTo / sendMailCc / sendMailBcc</b>: Separate multiple by comma.<br><b>sendMailFrom</b><br><b>sendMailSubject</b><br><b>sendMailReplyTo</b>: Optional<br><b>sendMailFlagAutoSubmit</b>: Optional. on|off. Default on - if "on", suppresses OoO answers from receivers.<br><b>sendMailGrId</b>: Optional<br><b>sendMailXId</b>: Optional'),
-  (4, 'content', 'Content', 'show', '', 'text', 'none', 'all', 70, '', '40,4',
-   '<p>Website: URL<br>Mail: Static Body or &#123;{SELECT ...&#125;}</p>'),
-  (4, 'lastRun', 'Last run', 'readonly', '', 'text', 'specialchar', 'alnumx', 80, '', '', ''),
-  (4, 'lastStatus', 'Laststatus', 'readonly', '', 'text', 'specialchar', 'alnumx', 90, '', '', ''),
-  (4, 'inProgress', 'Running', 'show', '', 'text', 'specialchar', 'alnumx', 100, '', '',
-   '<p>Starttime of running job. When job is finished, will be set back to 0. A new job will only be started, if this is 0.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>');
+  (4, 'status', 'Enabled', 'show', '', 'checkbox', 'specialchar', 'alnumx', 10, '', '', '', 'no'),
+  (4, 'type', 'Type', 'show', '', 'radio', 'specialchar', 'alnumx', 20, 'buttonClass=btn-default', '', '', 'yes'),
+  (4, 'nextRun', 'Next run', 'show', '', 'text', 'specialchar', 'alnumx', 30,
+   'extraButtonInfo = Cronjob will be started if specified timestamp is over. If timestamp=0: Job will never be started<br>Every time the jobs runs, this timestamp will be increased automatically by "frequency".',
+   '', '', 'no'),
+  (4, 'frequency', 'Frequency', 'show', '', 'text', 'specialchar', 'alnumx', 40,
+   'extraButtonInfo = Repeat AutoCron-job with the specified interval. If empty: no repeating.<br>E.g.: "1 DAY", "15 MINUTE'', "6 MONTH" - used directly in SQL-Function "DATE_ADD(&lt;nextrun&gt;, INTERVAL &lt;frequency&gt;)"',
+   '', '', 'no'),
+  (4, 'comment', 'Comment', 'show', '', 'text', 'specialchar', 'allbut', 50, '', '', '', 'no'),
+  (4, 'sql1', 'Mail', 'show', '{{SELECT IF("{{type:FR:alnumx}}"="mail","show","hidden") }}', 'text', 'none', 'all', 60,
+   'extraButtonInfo = Query: &#123;&#123;!SELECT ... as sendMailTo...&#125;&#125;<br><b>sendMailTo / sendMailCc / sendMailBcc</b>: Separate multiple by comma.<br><b>sendMailFrom</b><br><b>sendMailSubject</b><br><b>sendMailReplyTo</b>: Optional<br><b>sendMailFlagAutoSubmit</b>: Optional. on|off. Default on - if "on", suppresses OoO answers from receivers.<br><b>sendMailGrId</b>: Optional<br><b>sendMailXId</b>: Optional',
+   '60,4', '', 'yes'),
+  (4, 'content', '{{SELECT IF("{{type:FR:alnumx}}"="mail","Mail body","URL") }}', 'show', '', 'text', 'none', 'all', 70,
+   'extraButtonInfo = Website: URL<br>Mail: Static Body or &#123;{SELECT ...&#125;}', '40,4', '', 'yes'),
+  (4, 'lastRun', 'Last run', 'readonly', '', 'text', 'specialchar', 'alnumx', 80, '', '', '', 'no'),
+  (4, 'lastStatus', 'Laststatus', 'readonly', '', 'text', 'specialchar', 'alnumx', 90, '', '', '', 'no'),
+  (4, 'inProgress', 'Running', 'show', '', 'text', 'specialchar', 'alnumx', 100,
+   'extraButtonInfo = Starttime of running job. When job is finished, will be set back to 0. A new job will only be started, if this is 0.',
+   '', '', 'no');
   `id`           INT(11)      NOT NULL  AUTO_INCREMENT,