diff --git a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
index 499bb678136a89c42fd73e77e806e1fcc1c8b149..cfef9fbf82d6052d610bec8893dd5e1623aff73d 100644
--- a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
+++ b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Preparation for Ubuntu 14.04::
 	sudo php5enmod mysqlnd
 	sudo service apache2 restart
-Preparation steps for Ubuntu 16.04::
+Preparation for Ubuntu 16.04::
 	sudo apt install php7.0-intl
 	sudo apt install pdftk libxrender1 file        # for file upload, PDF and 'HTML to PDF' (wkhtmltopdf)
@@ -1340,7 +1340,7 @@ Form
   during the installation of new QFQ versions.
 * Every form consist of a) a *Form* record and b) multiple *FormElement* records.
 * A form is assigned to a  *table*. Such a table is called the *primary table* for this form.
-* There are three types of forms which can roughly categorized into:
+* Forms can roughly categorized into:
   * *Simple* form: the form acts on one record, stored in one table.
@@ -1355,6 +1355,8 @@ Form
     * The *FormElements* are defined as a regular *simple* / or *advanced* form, plus a SQL Query, which selects and
       iterates over all records. Those records will be loaded at the same time.
+  * *Delete* form: any form can be used as a form to `delete-record`_.
 * Form mode: The parameter 'r' (given via URL or via SIP) decide if the form is in mode:
   * `New`:
@@ -1491,7 +1493,7 @@ showButton
 Display or hide the button `new`, `delete`, `close`, `save`.
 * *new*: Creates a new record. If the form needs any special parameter via SIP or Client (=browser), hide this 'new' button - the necessary parameter are not provided.
-* *delete*: This either deletes the current record only, or (if defined via action *FormElement* 'before Delete' ) any specified subrecords.
+* *delete*: This either deletes the current record only, or (if defined via action *FormElement* 'beforeDelete' ) any specified subrecords.
 * *close*: Close the current form. If there are changes, a popup opens and ask to save / close / cancel. The last page from the history will be shown.
 * *save*: Save the form.
@@ -3021,6 +3023,37 @@ form with the following parameter
    * sql1: `{{!SELECT i.id AS id, {{basketId:P}} AS basketId FROM Item AS i WHERE i.basketId={{id:P}} }}`
    * Parameter: `recordDestinationTable=Item`
+.. _delete-record:
+Delete Record
+Deleting record(s) via QFQ might be solved by either:
+* using the `delete` button on a form on the top right corner.
+* by letting `report`_ creating a special link (see below). The link contains the record id and:
+  * a form name, or
+  * a table name.
+Deleting a record just by specifying a table name, will only delete the defined record (no slave records).
+* By using a delete button via `report` or in a `subrecord` row, a ajax request is send.
+* By using a delete button on the top right corner of the form, the form will be closed after deleting the record.
+Example for report::
+   SELECT p.name, CONCAT('form=person&r=', p.id) AS _Paged FROM Person AS p
+   SELECT p.name, CONCAT('table=Person&r=', p.id) AS _Paged FROM Person AS p
+To automatically delete slave records, use a form and create `beforeDelete` FormElement(s) on the form:
+  * class: action
+  * type: beforeDelete
+  * parameter: sqlAfter={{DELETE FROM <slaveTable> WHERE <slaveTable>.<masteId>={{id:R}} }}
+You might also check the form 'form' how the slave records 'FormElement' will be deleted.
 Best practice
diff --git a/extension/qfq/sql/formEditor.sql b/extension/qfq/sql/formEditor.sql
index 701de67ad3f50d4cb9a9e05e6296c6b98b77abd6..4ad5af5685b6ca5153bec9bc117e1d4e29f4648b 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/sql/formEditor.sql
+++ b/extension/qfq/sql/formEditor.sql
@@ -157,6 +157,8 @@ VALUES
 INSERT INTO FormElement (formId, name, label, mode, type, checkType, class, ord, size, maxLength, note, clientJs, value,
                          sql1, parameter, feIdContainer, subrecordOption, modeSql, placeholder, encode, dynamicUpdate)
+  (1, 'Delete FE', '', 'show', 'beforeDelete', 'all', 'action', 100, 0, 0, '', '', '', '',
+   'sqlAfter={{DELETE FROM FormElement WHERE formId={{id:R}} }}', 0, '', '', '', 'none', 'no'),
   (1, 'name', 'Name', 'required', 'text', 'alnumx', 'native', 120, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 'autofocus', 1, '', '', '',
    'specialchar', 'no'),
   (1, 'title', 'Title', 'show', 'text', 'all', 'native', 130, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', '', 1, '', '', '', 'none', 'no'),