diff --git a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
index 9278e399c91298692744931cfecf04cc0cb94239..170694f352201ef18a9bbaa5539f08f20cac430c 100644
--- a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
+++ b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
@@ -1441,11 +1441,17 @@ Store: *RECORD* - R
 * *Report*: See `access-column-values`_
 * If r=0, all values are empty.
- +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Name                   | Explanation                                                                                                                                      |
- +========================+==================================================================================================================================================+
- | <column name>          | Name of a column of the primary table (as defined in the current form). To get, exactly and only, the specified form *FormElement*: *{{pId:R}}*  |
- +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ +------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Name                   | Type     | Explanation                                                                                                  |
+ +========================+==========+==============================================================================================================+
+ | <column name>          | Form     | Name of a column of the primary table (as defined in the current form). Example: *{{pId:R}}*                 |
+ +------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | <column name>          | Report   | Name of a column of a previous fired SQL query. Example: *{{pId:R}}*                                         |
+ +------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | &<column name>         | Report   | Name of a column of a previous fired SQL query, typically used by columns with a `special-column-names`_.    |
+ |                        | (final)  | Final value. Example: '{{link:R}}' returns 'p:home&form=Person|s|b:success|t:Edit'.                          |
+ |                        |          | Whereas '{{&link:R}}' returns '<span class="btn btn-success"><a href="?home&s=badcaffee1234">Edit</a></span> |
+ +------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
@@ -3375,7 +3381,8 @@ and will be processed after saving the primary record and before any action Form
 * *FormElement.value*: By default, the full path of any already uploaded file is shown. To show something different, e.g.
   only the filename, define: ::
-	 {{SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX( '{{pathFileName:R}}', '/', -1)  }}
+	 a) {{filenameBase:V}}
+	 b) {{SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX( '{{pathFileName:R}}', '/', -1)  }}
 See also `downloadButton`_ to offer a download of an uploaded file.
@@ -4891,7 +4898,7 @@ Example::
     20.sql = SELECT 'a warm welcome'
                'some additional', 'columns'
-               FROM anotherable
+               FROM another_table
                WHERE id>100
     20.head = <h3>
@@ -5025,6 +5032,16 @@ Columns of the upper / outer level result can be accessed via variables in two w
 The STORE_RECORD will always be merged with previous content. The Level Keys are unique.
+Multiple columns, with the same column name, can't be accessed individually. Only the last column is available.
+Retrieving the *final* value of `special-column-names`_ is possible via '{{&<column>:R}}. Example: ::
+  10.sql = SELECT 'p:home&form=Person|s|b:success|t:Edit' AS _link
+  10.20.sql = SELECT '{{link:R}}', '{{&link:R}}'
+The first column of row `10.20` returns 'p:home&form=Person|s|b:success|t:Edit',the second column returns
+'<span class="btn btn-success"><a href="?home&s=badcaffee1234">Edit</a></span>'.
 Example STORE_RECORD: ::
   10.sql= SELECT p.id AS _pId, p.name FROM Person AS p
diff --git a/extension/qfq/qfq/Constants.php b/extension/qfq/qfq/Constants.php
index ac63ba817f85d44716869e25f12da137c787f0b3..7e7fc23e5b384cdca588b016ae7039e7d8094c4b 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/qfq/Constants.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/qfq/Constants.php
@@ -1330,6 +1330,8 @@ const RENDER_MODE_5 = '5';
 const RENDER_MODE_6 = '6';
 const RENDER_MODE_7 = '7';
 const WKHTML_OPTION_VIEWPORT = '--viewport-size';
 const WKHTML_OPTION_VIEWPORT_VALUE = '1280x1024';
diff --git a/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Report.php b/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Report.php
index bbe04d01005f35f4ad67a217abc269ea43c6eb32..5aa4aee698185cfc353bbce2bf87889e5ab30ce4 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Report.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Report.php
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ class Report {
             $keyAssoc = OnString::stripFirstCharIf(TOKEN_COLUMN_CTRL, $keys[$ii]);
             if ($keyAssoc != '') {
                 $assoc[$keyAssoc] = $row[$ii];
+                $assoc[REPORT_TOKEN_FINAL_VALUE . $keyAssoc] = $renderedColumn;