diff --git a/sql/formEditor.sql b/sql/formEditor.sql
index 0cd01ae11425ffa9eb5dfd91a30582f1196916d1..66e1c8b6bc58d7580cde24c331c3e46c5c304b75 100644
--- a/sql/formEditor.sql
+++ b/sql/formEditor.sql
@@ -83,14 +83,15 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `FormElement` (
   `note`          TEXT                                                     NOT NULL,
   `tooltip`       VARCHAR(255)                                             NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
   `placeholder`   VARCHAR(255)                                             NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
-  `clientJs`      TEXT,
   `value`         TEXT                                                     NOT NULL,
   `sql1`          TEXT                                                     NOT NULL,
   `sql2`          TEXT                                                     NOT NULL,
   `parameter`     TEXT                                                     NOT NULL,
+  `clientJs` TEXT,
   `feGroup`       VARCHAR(255)                                             NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+  `debug`    ENUM('yes', 'no') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no',
   `deleted`       ENUM('yes', 'no')                                        NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no',
   `modified`      TIMESTAMP                                                NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
   `created`       DATETIME                                                 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ DELIMITER ;
-# FormEditor
+# FormEditor: Form
 INSERT INTO Form (name, title, noteInternal, tableName, permitNew, permitEdit, render, multiSql, parameter) VALUES
   ('form', 'Form Editor: {{SELECT id, " / ", title FROM Form WHERE id = {{recordId:SZ}}}}', 'Please secure the form',
    'Form', 'always', 'always', 'bootstrap', '', 'maxVisiblePill=3');
@@ -155,7 +156,58 @@ VALUES
   (1, 'modified', 'Modified', 'readonly', 'input', 410, 40, 20, '', '', '', '', '', '', 3),
   (1, 'created', 'Created', 'readonly', 'input', 420, 40, 20, '', '', '', '', '', '', 3),
-  (1, '', 'FormElements', 'show', 'subrecord', 500, 0, 0, '', '', '', '{{!SELECT * FROM FormElement WHERE formId=1}}',
-   '',
-   'form=formelement\ndetail=id:gr_id,#12:x_id', 4);
+  (1, '', 'FormElements', 'show', 'subrecord', 500, 0, 0, '', '', '',
+   '{{!SELECT * FROM FormElement WHERE formId={{id:R0}}}}',
+   '', 'form=formElement\npage=form.php', 4);
+# FormEditor: FormElement
+INSERT INTO Form (name, title, noteInternal, tableName, permitNew, permitEdit, render, multiSql, parameter) VALUES
+  ('formElement', 'Form Element Editor : {{SELECT id, " / ", title FROM Form WHERE id = {{recordId:SZ}}}}',
+   'Please secure the form',
+   'FormElement', 'always', 'always', 'bootstrap', '', 'maxVisiblePill=3');
+# FormEditor: FormElements
+INSERT INTO FormElement (id, formId, name, label, mode, type, ord, size, maxLength, note, clientJs, value, sql1, sql2, parameter, feIdContainer, debug)
+  (100, 2, 'basic', 'Basic', 'show', 'pill', 10, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 'no'),
+  (101, 2, 'check_order', 'Check & Order', 'show', 'pill', 20, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 'no'),
+  (102, 2, 'layout', 'Layout', 'show', 'pill', 20, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 'no'),
+  (103, 2, 'value', 'Value', 'show', 'pill', 20, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 'no'),
+  (104, 2, 'info', 'Info', 'show', 'pill', 20, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 'no'),
+  (110, 2, 'id', 'id', 'readonly', 'input', 100, 10, 11, '', '', '', '', '', '', 100, 'no'),
+  (111, 2, 'formId', 'formId', 'readonly', 'input', 120, 40, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 100, 'no'),
+  (112, 2, 'feIdContainer', 'Container', 'show', 'select', 150, 0, 0, '', '', '',
+   '{{!SELECT fe.id, CONCAT(fe.class, " / ", fe.label) FROM FormElement As fe WHERE fe.formId={{id}} AND fe.class="container" ORDER BY fe.ord }}',
+   '', '', 100, 'no'),
+  (113, 2, 'enabled', 'Enabled', 'show', 'checkbox', 120, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', 100, 'no'),
+  (114, 2, 'name', 'Name', 'show', 'input', 120, 40, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 100, 'no'),
+  (115, 2, 'label', 'Label', 'show', 'input', 130, 40, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 100, 'no'),
+  (116, 2, 'mode', 'Mode', 'show', 'select', 120, 0, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 100, 'no'),
+  (117, 2, 'class', 'Class', 'show', 'select', 120, 0, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 100, 'no'),
+  (118, 2, 'type', 'Type', 'show', 'select', 120, 0, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 100, 'no'),
+  (119, 2, 'checkType', 'Check Type', 'show', 'select', 120, 0, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 101, 'no'),
+  (120, 2, 'checkPattern', 'Check Pattern', 'show', 'input', 130, 40, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 101, 'no'),
+  (121, 2, 'onChange', 'JS onChange', 'show', 'input', 130, 40, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 101, 'no'),
+  (122, 2, 'ord', 'Order', 'show', 'input', 130, 40, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 101, 'no'),
+  (123, 2, 'tabindex', 'tabindex', 'show', 'input', 130, 40, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 101, 'no'),
+  (124, 2, 'size', 'Size', 'show', 'input', 130, 40, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 102, 'no'),
+  (125, 2, 'maxlenght', 'Maxlength', 'show', 'input', 130, 40, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 102, 'no'),
+  (126, 2, 'note', 'note', 'show', 'input', 130, 40, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 102, 'no'),
+  (127, 2, 'tooltip', 'Tooltip', 'show', 'input', 130, 40, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 102, 'no'),
+  (128, 2, 'placeholder', 'Placeholder', 'show', 'input', 130, 40, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 102, 'no'),
+  (129, 2, 'value', 'value', 'show', 'input', 130, 40, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 102, 'no'),
+  (130, 2, 'sql1', 'sql1', 'show', 'input', 130, '40,4', 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 103, 'no'),
+  (131, 2, 'parameter', 'Parameter', 'show', 'input', 130, '40,4', 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 103, 'no'),
+  (132, 2, 'clientJs', 'ClientJS', 'show', 'input', 130, 40, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 103, 'no'),
+  (133, 2, 'feGroup', 'feGroup', 'show', 'input', 130, 40, 255, '', '', '', '', '', '', 104, 'no'),
+  (134, 2, 'debug', 'Debug', 'show', 'checkbox', 130, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', 104, 'no'),
+  (135, 2, 'deleted', 'Deleted', 'show', 'checkbox', 400, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', 104, 'no'),
+  (136, 2, 'modified', 'Modified', 'readonly', 'input', 410, 40, 20, '', '', '', '', '', '', 104, 'no'),
+  (137, 2, 'created', 'Created', 'readonly', 'input', 420, 40, 20, '', '', '', '', '', '', 104, 'no');