diff --git a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
index a2b1239915266b8b8203118a4c85d62b552aebd6..626c30226e8ed51f6e3ae61d784fba7ec16ff4e2 100644
--- a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
+++ b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
@@ -723,9 +723,10 @@ QFQ Keywords (Bodytext)
  | <level>.altsql    | If <level>.sql is empty, these query will be fired. No sub queries.             |
  |                   | Shown after `althead`                                                           |
- | <level>.content   | | show (default): content of current and sub level are directly shown.          |
- |                   | | hide: content of current and sub levels are stored and not shown.             |
- |                   | | store: content of current and sub levels are stored and shown.                |
+ | <level>.content   | | *show* (default): content of current and sub level are directly shown.        |
+ |                   | | *hide*: content of current and sub levels are stored and not shown.           |
+ |                   | | *store*: content of current and sub levels are stored and shown.              |
+ |                   | | To retrieve the content: `{{<level>.line.content}}`. See `syntax-of-report`_  |
  | debugShowBodyText | If='1' and configuration_:*showDebugInfo: yes*, shows a tooltip with bodytext   |
@@ -4863,6 +4864,9 @@ There is a set of **variables** that will get replaced before the SQL-Query gets
   Last insert id for *INSERT*.
+  If the content of `<level>` have been stored, e.g. `<level>.content=hide`.
 See :ref:`variables` for a full list of all available variables.