diff --git a/extension/Classes/Core/Database/DatabaseUpdate.php b/extension/Classes/Core/Database/DatabaseUpdate.php
index a6dcee7e4742e8f12783c53ced5ff560edc8c792..105ba222119c278056aa7d4b50a91cbee13543ab 100644
--- a/extension/Classes/Core/Database/DatabaseUpdate.php
+++ b/extension/Classes/Core/Database/DatabaseUpdate.php
@@ -498,11 +498,15 @@ class DatabaseUpdate {
         $KEY_SQL_UPDATE = 'sql_update'; // sql update statement for that blob
         // get reports from tt_content.bodytext
-        $reports = $this->db->sql("SELECT tt.`uid`, tt.`header`, tt.`bodytext`, tt.`hidden`, p.`hidden` AS pageHidden FROM `" . $dbT3 . "`.`tt_content` AS tt, `" . $dbT3 . "`.`pages` AS p WHERE tt.`CType`='qfq_qfq' AND tt.`deleted`=0 AND p.`deleted`=0 AND p.uid=tt.pid");
+        $reports = $this->db->sql("SELECT tt.`uid`, tt.`header`, tt.`bodytext`, tt.`hidden`, p.`hidden` AS pageHidden,"
+            . " p.`title` AS pageTitle, p.`uid` AS pageId FROM `"
+            . $dbT3 . "`.`tt_content` AS tt, `" . $dbT3
+            . "`.`pages` AS p WHERE tt.`CType`='qfq_qfq' AND tt.`deleted`=0 AND p.`deleted`=0 AND p.uid=tt.pid");
         $qfqCodeBlobs = array_map(function ($r) use ($dbT3, $KEY_SQL_UPDATE, $KEY_CONTENT, $KEY_TITLE) {
             $maybeHidden = (intval($r['hidden']) !== 0) || (intval($r['pageHidden']) !== 0);
             return [
-                $KEY_TITLE => 'QFQ Report with uid=' . $r['uid'] . ' and header: ' . $r['header']
+                $KEY_TITLE => 'QFQ Report with uid <u>' . $r['uid'] . '</u> and header <u>' . $r['header']
+                    . '</u> on page <u>' . $r['pageId'] . '/' . $r['pageTitle'] . '</u>'
                     . ($maybeHidden ? '<br><small>Note: Content element is probably hidden / not in use.</small>' : ''),
                 $KEY_CONTENT => $r['bodytext'],
                 $KEY_SQL_UPDATE => "UPDATE `$dbT3`.`tt_content` SET `bodytext` = ? WHERE uid=" . $r['uid'] . ";"
@@ -698,7 +702,7 @@ class DatabaseUpdate {
                 . '<li>Use {{pageSlug:T}} instead of {{pageAlias:T}} or {{pageId:T}} in the _link columns.  E.g. "p:{{pageSlug}}?foo=bar" AS link .</li>'
                 . '<li>Use {{baseUrlLang:Y}}/{{pageSlug:T}} instead of {{pageAlias:T}} or {{pageId:T}} in hardcoded ' . htmlentities("<a>") . ' tags. E.g. href="{{baseUrlLang:Y}}/{{pageSlug:T}}?foo=bar".</li>'
                 . '<li>Replace hardcoded aliases in QFQ code with the slugs of the pages. E.g. "p:/some/page?foo=bar" AS _link.</li>'
-                . '<li>Replace "U: ... &id=[alias]& ... " with "p:[slug]? ... " for all sepecial columns except _paged. I.e. "U: ... &id=[alias]& ... " becomes "p:[slug]? ... ". </li>'
+                . '<li>Replace "U: ... &id=[alias]& ... " with "p:[slug]? ... " for all special columns except _paged. I.e. "U: ... &id=[alias]& ... " becomes "p:[slug]? ... ". </li>'
                 . '<li>Hint: Typo3 replaces "_" with "-" when converting an alias to a slug during the Typo3 version 9 upgrade.</li>'
                 . '<li>Hint: A page slug always starts with a slash "/" and QFQ expects the slash to be there.</li>'
                 . '<li>Note: After the page slug comes a "?" not a "&". E.g. "p:/some/page?foo=bar" AS _link. </li>'
@@ -706,7 +710,7 @@ class DatabaseUpdate {
                 . '<h2>AUTO SUGGESTIONS</h2>'
-                . 'In the report below the suggested changes are prominently marked with colour.'
+                . 'In the report below the suggested changes are prominently marked with color.'
                 . "<br> If there is a $noSuggestionSymbol then there is no suggestion and you will have to fix it manually."
                 . "<br> Tip: use ctrl+f and copy $noSuggestionSymbol into the search bar to quickly jump between matches."
diff --git a/extension/Classes/Core/QuickFormQuery.php b/extension/Classes/Core/QuickFormQuery.php
index 05eeb74e16153b41b4a12b4456bb11346dc6d210..a1c4d3b897717db00df6e9ae3b4dd0f87cd84da1 100644
--- a/extension/Classes/Core/QuickFormQuery.php
+++ b/extension/Classes/Core/QuickFormQuery.php
@@ -1802,7 +1802,11 @@ class QuickFormQuery {
             if ($this->t3data[T3DATA_REPORT_PATH_FILENAME] !== '') {
                 $bodytext = $this->t3data[T3DATA_BODYTEXT_RAW];
-            $html .= $this->buildInlineReport($this->t3data[T3DATA_UID] ?? null, $this->t3data[T3DATA_REPORT_PATH_FILENAME] ?? null, $this->dbArray[$this->dbIndexData], $bodytext ?? null);
+            $tooltip = 'tt-content: uid=' . $this->t3data['uid'] . ', header=' . $this->t3data['header'];
+            $html .= $this->buildInlineReport($this->t3data[T3DATA_UID] ?? null,
+                $this->t3data[T3DATA_REPORT_PATH_FILENAME] ?? null, $this->dbArray[$this->dbIndexData],
+                $bodytext ?? null, null, null, $tooltip);
         $html .= $report->process($this->t3data[T3DATA_BODYTEXT]);
@@ -1827,7 +1831,8 @@ class QuickFormQuery {
         $t3vars = T3Info::getVars();
         $icon = Support::renderGlyphIcon('glyphicon-edit');
         $showFormJs = '$("#tt-content-edit-' . $uid . '").toggleClass("hidden")';
-        $toggleBtn = Support::wrapTag("<a class='targetEditReport $btnClass' onclick='$showFormJs' style='float:right;' title='$btnTooltip'>", $icon . ' ' . $buttonText);
+        $toggleBtn = Support::wrapTag("<a class='targetEditReport $btnClass' onclick='$showFormJs' style='float:right;' title='"
+            . htmlentities($btnTooltip, ENT_QUOTES) . "'>", $icon . ' ' . $buttonText);
         $ttContentParam = $db->getBodyText($uid, false);
         $pageParam = $db->getPageParam($ttContentParam[COLUMN_PID], false);