diff --git a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
index 6d897625a84d3ebf216fc7ae0ed90f19c5b29060..31ac84e52a98ae08458e5ca2b54a5246a50cbd03 100644
--- a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
+++ b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
@@ -342,188 +342,188 @@ Example: *typo3conf/config.qfq.php*: ::
 Extension Manager: QFQ Configuration
-| Keyword                       | Default / Example                                     | Description                                                                |
-| Config                                                                                                                                                             |
-| documentation                 | http://docs.typo3.org...                              | Link to the online documentation of QFQ. Every QFQ installation also       |
-|                               |                                                       | contains a local copy: typo3conf/ext/qfq/Documentation/html/Manual.html    |
-| flagProduction                | yes                                                   | yes|no: used to differentiate production and development site.             |
-| thumbnailDirSecure            | fileadmin/protected/qfqThumbnail                      | Important: secure directory 'protected' (recursive) against direct access. |
-| thumbnailDirPublic            | typo3temp/qfqThumbnail                                | Both thumbnail directories will be created if not existing.                |
-| cmdInkscape                   | inkscape                                              | If inkscape is not available, specify an empty string.                     |
-| cmdConvert                    | convert                                               | GraphicsMagics 'convert' is recommended.                                   |
-| cmdWkhtmltopdf                | /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf                                  | PathFilename of wkhtmltopdf. Optional variables like LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...   |
-| baseUrl                       | http://example.com                                    | URL where wkhtmltopdf will fetch the HTML (no parameter, those comes later)|
-| sendEMailOptions              | -o tls=yes                                            | General options. Check: http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail |
-| dateFormat                    | yyyy-mm-dd                                            | Possible options: yyyy-mm-dd, dd.mm.yyyy.                                  |
-| Dynamic                                                                                                                                                            |
-| fillStoreSystemBySql1|2|3     | SELECT s.id AS ...                                    | Specific values read from the database to fill the system store during QFQ |
-|                               |                                                       | load. See `fillStoreSystemBySql`_ for a usecase.                           |
-| fillStoreSystemBySqlErrorMsg2 | No current period found                               | Only define an error message, if QFQ should stop running                   |
-|                               |                                                       | in case of an SQL error or not exact one record.                           |
-| Debug                                                                                                                                                              |
-| throwExceptionGeneralError    | auto                                                  | | *yes*: 'general errors' in QFQ (PHP) will throw an exception.            |
-|                               |                                                       | | *auto*: becomes 'yes', if 'flagProduction'!='yes', else 'no'.            |
-|                               |                                                       | | *no*: 'general errors' in QFQ (PHP) will be silently ignored.            |
-| formSubmitLogMode             | all                                                   | | *all*: every form submission will be logged.                             |
-|                               |                                                       | | *none*: no logging.                                                      |
-|                               |                                                       | | See `Form Submit Log page`_ for example QFQ code to display the log.     |
-| redirectAllMailTo             | john@doe.com                                          | If set, redirect all QFQ generated mails (Form, Report) to the specified.  |
-| sqlLogMode                    | modify                                                | | *all*: every statement will be logged - this might a lot.                |
-|                               |                                                       | | *modify*: log only statements who change data. *error*: log only         |
-|                               |                                                       |   DB errors.                                                               |
-|                               |                                                       | | *none*: no SQL log at all.                                               |
-| sqlLog                        | fileadmin/protected/log/sql.log                       | Filename to log SQL commands: relative to <site path> or absolute. If the  |
-|                               |                                                       | directory does not exist, create it.                                       |
-| qfqLog                        | fileadmin/protected/log/qfq.log                       | Filename to log general QFQ events:relative to <site path> or absolute.    |
-|                               |                                                       | If the directory does not exist, create it.                                |
-| mailLog                       | fileadmin/protected/log/mail.log                      | Filename to log `sendEmail` commands: relative to <site path> or absolute. |
-|                               |                                                       | If the directory does not exist, create it.                                |
-| showDebugInfo                 | auto                                                  | FE - Possible values: yes|no|auto|download. For 'auto': If a BE User is    |
-|                               |                                                       | logged in, a debug information will be shown on the FE.                    |
-| Database                                                                                                                                                           |
-| init                          | init=SET names utf8; SET sql_mode =                   | Global init for using the database. For 'sql_mode="NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"'|
-|                               | "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"                              | see #7407.                                                                 |
-| update                        | auto                                                  | | *auto*: apply DB Updates only if there is a newer version.               |
-|                               |                                                       | | *always*: apply DB Updates always, especially play formEditor.sql every  |
-|                               |                                                       |   time QFQ is called - *not* recommended!                                  |
-|                               |                                                       | | *never*: never apply DB Updates.                                         |
-| indexData                     | 1                                                     | Optional. Default: 1. Retrieve the current setting via {{dbNameData:Y}}.   |
-| indexQfq                      | 1                                                     | Optional. Default: 1. Retrieve the current setting via {{dbNameQfq:Y}}.    |
-| Security                                                                                                                                                           |
-| escapeTypeDefault             | m                                                     | All variables `{{...}}` get this escape class by default.                  |
-|                               |                                                       | See `variable-escape`_.                                                    |
-| securityVarsHoneypot          | email,username,password                               | If empty: no check. All named variables will rendered as INPUT elements.   |
-| securityAttackDelay           | 5                                                     | If an attack is detected, sleep 'x' seconds and exit PHP process.          |
-| securityShowMessage           | true                                                  | If an attack is detected, show a message.                                  |
-| securityGetMaxLength          | 50                                                    | GET vars longer than 'x' chars triggers an `attack-recognized`.            |
-|                               |                                                       | `ExceptionMaxLength`_.                                                     |
-| Form-Config                                                                                                                                                        |
-| recordLockTimeoutSeconds      | 900                                                   | Timeout for record locking. After this time, a record will be replaced.    |
-| sessionTimeoutSeconds         | 1800                                                  | Timeout for FE User session. See sessionTimeoutSeconds_                    |
-| enterAsSubmit                 | enterAsSubmit = 1                                     | 0: off, 1: Pressing *enter* in a form means *save* and *close*.            |
-| editFormPage                  | form                                                  | T3 Pagealias to edit a form.                                               |
-| formDataPatternError          | please check pattern error                            | Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'pattern' violation.      |
-| formDataRequiredError         | missing value                                         | Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'required' fields.        |
-| formDataMatchError            | type error                                            | Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'match' retype mismatch.  |
-| formDataError                 | generic error                                         | Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'no specific' given.      |
-| Form-Layout                                                                                                                                                        |
-| labelAlign                    | left                                                  | Label align (left/center/right)/ Default: left. Will be inherited to Form. |
-| cssClassQfqContainer          | container                                             | | QFQ with own Bootstrap: 'container'.                                     |
-|                               |                                                       | | QFQ already nested in Bootstrap of mainpage: <empty>.                    |
-| cssClassQfqForm               | qfq-color-base                                        | Wrap around QFQ 'Form'.                                                    |
-| cssClassQfqFormPill           | qfq-color-grey-1                                      | Wrap around title bar for pills: CSS Class, typically a background color.  |
-| cssClassQfqFormBody           | qfq-color-grey-2                                      | Wrap around FormElements: CSS Class, typically a background color.         |
-| formBsColumns                 | col-md-12 col-lg-10                                   | The whole form will be wrapped. See `bs-custom-field-width`_               |
-| formBsLabelColumns            | col-md-3 col-lg-3                                     | The column get the width. See `bs-custom-field-width`_                     |
-+-------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+                                                                            |
-| formBsInputColumns            | col-md-6 col-lg-6                                     |                                                                            |
-+-------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+                                                                            |
-| formBsNoteColumns             | col-md-3 col-lg-3                                     |                                                                            |
-| extraButtonInfoInline         | <img src="info.png">                                  | Image for `extraButtonInfo`_ (inline).                                     |
-| extraButtonInfoBelow          | <img src="info.png">                                  | Image for `extraButtonInfo`_ (below).                                      |
-| extraButtonInfoPosition       | below                                                 | 'auto' (default) or 'below'. See `extraButtonInfo`_.                       |
-| extraButtonInfoClass          | pull-right                                            | '' (default) or 'pull-right'. See `extraButtonInfo`_.                      |
-| Form-Language                                                                                                                                                      |
-| formLanguage[ABCD]Id          | -  E.g.: 1                                            | In Typo3 configured pageLanguage id. The number after the 'L' parameter.   |
-| formLanguage[ABCD]Label       | -  E.G.: english                                      | Label shown in *Form editor*, on the 'basic' tab.                          |
-| saveButtonText                | -                                                     | Text on the form save button. Typically none.                              |
-| saveButtonTooltip             | Save                                                  | Tooltip on the form save button.                                           |
-| saveButtonClass               | btn btn-default navbar-btn                            | Bootstrap CSS class for save button on top of the form.                    |
-| saveButtonClassOnChange       | alert-info btn-info                                   | Bootstrap CSS class for save button showing 'data changed'.                |
-| saveButtonGlyphIcon           | glyphicon-ok                                          | Icon for the form save button.                                             |
-| closeButtonText               | -                                                     | Text on the form close button. Typically none.                             |
-| closeButtonTooltip            | close                                                 | Tooltip on the form close button.                                          |
-| closeButtonClass              | btn btn-default navbar-btn                            | Bootstrap CSS class for close button on top of the form.                   |
-| closeButtonGlyphIcon          | glyphicon-remove                                      | Icon for the form close button.                                            |
-| deleteButtonText              | -                                                     | Text on the form delete button. Typically none.                            |
-| deleteButtonTooltip           | delete                                                | Tooltip on the form delete button.                                         |
-| deleteButtonClass             | btn btn-default navbar-btn                            | Bootstrap CSS class for delete button on top of the form.                  |
-| deleteButtonGlyphIcon         | glyphicon-trash                                       | Icon for the form delete button.                                           |
-| newButtonText                 | -                                                     | Text on the form new button. Typically none.                               |
-| newButtonTooltip              | new                                                   | Tooltip on the form new button.                                            |
-| newButtonClass                | btn btn-default navbar-btn                            | Bootstrap CSS class for new button on top of the form.                     |
-| newButtonGlyphIcon            | glyphicon-plus                                        | Icon for the form new button.                                              |
-| showIdInFormTitle             | 0 (off), 1 (on)                                       | Append at the form title the current record id.                            |
-| cssClassColumnId              | text-muted                                            | A column in a subrecord with the name id|ID|Id gets this class.            |
+| Keyword                           | Default / Example                                     | Description                                                                |
+| Config                                                                                                                                                                 |
+| documentation                     | http://docs.typo3.org...                              | Link to the online documentation of QFQ. Every QFQ installation also       |
+|                                   |                                                       | contains a local copy: typo3conf/ext/qfq/Documentation/html/Manual.html    |
+| flagProduction                    | yes                                                   | yes|no: used to differentiate production and development site.             |
+| thumbnailDirSecure                | fileadmin/protected/qfqThumbnail                      | Important: secure directory 'protected' (recursive) against direct access. |
+| thumbnailDirPublic                | typo3temp/qfqThumbnail                                | Both thumbnail directories will be created if not existing.                |
+| cmdInkscape                       | inkscape                                              | If inkscape is not available, specify an empty string.                     |
+| cmdConvert                        | convert                                               | GraphicsMagics 'convert' is recommended.                                   |
+| cmdWkhtmltopdf                    | /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf                                  | PathFilename of wkhtmltopdf. Optional variables like LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...   |
+| baseUrl                           | http://example.com                                    | URL where wkhtmltopdf will fetch the HTML (no parameter, those comes later)|
+| sendEMailOptions                  | -o tls=yes                                            | General options. Check: http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail |
+| dateFormat                        | yyyy-mm-dd                                            | Possible options: yyyy-mm-dd, dd.mm.yyyy.                                  |
+| Dynamic                                                                                                                                                                |
+| fillStoreSystemBySql1/2/3         | SELECT s.id AS ...                                    | Specific values read from the database to fill the system store during QFQ |
+|                                   |                                                       | load. See `fillStoreSystemBySql`_ for a usecase.                           |
+| fillStoreSystemBySqlErrorMsg1/2/3 | No current period found                               | Only define an error message, if QFQ should stop running                   |
+|                                   |                                                       | in case of an SQL error or not exact one record.                           |
+| Debug                                                                                                                                                                  |
+| throwExceptionGeneralError        | auto                                                  | | *yes*: 'general errors' in QFQ (PHP) will throw an exception.            |
+|                                   |                                                       | | *auto*: becomes 'yes', if 'flagProduction'!='yes', else 'no'.            |
+|                                   |                                                       | | *no*: 'general errors' in QFQ (PHP) will be silently ignored.            |
+| formSubmitLogMode                 | all                                                   | | *all*: every form submission will be logged.                             |
+|                                   |                                                       | | *none*: no logging.                                                      |
+|                                   |                                                       | | See `Form Submit Log page`_ for example QFQ code to display the log.     |
+| redirectAllMailTo                 | john@doe.com                                          | If set, redirect all QFQ generated mails (Form, Report) to the specified.  |
+| sqlLogMode                        | modify                                                | | *all*: every statement will be logged - this might a lot.                |
+|                                   |                                                       | | *modify*: log only statements who change data. *error*: log only         |
+|                                   |                                                       |   DB errors.                                                               |
+|                                   |                                                       | | *none*: no SQL log at all.                                               |
+| sqlLog                            | fileadmin/protected/log/sql.log                       | Filename to log SQL commands: relative to <site path> or absolute. If the  |
+|                                   |                                                       | directory does not exist, create it.                                       |
+| qfqLog                            | fileadmin/protected/log/qfq.log                       | Filename to log general QFQ events:relative to <site path> or absolute.    |
+|                                   |                                                       | If the directory does not exist, create it.                                |
+| mailLog                           | fileadmin/protected/log/mail.log                      | Filename to log `sendEmail` commands: relative to <site path> or absolute. |
+|                                   |                                                       | If the directory does not exist, create it.                                |
+| showDebugInfo                     | auto                                                  | FE - Possible values: yes|no|auto|download. For 'auto': If a BE User is    |
+|                                   |                                                       | logged in, a debug information will be shown on the FE.                    |
+| Database                                                                                                                                                               |
+| init                              | init=SET names utf8; SET sql_mode =                   | Global init for using the database. For 'sql_mode="NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"'|
+|                                   | "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"                              | see #7407.                                                                 |
+| update                            | auto                                                  | | *auto*: apply DB Updates only if there is a newer version.               |
+|                                   |                                                       | | *always*: apply DB Updates always, especially play formEditor.sql every  |
+|                                   |                                                       |   time QFQ is called - *not* recommended!                                  |
+|                                   |                                                       | | *never*: never apply DB Updates.                                         |
+| indexData                         | 1                                                     | Optional. Default: 1. Retrieve the current setting via {{dbNameData:Y}}.   |
+| indexQfq                          | 1                                                     | Optional. Default: 1. Retrieve the current setting via {{dbNameQfq:Y}}.    |
+| Security                                                                                                                                                               |
+| escapeTypeDefault                 | m                                                     | All variables `{{...}}` get this escape class by default.                  |
+|                                   |                                                       | See `variable-escape`_.                                                    |
+| securityVarsHoneypot              | email,username,password                               | If empty: no check. All named variables will rendered as INPUT elements.   |
+| securityAttackDelay               | 5                                                     | If an attack is detected, sleep 'x' seconds and exit PHP process.          |
+| securityShowMessage               | true                                                  | If an attack is detected, show a message.                                  |
+| securityGetMaxLength              | 50                                                    | GET vars longer than 'x' chars triggers an `attack-recognized`.            |
+|                                   |                                                       | `ExceptionMaxLength`_.                                                     |
+| Form-Config                                                                                                                                                            |
+| recordLockTimeoutSeconds          | 900                                                   | Timeout for record locking. After this time, a record will be replaced.    |
+| sessionTimeoutSeconds             | 1800                                                  | Timeout for FE User session. See sessionTimeoutSeconds_                    |
+| enterAsSubmit                     | enterAsSubmit = 1                                     | 0: off, 1: Pressing *enter* in a form means *save* and *close*.            |
+| editFormPage                      | form                                                  | T3 Pagealias to edit a form.                                               |
+| formDataPatternError              | please check pattern error                            | Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'pattern' violation.      |
+| formDataRequiredError             | missing value                                         | Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'required' fields.        |
+| formDataMatchError                | type error                                            | Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'match' retype mismatch.  |
+| formDataError                     | generic error                                         | Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'no specific' given.      |
+| Form-Layout                                                                                                                                                            |
+| labelAlign                        | left                                                  | Label align (left/center/right)/ Default: left. Will be inherited to Form. |
+| cssClassQfqContainer              | container                                             | | QFQ with own Bootstrap: 'container'.                                     |
+|                                   |                                                       | | QFQ already nested in Bootstrap of mainpage: <empty>.                    |
+| cssClassQfqForm                   | qfq-color-base                                        | Wrap around QFQ 'Form'.                                                    |
+| cssClassQfqFormPill               | qfq-color-grey-1                                      | Wrap around title bar for pills: CSS Class, typically a background color.  |
+| cssClassQfqFormBody               | qfq-color-grey-2                                      | Wrap around FormElements: CSS Class, typically a background color.         |
+| formBsColumns                     | col-md-12 col-lg-10                                   | The whole form will be wrapped. See `bs-custom-field-width`_               |
+| formBsLabelColumns                | col-md-3 col-lg-3                                     | The column get the width. See `bs-custom-field-width`_                     |
++-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+                                                                            |
+| formBsInputColumns                | col-md-6 col-lg-6                                     |                                                                            |
++-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+                                                                            |
+| formBsNoteColumns                 | col-md-3 col-lg-3                                     |                                                                            |
+| extraButtonInfoInline             | <img src="info.png">                                  | Image for `extraButtonInfo`_ (inline).                                     |
+| extraButtonInfoBelow              | <img src="info.png">                                  | Image for `extraButtonInfo`_ (below).                                      |
+| extraButtonInfoPosition           | below                                                 | 'auto' (default) or 'below'. See `extraButtonInfo`_.                       |
+| extraButtonInfoClass              | pull-right                                            | '' (default) or 'pull-right'. See `extraButtonInfo`_.                      |
+| Form-Language                                                                                                                                                          |
+| formLanguage[ABCD]Id              | -  E.g.: 1                                            | In Typo3 configured pageLanguage id. The number after the 'L' parameter.   |
+| formLanguage[ABCD]Label           | -  E.G.: english                                      | Label shown in *Form editor*, on the 'basic' tab.                          |
+| saveButtonText                    | -                                                     | Text on the form save button. Typically none.                              |
+| saveButtonTooltip                 | Save                                                  | Tooltip on the form save button.                                           |
+| saveButtonClass                   | btn btn-default navbar-btn                            | Bootstrap CSS class for save button on top of the form.                    |
+| saveButtonClassOnChange           | alert-info btn-info                                   | Bootstrap CSS class for save button showing 'data changed'.                |
+| saveButtonGlyphIcon               | glyphicon-ok                                          | Icon for the form save button.                                             |
+| closeButtonText                   | -                                                     | Text on the form close button. Typically none.                             |
+| closeButtonTooltip                | close                                                 | Tooltip on the form close button.                                          |
+| closeButtonClass                  | btn btn-default navbar-btn                            | Bootstrap CSS class for close button on top of the form.                   |
+| closeButtonGlyphIcon              | glyphicon-remove                                      | Icon for the form close button.                                            |
+| deleteButtonText                  | -                                                     | Text on the form delete button. Typically none.                            |
+| deleteButtonTooltip               | delete                                                | Tooltip on the form delete button.                                         |
+| deleteButtonClass                 | btn btn-default navbar-btn                            | Bootstrap CSS class for delete button on top of the form.                  |
+| deleteButtonGlyphIcon             | glyphicon-trash                                       | Icon for the form delete button.                                           |
+| newButtonText                     | -                                                     | Text on the form new button. Typically none.                               |
+| newButtonTooltip                  | new                                                   | Tooltip on the form new button.                                            |
+| newButtonClass                    | btn btn-default navbar-btn                            | Bootstrap CSS class for new button on top of the form.                     |
+| newButtonGlyphIcon                | glyphicon-plus                                        | Icon for the form new button.                                              |
+| showIdInFormTitle                 | 0 (off), 1 (on)                                       | Append at the form title the current record id.                            |
+| cssClassColumnId                  | text-muted                                            | A column in a subrecord with the name id|ID|Id gets this class.            |
 After parsing the configuration, the following variables will be set automatically in STORE_SYSTEM:
diff --git a/extension/Source/core/database/DatabaseUpdate.php b/extension/Source/core/database/DatabaseUpdate.php
index a7aa970060c0f3e15a6a542466ce8b48436560c3..9a5e778051b09a58d99f0828bf3c3edcae418899 100644
--- a/extension/Source/core/database/DatabaseUpdate.php
+++ b/extension/Source/core/database/DatabaseUpdate.php
@@ -132,6 +132,11 @@ class DatabaseUpdate {
             // Finally write the latest version number.
+        if ($old === false) {
+            // A complete new installation get's some extra tables
+            $this->db->playSqlFile(__DIR__ . '/../../sql/customTable.sql');
+        }
diff --git a/extension/Source/sql/customTable.sql b/extension/Source/sql/customTable.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a78da41a704ce22342f0c83dc2bf1c813370c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extension/Source/sql/customTable.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  `id`       INT(11)      NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
+  `start`    DATETIME     NOT NULL,
+  `name`     VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+  `created`  DATETIME     NOT NULL,
+  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
+  KEY `start` (`start`)
+  ENGINE = InnoDB
+# Default record for table Period
+INSERT INTO Period (start, name, created)
+VALUES (NOW(), 'dummy', NOW());
diff --git a/extension/Source/sql/formEditor.sql b/extension/Source/sql/formEditor.sql
index 3b5680a9cc9ecff3431139eba0f0118cf3fc9e4d..0211cdbc63150325f2359bee52831550ae7fa1a0 100644
--- a/extension/Source/sql/formEditor.sql
+++ b/extension/Source/sql/formEditor.sql
@@ -149,22 +149,6 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Dirty`
-  `id`       INT(11)      NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
-  `start`    DATETIME     NOT NULL,
-  `name`     VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
-  `created`  DATETIME     NOT NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
-  KEY `start` (`start`)
-  ENGINE = InnoDB
 # Delete previous FormElements (if exist) of system forms
 DELETE FormElement
 FROM FormElement,
@@ -392,7 +376,8 @@ VALUES
 (2, 'tabindex', 'tabindex', 'show', 'text', 'all', 'native', 350, 0, 0,
  '<a href="{{documentation:Y}}#field-tabindex">Info</a>', '', '', '', '', 101, '', 'no', '', '', '', '', '',
-(2, 'adminNote', 'Internal Note', 'show', 'text', 'all', 'native', 360, '60,4', 0, '', '', '', '', '', 101, '', 'no', '', '',
+(2, 'adminNote', 'Internal Note', 'show', 'text', 'all', 'native', 360, '60,4', 0, '', '', '', '', '', 101, '', 'no',
+ '', '',
  '', '', '', 'specialchar'),
 (2, 'labelAlign', 'Label Align', 'show', 'radio', 'all', 'native', 400, 0, 0,
@@ -536,10 +521,6 @@ VALUES
  '{{!SELECT fe.id AS id, {{formId:P}} AS formId FROM FormElement AS fe WHERE fe.formId={{id:P}} ORDER BY fe.ord}}',
-# Default record for table Period
-INSERT INTO Period (start, name, created)
-VALUES (NOW(), 'dummy', NOW());
 # AutoCRON
@@ -625,3 +606,4 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Split`
   ENGINE = InnoDB