diff --git a/doc/REST.md b/doc/REST.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ffdbc195d4a07e3415a051723775301de8750c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/REST.md
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer
+* https://restfulapi.net
+* https://poe-php.de/tutorial/rest-einfuehrung-in-die-api-erstellung
+* https://blog.restcase.com/top-5-rest-api-security-guidelines/
+General Concept
+* There is one PHP file to handle all REST calls:
+    typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php
+* All further endpoints are appended after rest.php, seperated by '/'. Example:
+    http://localhost/qfq/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/restPerson/1/restAddress/123?myEmail=jonni@miller.com
+    The argument 'myEmail' is just to show how  GET variables will be submitted.
+* Each `level` is a QFQ form. In the above example: `restPerson` and `restAddress`     
+* A QFQ form will be enabled for REST calls via field 'Permit REST'. Possible options: get, insert (post), update (put), delete
+* An optional HTML header token based 'authorization' is supported.
+* At least one `level` (= form name) has to be given. 
+* Multiple `level/id` tuple are possible.
+* Only the last level will be used. The last `level` becomes automatically `form` in STORE_TYPO3.
+* The last `id` becomes automatically `r` in STORE_TYPO3.
+* Previous `level` and `id` are accessible via `{{_id1:C}}`, `{{_form1:C:alnumx}}`,`{{_id2:C}}`, `{{_form2:C:alnumx}}`, ...
+* Import/Export data has to be/is JSON encoded.
+* The following settings has no impact to QFQ forms called via REST: `form.Permit New`, `form.Permit Edit`  
+HTML Requests
+GET - export
+   curl -X GET "http://localhost/qfq/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/restPerson" 
+* no `id` or `id=0` (example: 1, 123): The result of `Form.parameter.restSqlList` will be generated.
+* `id>0` (example: 1, 123): the result of `Form.parameter.restSqlData` will be generated.
+* The whole resultset will be JSON encoded.
+* It's not possible to render subrecords. This has to be done via a sub level (next form). 
+* Future: If this is not sufficient, a possible solution might be a `report`-notation (special FormElement), which do 
+  not implode all output, but leave the rows/cells intact as an array - the json_encode will then to the rest. 
+POST - insert
+   curl -X POST "http://localhost/qfq/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/restPerson" -d '{"name":"Miller","firstname":"Jonni"}'
+* The data has to be JSON encoded transferred to the REST API. 
+* The JSON stream will be decoded to an array and copied to $_POST.
+* The further process is identically to a standard 'form submit'.
+* There should be no `id` given or `id=0`.
+PUT - update
+   curl -X PUT "http://localhost/qfq/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/restPerson/1" -d '{"name":"Miller","firstname":"Jonni"}'
+* The data has to be JSON encoded transferred to the REST API. 
+* The JSON stream will be decoded to an array and copied to $_POST.
+* The further process is identically to a standard 'form submit'.
+* There have to be an `id>0`.
+   curl -X DELETE "http://localhost/qfq/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/restPerson/1" 
+* The data has to be JSON encoded transferred to the REST API. 
+* The JSON stream will be decoded to an array and copied to $_POST.
+* The further process is identically to a standard 'form submit'.
+* There have to be an `id>0`.
+Header Token Authorization 
+    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token token="mySuperSecretToken"' "http://localhost/qfq/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/restPerson/"
+Static token
+Per form configure `form.parameter.restToken=mySuperSecretToken`.
+Dynamic token
+The client supplied authorization token is available via the client store: `{{Authorization:C:alnumx}}`.
+Take the Client token and check if it saved in a table with all user token:   
+    form.parameter.restToken={{SELECT a.token FROM Auth AS a WHERE a.token='{{Authorization:C:alnumx}}' }}
+Append the GET variable `?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=1`
+    curl -X POST "http://localhost/qfq/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/restPerson?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=1" -d '{"name":"Miller","firstname":"Jonni"}'
+PhpStorm with activated debugger will stop at any breakpoint and 'stepping' through the code is possible.
diff --git a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
index 74b388bdef5a8fe6ee034cfe4503f8f0c714d165..01aef4fb94efb95f64c5e5f13812bd845c71c6f4 100644
--- a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
+++ b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
@@ -7511,7 +7511,7 @@ list
     A list of records will be exported.  Defined via 'form.parameter.restSqlList'. This mode is selected if there is no
     id or id=0.
-.. note:
+.. note::
     There are  *no* native-FormElements necessary or loaded. Action FormElements will be processed.
@@ -7551,12 +7551,17 @@ Form.parameter:
 | restToken         | Optional. User defined string or dynamic token (see `restAuthorization`_).       |
-.. note:
+.. note::
     There are no `special-column-names`_ available in `restSqlData` or `restSqlList`. Also there are no
     SIPs possible, cause REST typically does not offer sessions/cookies (which are necessary for SIPs).
+.. important::
+    If there is an ``ìd`` given, a record in the named primary with the specified table has to exist.
+    If not, an error is thrown.
 POST - Insert
@@ -7649,7 +7654,7 @@ Form.parameter:
 | restToken         | Optional. User defined string or dynamic token (see `restAuthorization`_).       |
-.. note:
+.. note::
     There are  *no* native-FormElements necessary - but might exist for dependent records to delete. Action FormElements
     will be processed.