diff --git a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
index 47008a7bb8dce97eec5a2e0b007329bf8abd07bb..dc8141552da2b685442fcad7940fee92ba4e0aee 100644
--- a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
+++ b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
@@ -62,17 +62,17 @@ For the `download`_ function, the programs `pdftk` and `file` are necessary to c
 Preparation for Ubuntu 14.04::
-	sudo apt-get install php5-mysqlnd php5-intl
-	sudo apt-get install pdftk file                  # for file upload and PDF
-	sudo apt-get install inkscape imagemagick     # to render thumbnails
-	sudo php5enmod mysqlnd
-	sudo service apache2 restart
+  sudo apt-get install php5-mysqlnd php5-intl
+  sudo apt-get install pdftk file                  # for file upload and PDF
+  sudo apt-get install inkscape imagemagick     # to render thumbnails
+  sudo php5enmod mysqlnd
+  sudo service apache2 restart
 Preparation for Ubuntu 16.04::
-	sudo apt install php7.0-intl
-	sudo apt install pdftk libxrender1 file pdf2svg  # for file upload, PDF and 'HTML to PDF' (wkhtmltopdf), PDF split
-	sudo apt install inkscape imagemagick            # to render thumbnails
+  sudo apt install php7.0-intl
+  sudo apt install pdftk libxrender1 file pdf2svg  # for file upload, PDF and 'HTML to PDF' (wkhtmltopdf), PDF split
+  sudo apt install inkscape imagemagick            # to render thumbnails
 .. _wkhtml:
@@ -130,17 +130,17 @@ Different browser prints the same page in different variations. To prevent this,
 Provide a `print this page`-link (replace 'current pageId' )::
-	<a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/print.php?id={current pageId}">Print this page</a>
+  <a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/print.php?id={current pageId}">Print this page</a>
 Any parameter specified after `print.php` will be delivered to `wkhtmltopdf` as part of the URL.
 Typoscript code to implement a print link on every page::
-	10 = TEXT
-	10 {
-		wrap = <a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/print.php?id=|&type=99"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-print" aria-hidden="true"></span> Printview</a>
-		data = page:uid
-	}
+  10 = TEXT
+  10 {
+    wrap = <a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/print.php?id=|&type=99"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-print" aria-hidden="true"></span> Printview</a>
+    data = page:uid
+  }
 Send Email
@@ -433,6 +433,8 @@ Extension Manager: QFQ Configuration
 | securityGetMaxLength              | 50                                                    | GET vars longer than 'x' chars triggers an `attack-recognized`.            |
 |                                   |                                                       | `ExceptionMaxLength`_.                                                     |
+| securityFailedAuthDelay           | 3                                                     | If authorization fails, sleep 'x' seconds before answering the request.    |
 | Form-Config                                                                                                                                                            |
 | recordLockTimeoutSeconds          | 900                                                   | Timeout for record locking. After this time, a record will be replaced.    |
@@ -599,7 +601,7 @@ Websites, delivering semester data, school year schedules, or any other type or
 In configuration_: ::
-	fillStoreSystemBySql1: SELECT id AS periodId FROM Period WHERE start<=NOW() ORDER BY start DESC LIMIT 1
+  fillStoreSystemBySql1: SELECT id AS periodId FROM Period WHERE start<=NOW() ORDER BY start DESC LIMIT 1
 a variable 'periodId' will automatically computed and filled in STORE SYSTEM. Access it via `{{periodId:Y0}}`.
 To get the name and current period: ::
@@ -1221,11 +1223,11 @@ Rules for CheckType Auto (by priority):
 * TypeAheadSQL or TypeAheadLDAP defined: **alnumx**
 * Table definition
-	* integer type: **digit**
-	* floating point number: **numerical**
+  * integer type: **digit**
+  * floating point number: **numerical**
 * FE Type
-	* 'password', 'note': **all**
-	* 'editor', 'text' and encode = 'specialchar': **all**
+  * 'password', 'note': **all**
+  * 'editor', 'text' and encode = 'specialchar': **all**
 * None of the above: **alnumx**
@@ -1249,16 +1251,16 @@ manipulate FE user passwords via QFQ. See `setFeUserPassword`_
 The following `escape` and `hashing` types are available:
-	* 'm' - `real_escape_string() <http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.real-escape-string.php>`_ (m = mysql)
-	* 'l' - LDAP search filter values: `ldap-escape() <http://php.net/manual/en/function.ldap-escape.php>`_ (LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER).
-	* 'L' - LDAP DN values. `ldap-escape() <http://php.net/manual/en/function.ldap-escape.php>`_ (LDAP_ESCAPE_DN).
-	* 's' - Single ticks ' will be escaped against \\'.
-	* 'd' - double ticks " will be escaped against \\".
-	* 'C' - colon ':' will be escaped against \\:.
-	* 'c' - config - the escape type configured in `configuration`_.
-	* 'p' - password hashing: depends on the hashing type in the Typo3 installation, includes salting if configured.
-	* ''  - the escape type configured in `configuration`_.
-	* '-' - no escaping.
+  * 'm' - `real_escape_string() <http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.real-escape-string.php>`_ (m = mysql)
+  * 'l' - LDAP search filter values: `ldap-escape() <http://php.net/manual/en/function.ldap-escape.php>`_ (LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER).
+  * 'L' - LDAP DN values. `ldap-escape() <http://php.net/manual/en/function.ldap-escape.php>`_ (LDAP_ESCAPE_DN).
+  * 's' - Single ticks ' will be escaped against \\'.
+  * 'd' - double ticks " will be escaped against \\".
+  * 'C' - colon ':' will be escaped against \\:.
+  * 'c' - config - the escape type configured in `configuration`_.
+  * 'p' - password hashing: depends on the hashing type in the Typo3 installation, includes salting if configured.
+  * ''  - the escape type configured in `configuration`_.
+  * '-' - no escaping.
 * The `escape` type is defined by the fourth parameter of the variable. E.g.: `{{name:FE:alnumx:m}}` (m = mysql).
 * It's possible to combine different `escape` types, they will be processed in the order given. E.g. `{{name:FE:alnumx:Ls}}` (L, s).
@@ -1333,7 +1335,7 @@ Database index
 To access different databases in a `multi-database`_  setup, the database index can be specified after the opening curly
 braces. ::
-	{{[1]SELECT ... }}
+  {{[1]SELECT ... }}
 For using the indexData and indexQfq (configuration_), it's a good practice to specify the variable name
 instead of the numeric index. ::
@@ -1385,11 +1387,11 @@ Link column variables
 These variables return a link, completely rendered in HTML. The syntax and all features of `column-link`_ are available.
 The following code will render a 'new person' button::
-	{{p:form&form=Person|s|N|t:new person AS link}}
+  {{p:form&form=Person|s|N|t:new person AS link}}
 For better reading, the format string might be wrapped in single or double quotes (this is optional): ::
-	{{"p:form&form=Person|s|N|t:new person" AS link}}
+  {{"p:form&form=Person|s|N|t:new person" AS link}}
 These variables are especially helpful in:
@@ -1509,9 +1511,9 @@ To offer download of those files, use the reserved column name '_download' (see
 **Important**: To protect the installation against executing of uploaded malicious script code, disable PHP for the final
 upload directory. E.g. `fileadmin` (Apache): ::
-		<Directory "/var/www/html/fileadmin">
-			php_admin_flag engine Off
-		</Directory>
+    <Directory "/var/www/html/fileadmin">
+      php_admin_flag engine Off
+    </Directory>
 This is in general a good security improvement for directories with user supplied content.
@@ -1685,7 +1687,9 @@ Store: *CLIENT* - C
  | s                       | =SIP                                                                                                                                     |
- | r                       | record id. Typically stored in SIP, rarely specified on the URL                                                                          |
+ | r                       | record id. Only if specified as GET parameter - typically stored in SIP (=STORE_SIP)                                                     |
+ +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | form                    | Name of form to load. Only if specified as GET parameter - typically stored in SIP (=STORE_SIP)                                          |
  | HTTP_HOST               | current HTTP HOST                                                                                                                        |
@@ -1693,7 +1697,7 @@ Store: *CLIENT* - C
  | '$_SERVER[*]'           | All other variables accessible by *$_SERVER[]*. Only the often used have a pre-defined sanitize class.                                   |
- | form                    | Unique name of current form                                                                                                              |
+ | Authorization           | Value of the HTTP Header 'Authorization'. This is typically not set. Mostly used for authentication of REST requests                     |
@@ -2536,10 +2540,10 @@ Optional it might be defined via *Form.parameter* ::
 The following shows the same *Form* in the `regular`, `readonly` and `requiredOff` mode::
-	10.sql = SELECT CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&form=person&r=', p.id, '|Regular') as _pagee,
-	                CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&form=person&formModeGlobal=readonly&r=', p.id, '|Readonly') as _pagee,
-	                CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&form=person&formModeGlobal=requiredOff&r=', p.id, '|Required off') as _pagee
-	                FROM Person AS p
+  10.sql = SELECT CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&form=person&r=', p.id, '|Regular') as _pagee,
+                  CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&form=person&formModeGlobal=readonly&r=', p.id, '|Readonly') as _pagee,
+                  CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&form=person&formModeGlobal=requiredOff&r=', p.id, '|Required off') as _pagee
+                  FROM Person AS p
@@ -2687,11 +2691,11 @@ Add an *action* record, type='afterSave', and assign the record to the given *te
 In the parameter field define: ::
-		slaveId = {{SELECT id FROM Address WHERE personId={{id}} ORDER BY id LIMIT %D,1}}
-		sqlHonorFormElements = city%d, street%d
-		sqlUpdate = {{UPDATE Address SET city='{{city%d:FE:alnumx:s}}', street='{{street%d:FE:alnumx:s}}'  WHERE id={{slaveId}} LIMIT 1}}
-		sqlInsert = {{INSERT INTO Address (`personId`, `city`, `street`) VALUES ({{id}}, '{{city%d:FE:alnumx:s}}' , '{{street%d:FE:alnumx:s}}') }}
-		sqlDelete = {{DELETE FROM Address WHERE id={{slaveId}} LIMIT 1}}
+    slaveId = {{SELECT id FROM Address WHERE personId={{id}} ORDER BY id LIMIT %D,1}}
+    sqlHonorFormElements = city%d, street%d
+    sqlUpdate = {{UPDATE Address SET city='{{city%d:FE:alnumx:s}}', street='{{street%d:FE:alnumx:s}}'  WHERE id={{slaveId}} LIMIT 1}}
+    sqlInsert = {{INSERT INTO Address (`personId`, `city`, `street`) VALUES ({{id}}, '{{city%d:FE:alnumx:s}}' , '{{street%d:FE:alnumx:s}}') }}
+    sqlDelete = {{DELETE FROM Address WHERE id={{slaveId}} LIMIT 1}}
 The `slaveId` needs attention: the placeholder `%d` starts always at 1. The `LIMIT` directive starts at 0 - therefore
 use `%D` instead of `%d`, cause `%D` is always one below `%d` - but can **only** be used on the action element.
@@ -3480,11 +3484,11 @@ will be rendered inside the form as a HTML table.
   * *subrecordTableClass*: Optional. Default: 'table table-hover qfq-subrecord-table'. If given, the default will be
      overwritten. Example: ::
-	  subrecordTableClass = table table-hover qfq-subrecord-table qfq-table-50
+    subrecordTableClass = table table-hover qfq-subrecord-table qfq-table-50
   * Tablesorter in Subrecord:
-  	   subrecordTableClass = table table-hover qfq-subrecord-table tablesorter tablesorter-pager tablesorter-filter
+       subrecordTableClass = table table-hover qfq-subrecord-table tablesorter tablesorter-pager tablesorter-filter
   * *subrecordColumnTitleEdit*: Optional. Will be rendered as the column title for the new/edit column.
   * *subrecordColumnTitleDelete*: Optional. Will be rendered as the column title for the delete column.
@@ -3553,8 +3557,8 @@ and will be processed after saving the primary record and before any action Form
 * *FormElement.value* = `<string>` - By default, the full path of any already uploaded file is shown. To show something
   different, e.g. only the filename, define: ::
-	 a) {{filenameBase:V}}
-	 b) {{SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX( '{{pathFileName:R}}', '/', -1)  }}
+   a) {{filenameBase:V}}
+   b) {{SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX( '{{pathFileName:R}}', '/', -1)  }}
 See also `downloadButton`_ to offer a download of an uploaded file.
@@ -4051,7 +4055,7 @@ Parameter
   `pId` in the link who calls the address form. The following creates a 'new' button for an address for all persons, and
   the pId will be automatically saved in the address table: ::
-		SELECT CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&form=address&r=0&pId=', p.id) AS _pagen FROM Person AS p
+    SELECT CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&form=address&r=0&pId=', p.id) AS _pagen FROM Person AS p
   Such parameter, which the form expects to be in the SIP url, should be specified in Form.permitNew and/or Form.permitEdit.
   It's only a check for the webmaster, not to forgot a parameter in a SIP url.
@@ -4108,11 +4112,11 @@ Assuming the Typo3 page has the
 Configuration in configuration_: ::
-		formLanguageAId = 1
-		formLanguageALabel = English
+    formLanguageAId = 1
+    formLanguageALabel = English
-		formLanguageBId = 2
-		formLanguageBLabel = Spanish
+    formLanguageBId = 2
+    formLanguageBLabel = Spanish
 The default language is not covered in configuration_.
@@ -4122,31 +4126,31 @@ missing definition means 'take the default'. E.g.:
 * Form: 'person'
-	+--------------------+--------------------------+
-	| Column             | Value                    |
-	+====================+==========================+
-	| title              | Eingabe Person           |
-	+--------------------+--------------------------+
-	| languageParameterA | title=Input Person       |
-	+--------------------+--------------------------+
-	| languageParameterB | title=Persona de entrada |
-	+--------------------+--------------------------+
+  +--------------------+--------------------------+
+  | Column             | Value                    |
+  +====================+==========================+
+  | title              | Eingabe Person           |
+  +--------------------+--------------------------+
+  | languageParameterA | title=Input Person       |
+  +--------------------+--------------------------+
+  | languageParameterB | title=Persona de entrada |
+  +--------------------+--------------------------+
 * FormElement 'firstname' in Form 'person':
-	+--------------------+------------------------------------------------+
-	| Column             | Value                                          |
-	+====================+================================================+
-	| title              | Vorname                                        |
-	+--------------------+------------------------------------------------+
-	| note               | Bitte alle Vornamen erfassen                   |
-	+--------------------+------------------------------------------------+
-	| languageParameterA | | title=Firstname                              |
-	|                    | | note=Please give all firstnames              |
-	+--------------------+------------------------------------------------+
-	| languageParameterB | | title=Persona de entrada                     |
-	|                    | | note=Por favor, introduzca todos los nombres |
-	+--------------------+------------------------------------------------+
+  +--------------------+------------------------------------------------+
+  | Column             | Value                                          |
+  +====================+================================================+
+  | title              | Vorname                                        |
+  +--------------------+------------------------------------------------+
+  | note               | Bitte alle Vornamen erfassen                   |
+  +--------------------+------------------------------------------------+
+  | languageParameterA | | title=Firstname                              |
+  |                    | | note=Please give all firstnames              |
+  +--------------------+------------------------------------------------+
+  | languageParameterB | | title=Persona de entrada                     |
+  |                    | | note=Por favor, introduzca todos los nombres |
+  +--------------------+------------------------------------------------+
 The following fields are possible:
@@ -4948,8 +4952,8 @@ Table: Person
        # Typeahead
        typeAheadLdapSearch = (|(cn=*?*)(mail=*?*))
-       typeAheadLdapValuePrintf	‘%s / %s’, cn, email
-       typeAheadLdapIdPrintf	‘%s’, email
+       typeAheadLdapValuePrintf ‘%s / %s’, cn, email
+       typeAheadLdapIdPrintf  ‘%s’, email
        # dynamicUpdate: show note
@@ -5100,9 +5104,9 @@ Only SELECT and SHOW queries will fire subqueries.
 Processing of the resulting rows and columns:
-	* In general, all columns of all rows will be printed out sequentially.
-	* On a per column base, printing of columns can be suppressed by starting the column name with an underscore '_'. E.g.
-	  `SELECT id AS _id`.
+  * In general, all columns of all rows will be printed out sequentially.
+  * On a per column base, printing of columns can be suppressed by starting the column name with an underscore '_'. E.g.
+    `SELECT id AS _id`.
      This might be useful to store values, which will be used later on in another query via the `{{id:R}}` or
      `{{<level>.columnName}}` variable. To suppress printing of a column, use a underscore as column name prefix. E.g.
@@ -5250,9 +5254,9 @@ Leading / trailing spaces
 By default, leading or trailing whitespaces are removed from strings behind '='. E.g. 'rend =  test ' becomes 'test' for
 rend. To prevent any leading or trailing spaces, surround them by using single or double ticks. Example: ::
-	10.sql = SELECT name FROM Person
-	10.rsep = ' '
-	10.head = "Names: "
+  10.sql = SELECT name FROM Person
+  10.rsep = ' '
+  10.head = "Names: "
 Braces character for nesting
@@ -6081,23 +6085,23 @@ Optional any number of sources can be concatenated to a single PDF file: 'C|F:<f
 Examples in Report::
-	# One file attached.
-	10.sql = SELECT "t:john.doe@example.com|f:company@example.com|s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|F:fileadmin/summary.pdf" AS _sendmail
+  # One file attached.
+  10.sql = SELECT "t:john.doe@example.com|f:company@example.com|s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|F:fileadmin/summary.pdf" AS _sendmail
-	# Two files attached.
-	10.sql = SELECT "t:john.doe@example.com|f:company@example.com|s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|F:fileadmin/summary.pdf|F:fileadmin/detail.pdf" AS _sendmail
+  # Two files attached.
+  10.sql = SELECT "t:john.doe@example.com|f:company@example.com|s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|F:fileadmin/summary.pdf|F:fileadmin/detail.pdf" AS _sendmail
-	# Two files and a webpage (converted to PDF) are attached.
-	10.sql = SELECT "t:john.doe@example.com|f:company@example.com|s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|F:fileadmin/summary.pdf|F:fileadmin/detail.pdf|p:?id=export&r=123|d:person.pdf" AS _sendmail
+  # Two files and a webpage (converted to PDF) are attached.
+  10.sql = SELECT "t:john.doe@example.com|f:company@example.com|s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|F:fileadmin/summary.pdf|F:fileadmin/detail.pdf|p:?id=export&r=123|d:person.pdf" AS _sendmail
-	# Two webpages (converted to PDF) are attached.
-	10.sql = SELECT "t:john.doe@example.com|f:company@example.com|s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|p:?id=export&r=123|d:person123.pdf|p:?id=export&r=234|d:person234.pdf" AS _sendmail
+  # Two webpages (converted to PDF) are attached.
+  10.sql = SELECT "t:john.doe@example.com|f:company@example.com|s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|p:?id=export&r=123|d:person123.pdf|p:?id=export&r=234|d:person234.pdf" AS _sendmail
-	# One file and two webpages (converted to PDF) are *concatenated* to one PDF and attached.
-	10.sql = SELECT "t:john.doe@example.com|f:company@example.com|s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|C|F:fileadmin/summary.pdf|p:?id=export&r=123|p:?id=export&r=234|d:complete.pdf" AS _sendmail
+  # One file and two webpages (converted to PDF) are *concatenated* to one PDF and attached.
+  10.sql = SELECT "t:john.doe@example.com|f:company@example.com|s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|C|F:fileadmin/summary.pdf|p:?id=export&r=123|p:?id=export&r=234|d:complete.pdf" AS _sendmail
-	# One T3 webpage, protected by a SIP, are attached.
-	10.sql = SELECT "t:john.doe@example.com|f:company@example.com|s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|p:?id=export&r=123&_sip=1|d:person123.pdf" AS _sendmail
+  # One T3 webpage, protected by a SIP, are attached.
+  10.sql = SELECT "t:john.doe@example.com|f:company@example.com|s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|p:?id=export&r=123&_sip=1|d:person123.pdf" AS _sendmail
 .. _column_img:
@@ -6212,15 +6216,15 @@ Most of the other Link-Class attributes can be used to customize the link. ::
 * For column `_pdf` and `_zip`, the element sources `p:...`, `U:...`, `u:...`, `F:...` might repeated multiple times.
 * Example: ::
-		10.sql = SELECT "F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _pdf,  "F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _file,  "F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _zip
-		10.sql = SELECT "p:id=export&r=1" as _pdf,  "p:id=export&r=1" as _file,  "p:id=export&r=1" as _zip
+    10.sql = SELECT "F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _pdf,  "F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _file,  "F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _zip
+    10.sql = SELECT "p:id=export&r=1" as _pdf,  "p:id=export&r=1" as _file,  "p:id=export&r=1" as _zip
-		10.sql = SELECT "t:Download PDF|F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _pdf,  "t:Download PDF|F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _file,  "t:Download ZIP|F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _zip
-		10.sql = SELECT "t:Download PDF|p:id=export&r=1" as _pdf,  "t:Download PDF|p:id=export&r=1" as _file,  "t:Download ZIP|p:id=export&r=1" as _zip
+    10.sql = SELECT "t:Download PDF|F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _pdf,  "t:Download PDF|F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _file,  "t:Download ZIP|F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _zip
+    10.sql = SELECT "t:Download PDF|p:id=export&r=1" as _pdf,  "t:Download PDF|p:id=export&r=1" as _file,  "t:Download ZIP|p:id=export&r=1" as _zip
-		10.sql = SELECT "d:complete.pdf|t:Download PDF|F:fileadmin/test1.pdf|F:fileadmin/test2.pdf" as _pdf, "d:complete.zip|t:Download ZIP|F:fileadmin/test1.pdf|F:fileadmin/test2.pdf" as _zip
+    10.sql = SELECT "d:complete.pdf|t:Download PDF|F:fileadmin/test1.pdf|F:fileadmin/test2.pdf" as _pdf, "d:complete.zip|t:Download ZIP|F:fileadmin/test1.pdf|F:fileadmin/test2.pdf" as _zip
-		10.sql = SELECT "d:complete.pdf|t:Download PDF|F:fileadmin/test.pdf|p:id=export&r=1|u:www.example.com" AS _pdf
+    10.sql = SELECT "d:complete.pdf|t:Download PDF|F:fileadmin/test.pdf|p:id=export&r=1|u:www.example.com" AS _pdf
 .. _column-save-pdf:
@@ -6242,8 +6246,8 @@ Tips:
 Examples: ::
-	SELECT "d:fileadmin/result.pdf|F:fileadmin/_temp_/test.pdf" AS _savePdf
-	SELECT "d:fileadmin/result.pdf|F:fileadmin/_temp_/test.pdf|U:id=test&--orientation=landscape" AS _savePdf
+  SELECT "d:fileadmin/result.pdf|F:fileadmin/_temp_/test.pdf" AS _savePdf
+  SELECT "d:fileadmin/result.pdf|F:fileadmin/_temp_/test.pdf|U:id=test&--orientation=landscape" AS _savePdf
 .. _column-thumbnail:
@@ -6289,17 +6293,17 @@ tag. Something like `<body style="background-image:url(bgimage.jpg)">` could be
 Example: ::
-	# SIP protected, IMG tag, thumbnail width 150px
-	10.sql = SELECT 'T:fileadmin/file3.pdf' AS _thumbnail
+  # SIP protected, IMG tag, thumbnail width 150px
+  10.sql = SELECT 'T:fileadmin/file3.pdf' AS _thumbnail
-	# SIP protected, IMG tag, thumbnail width 50px
-	20.sql = SELECT 'T:fileadmin/file3.pdf|W:50' AS _thumbnail
+  # SIP protected, IMG tag, thumbnail width 50px
+  20.sql = SELECT 'T:fileadmin/file3.pdf|W:50' AS _thumbnail
-	# No SIP protection, IMG tag, thumbnail width 150px
-	30.sql = SELECT 'T:fileadmin/file3.pdf|s:0' AS _thumbnail
+  # No SIP protection, IMG tag, thumbnail width 150px
+  30.sql = SELECT 'T:fileadmin/file3.pdf|s:0' AS _thumbnail
-	# SIP protected, only the URL to the image, thumbnail width 150px
-	40.sql = SELECT 'T:fileadmin/file3.pdf|s:1|r:7' AS _thumbnail
+  # SIP protected, only the URL to the image, thumbnail width 150px
+  40.sql = SELECT 'T:fileadmin/file3.pdf|s:1|r:7' AS _thumbnail
@@ -6314,7 +6318,7 @@ Cleaning
 By default, the thumbnail directories are never cleaned. It's a good idea to install a cronjob which purges all files
 older than 1 year: ::
-	find /path/to/files -type f -mtime +365 -delete
+  find /path/to/files -type f -mtime +365 -delete
@@ -6337,7 +6341,7 @@ The secure path needs to be protected against direct file access by the webmaste
 QFQ returns a HTML 'img'-tag: ::
-	<img src="api/download.php?s=badcaffee1234">
+  <img src="api/download.php?s=badcaffee1234">
 Thumbnail: public
@@ -6490,49 +6494,49 @@ Parameter and (element) sources
       the key/value tuple in `p:...`, `u:...` or `U:...` has to be separated by '='. Please see last example below.
     * If an option contains an '&' it must be escaped with double '\\'. See example.
-	Most of the other Link-Class attributes can be used to customize the link as well.
+  Most of the other Link-Class attributes can be used to customize the link as well.
 Example `_link`: ::
-	# single `file`. Specifying a popup message window text is not necessary, cause a file directly accessed is fast.
-	SELECT "d:file.pdf|s|t:Download|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link
+  # single `file`. Specifying a popup message window text is not necessary, cause a file directly accessed is fast.
+  SELECT "d:file.pdf|s|t:Download|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link
-	# single `file`, with mode
-	SELECT "d:file.pdf|M:pdf|s|t:Download|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link
+  # single `file`, with mode
+  SELECT "d:file.pdf|M:pdf|s|t:Download|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link
-	# three sources: two pages and one file
-	SELECT "d:complete.pdf|s|t:Complete PDF|p:id=detail&r=1|p:id=detail2&r=1|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link
+  # three sources: two pages and one file
+  SELECT "d:complete.pdf|s|t:Complete PDF|p:id=detail&r=1|p:id=detail2&r=1|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link
-	# three sources: two pages and one file
-	SELECT "d:complete.pdf|s|t:Complete PDF|p:id=detail&r=1|p:id=detail2&r=1|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link
+  # three sources: two pages and one file
+  SELECT "d:complete.pdf|s|t:Complete PDF|p:id=detail&r=1|p:id=detail2&r=1|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link
-	# three sources: two pages and one file, parameter to wkhtml will be SIP encoded
-	SELECT "d:complete.pdf|s|t:Complete PDF|p:id=detail&r=1&_sip=1|p:id=detail2&r=1&_sip=1|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link
+  # three sources: two pages and one file, parameter to wkhtml will be SIP encoded
+  SELECT "d:complete.pdf|s|t:Complete PDF|p:id=detail&r=1&_sip=1|p:id=detail2&r=1&_sip=1|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link
-	# three sources: two pages and one file, the second page will be in landscape and pagesize A3
-	SELECT "d:complete.pdf|s|t:Complete PDF|p:id=detail&r=1|p:id=detail2&r=1&--orientation=Landscape&--page-size=A3|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link
+  # three sources: two pages and one file, the second page will be in landscape and pagesize A3
+  SELECT "d:complete.pdf|s|t:Complete PDF|p:id=detail&r=1|p:id=detail2&r=1&--orientation=Landscape&--page-size=A3|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link
-	# One source and a header file. Note: the parameter to the header URL is escaped with double backslash.
-	SELECT "d:complete.pdf|s|t:Complete PDF|p:id=detail2&r=1&--orientation=Landscape&--header={{URL:R}}?indexp.php?id=head\\&L=1|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link
+  # One source and a header file. Note: the parameter to the header URL is escaped with double backslash.
+  SELECT "d:complete.pdf|s|t:Complete PDF|p:id=detail2&r=1&--orientation=Landscape&--header={{URL:R}}?indexp.php?id=head\\&L=1|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link
 Example `_pdf`, `_zip`: ::
-	# File 1: p:id=1&--orientation=Landscape&--page-size=A3
-	# File 2: p:id=form
-	# File 3: F:fileadmin/file.pdf
-	SELECT 't:PDF|a:Creating a new PDF|p:id=1&--orientation=Landscape&--page-size=A3|p:id=form|F:fileadmin/file.pdf' AS _pdf
+  # File 1: p:id=1&--orientation=Landscape&--page-size=A3
+  # File 2: p:id=form
+  # File 3: F:fileadmin/file.pdf
+  SELECT 't:PDF|a:Creating a new PDF|p:id=1&--orientation=Landscape&--page-size=A3|p:id=form|F:fileadmin/file.pdf' AS _pdf
-	# File 1: p:id=1
-	# File 2: u:http://www.example.com
-	# File 3: F:fileadmin/file.pdf
-	SELECT 't:PDF - 3 Files|a:Please be patient|p:id=1|u:http://www.example.com|F:fileadmin/file.pdf' AS _pdf
+  # File 1: p:id=1
+  # File 2: u:http://www.example.com
+  # File 3: F:fileadmin/file.pdf
+  SELECT 't:PDF - 3 Files|a:Please be patient|p:id=1|u:http://www.example.com|F:fileadmin/file.pdf' AS _pdf
-	# File 1: p:id=1
-	# File 2: p:id=form
-	# File 3: F:fileadmin/file.pdf
-	SELECT CONCAT('t:ZIP - 3 Pages|a:Please be patient|p:id=1|p:id=form|F:', p.pathFileName) AS _zip
+  # File 1: p:id=1
+  # File 2: p:id=form
+  # File 3: F:fileadmin/file.pdf
+  SELECT CONCAT('t:ZIP - 3 Pages|a:Please be patient|p:id=1|p:id=form|F:', p.pathFileName) AS _zip
@@ -6551,65 +6555,65 @@ Best practice:
 #. Create a clean (=no menu, no website layout) letter layout in a separated T3 branch: ::
-	page = PAGE
-	page.typeNum = 0
-	page.includeCSS {
-	  10 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/qfq-letter.css
-	}
+  page = PAGE
+  page.typeNum = 0
+  page.includeCSS {
+    10 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/qfq-letter.css
+  }
-	// Grant access to any logged in user or specific development IPs
-	[usergroup = *] || [IP =,192.168.1.* ]
-	  page.10 < styles.content.get
-	[else]
-	  page.10 = TEXT
-	  page.10.value = access forbidden
-	[global]
+  // Grant access to any logged in user or specific development IPs
+  [usergroup = *] || [IP =,192.168.1.* ]
+    page.10 < styles.content.get
+  [else]
+    page.10 = TEXT
+    page.10.value = access forbidden
+  [global]
 #. Create a T3 `body` page (e.g. page alias: 'letterbody') with some content. Example static HTML content: ::
-	<div class="letter-receiver">
-	  <p>Address</p>
-	</div>
-	<div class="letter-sender">
-	 <p><b>firstName name</b><br>
-	  Phone +00 00 000 00 00<br>
-	  Fax +00 00 000 00 00<br>
-	 </p>
-	</div>
-	<div class="letter-date">
-	  Zurich, 01.12.2017
-	</div>
-	<div class="letter-body">
-	 <h1>Subject</h1>
-	 <p>Dear Mrs...</p>
-	 <p>Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet organa solo skywalker darth c-3p0 anakin jabba mara greedo skywalker.</p>
-	 <div class="letter-no-break">
-	 <p>Regards</p>
-	 <p>Company</p>
-	 <img class="letter-signature" src="">
-	 <p>Firstname Name<br>Function</p>
-	 </div>
-	</div>
+  <div class="letter-receiver">
+    <p>Address</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="letter-sender">
+   <p><b>firstName name</b><br>
+    Phone +00 00 000 00 00<br>
+    Fax +00 00 000 00 00<br>
+   </p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="letter-date">
+    Zurich, 01.12.2017
+  </div>
+  <div class="letter-body">
+   <h1>Subject</h1>
+   <p>Dear Mrs...</p>
+   <p>Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet organa solo skywalker darth c-3p0 anakin jabba mara greedo skywalker.</p>
+   <div class="letter-no-break">
+   <p>Regards</p>
+   <p>Company</p>
+   <img class="letter-signature" src="">
+   <p>Firstname Name<br>Function</p>
+   </div>
+  </div>
 #. Create a T3 letter-`header` page (e.g. page alias: 'letterheader') , with only the header information: ::
-		<header>
-		<img src="fileadmin/logo.png" class="letter-logo">
-		<div class="letter-unit">
-		  <p class="letter-title">Department</p>
-		  <p>
-			 Company name<br>
-			 Company department<br>
-			 Street<br>
-			 City
-		  </p>
-		</div>
-		</header>
+    <header>
+    <img src="fileadmin/logo.png" class="letter-logo">
+    <div class="letter-unit">
+      <p class="letter-title">Department</p>
+      <p>
+       Company name<br>
+       Company department<br>
+       Street<br>
+       City
+      </p>
+    </div>
+    </header>
 #. Create a) a link (Report) to the PDF letter or b) attach the PDF (on the fly rendered) to a mail. Both will call the
    `wkhtml` via the `download` mode and forwards the necessary parameter.
@@ -6626,7 +6630,7 @@ Use in `report`: ::
 Sendmail. Parameter: ::
-	sendMailAttachment={{SELECT 'd:Letter.pdf|t:', p.firstName, ' ', p.name, '|p:id=letterbody&pId=', p.id, '&_sip=1&--margin-top=50mm&--margin-bottom=20mm&--header-html={{BASE_URL_PRINT:Y}}?id=letterheader&--footer-right="Seite: [page]/[toPage]"&--footer-font-size=8&--footer-spacing=10' FROM Person AS p WHERE p.id={{id:S}} }}
+  sendMailAttachment={{SELECT 'd:Letter.pdf|t:', p.firstName, ' ', p.name, '|p:id=letterbody&pId=', p.id, '&_sip=1&--margin-top=50mm&--margin-bottom=20mm&--header-html={{BASE_URL_PRINT:Y}}?id=letterheader&--footer-right="Seite: [page]/[toPage]"&--footer-font-size=8&--footer-spacing=10' FROM Person AS p WHERE p.id={{id:S}} }}
 Replace the static content elements from 2. and 3. by QFQ Content elements as needed: ::
@@ -7312,16 +7316,16 @@ Recent List
 A nice feature is to show a list with last changed records. The following will show the 10 last modified (Form or
 FormElement) forms: ::
-	10 {
-	  sql = SELECT CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&form=form&r=', f.id, '|t:', f.name,'|o:', GREATEST(MAX(fe.modified), f.modified)) AS _page
-				  FROM Form AS f
-				  LEFT JOIN FormElement AS fe ON fe.formId = f.id
-				  GROUP BY f.id
-				  ORDER BY GREATEST(MAX(fe.modified), f.modified) DESC
-				  LIMIT 10
-	  head = <h3>Recent Forms</h3>
-	  rsep = ,&ensp;
-	}
+  10 {
+    sql = SELECT CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&form=form&r=', f.id, '|t:', f.name,'|o:', GREATEST(MAX(fe.modified), f.modified)) AS _page
+          FROM Form AS f
+          LEFT JOIN FormElement AS fe ON fe.formId = f.id
+          GROUP BY f.id
+          ORDER BY GREATEST(MAX(fe.modified), f.modified) DESC
+          LIMIT 10
+    head = <h3>Recent Forms</h3>
+    rsep = ,&ensp;
+  }
 .. _`store_user_examples`:
@@ -7570,16 +7574,16 @@ Access restriction
 To protect AutoCron pages not to be triggered accidental or by unprivileged access, access to those page tree might be
 limited to localhost. Some example Typoscript: ::
-	# Access allowed for any logged in user or via 'localhost'
-	[usergroup = *] || [IP =]
-	  page.10 < styles.content.get
-	[else]
-	  # Error Message
-	  page.10 = TEXT
-	  page.10.value = <h2>Access denied</h2>Please log in or access this page from an authorized host. Your current IP address:&nbsp;
-	  page.20 = TEXT
-	  page.20.data = getenv : REMOTE_ADDR
-	[global]
+  # Access allowed for any logged in user or via 'localhost'
+  [usergroup = *] || [IP =]
+    page.10 < styles.content.get
+  [else]
+    # Error Message
+    page.10 = TEXT
+    page.10.value = <h2>Access denied</h2>Please log in or access this page from an authorized host. Your current IP address:&nbsp;
+    page.20 = TEXT
+    page.20.data = getenv : REMOTE_ADDR
+  [global]
@@ -7638,7 +7642,8 @@ A REST (GET) form has two modes: ::
   a) data: specific content to a given id. Defined via 'form.parameter.restSqlData'. This mode is selected
      if there is an id>0 given.
-  b) list: a list of records will be exported. Defined via 'form.parameter.restSqlList'. This mode is selected if there is no id or id=0.
+  b) list: a list of records will be exported. Defined via 'form.parameter.restSqlList'. This mode is selected if there
+     is no id or id=0.
 There are  *no* FormElements.
@@ -7668,19 +7673,60 @@ Form.parameter:
 | Attribute         | Description                                                                  |
 | restSqlData       | SQL query selects content shown in data mode.                                |
-|                   | restSqlData={{!SELECT id, name, gender FROM Person WHERE id={{r:T0}} }}      |
+|                   | restSqlData={{!SELECT id, name, gender FROM Person WHERE id='{{r:T0}}'' }}   |
 | restSqlList       | SQL query selects content shown in data mode.                                |
 |                   | restSqlData={{!SELECT id, name FROM Person }}                                |
-| restParam         | CSV list of variable names.                                                  |
-|                   | restParam=pId,adrId                                                          |
+| restParam         | Optional. CSV list of variable names. E.g.: restParam=pId,adrId              |
+| restToken         | Optional. User defined string. For dynamic token see below.                  |
+There are no `special-column-names`_ available in 'restSqlData' or 'restSqlList'. Also there are no
+SIPs possible, cause REST typically does not offer sessions/cookies (which are necessary for SIPs).
+By default, the REST API is public accessible.
+If this is not wished, HTTP AUTH might be used (configured via webserver) or the
+QFQ internal 'HTTP header token based authorization'.
+Token based authorization
+A form will require a 'token based authorization', as soon as there is a 'form.parameter.restToken' defined.
+Therefore the HTTP Header 'Authorization' has to be set with 'token=<secret token>'. The 'secret token' will
+be checked against the server. Using HTTPS, such token can't be sniffed and will typically not be logged in
+any server logs.
+Example: ::
+  form.parameter.restToken=myCrypticString0123456789
+  Test via commandline: curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token token=myCrypticString0123456789' "http://localhost/qfq/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/person/123/address/"
+The static setup with 'form.parameter.restToken=myCrypticString0123456789' is fine, as long as only one token
+exist. In case of multiple tokens, replace the static string against a SQL query.
+General: The HTML Header Authorization token is available in STORE_CLIENT via '{{Authorization:C:alnumx}}'.
+For example all created tokens are saved in a table 'Auth' with a column 'token'. Define: ::
+  form.parameter.restToken={{SELECT a.token FROM Auth AS a WHERE a.token='{{Authorization:C:alnumx}}' }}
+To restrict access to a subset of data, just save the limitations inside the Auth record and update the query
+to check it: ::
+  form.parameter.restToken={{SELECT a.token FROM Auth AS a WHERE a.token='{{Authorization:C:alnumx}}'}}
+  form.parameter.restSqlList={{!SELECT p.id, p.name, p.email FROM Person AS p, Auth AS a WHERE a.token='{{Authorization:C:alnumx}}' AND a.attribute=p.attribute}}
+  form.parameter.restSqlData={{!SELECT p.* FROM Person AS p, Auth AS a WHERE a.token='{{Authorization:C:alnumx}}' AND a.attribute=p.attribute AND p.id='{{r:T0}}' }}
-There are no `special-column-names`_ available in 'restSqlData' or 'restSqlList'. Especially there are no
-SIPs possible, cause REST typically does not offer sessions/cookies which are needed for SIPs.
+If authorization is denied, the request will be answered with a delay of 3 seconds (configured via securityFailedAuthDelay).
 .. _applicationTest:
@@ -7689,7 +7735,7 @@ Application Test
 With a framework like https://www.seleniumhq.org/ it's possible to play and verify unattended  test cases.
-To assist such frameworks and to make the tests reliable, an individual tag might be assigned to elements which have to
+To assist such frameworks and to make the tests reliable, an individual tag might be assigned to HTML elements which have to
 interact with the test framework.
@@ -7722,8 +7768,8 @@ Tips:
 * On general errors:
-	* Always check the Javascript console of your browser, see `javascriptProblem`_.
-	* Always check the Webserver log files.
+  * Always check the Javascript console of your browser, see `javascriptProblem`_.
+  * Always check the Webserver log files.