diff --git a/extension/Documentation/UsersManual/Index.rst b/extension/Documentation/UsersManual/Index.rst
index 0dbf8b674d2f67cb24e2b31539348aa7f8b0b6d0..d405105b5b26ba0d9d65b5c1ac01fd48b11764c9 100644
--- a/extension/Documentation/UsersManual/Index.rst
+++ b/extension/Documentation/UsersManual/Index.rst
@@ -790,21 +790,26 @@ Type: subrecord
   * Exactly one column 'id' has to exist; it specifies the primary record for the target form.
-* Columnname: *<title>[|<number>][|width=<number>][|nostrip][|icon][|url][|mailto]*
-  * *<number>*: any 'digit only' will be treated as '''width'''.
-  * *width=<number>*: max. number of chars displayed per cell in the column.
-  * *nostrip*: by default, html tags will be stripped off the cell content before rendering. This protects the table layout. 'nostrip' deactivates the cleaning to make links, images, ... possible.
-  * *icon*: the cell value contains the name of an icon in *typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/icons*. Empty cell values will omit an html image tag (=nothing renderd in the cell).
-  * *mailto*: value will be rendered as a mailto link.
-  * *url*: value will be rendered as a link.
-  * *title=<text>* or '<none of the above>': column '''title'''.
-  * The parameters are position independet.
-  * Examples::
-       SELECT note1 AS 'Comment', note2 AS 'Comment\|50' , note3 AS 'title=Comment\|width=100\|nostrip', note4 AS '50\|Comment',
-       'checked.png' AS 'Status\|icon', email AS 'mailto', CONCAT(homepage, '\|Homepage') AS 'url' ...
+  * Columnname: *<title>[|<number>][|width=<number>][|nostrip][|icon][|url][|mailto]*
+    * *<number>*: any 'digit only' will be treated as '''width'''.
+    * *width=<number>*: max. number of chars displayed per cell in the column.
+    * *nostrip*: by default, html tags will be stripped off the cell content before rendering. This protects the table layout. 'nostrip' deactivates the cleaning to make links, images, ... possible.
+    * *icon*: the cell value contains the name of an icon in *typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/icons*. Empty cell values will omit an html image tag (=nothing renderd in the cell).
+    * *mailto*: value will be rendered as a mailto link.
+    * *url*: value will be rendered as a link.
+    * *title=<text>* or '<none of the above>': column '''title'''.
+    * The parameters are position independet.
+    * Examples::
+         SELECT note1 AS 'Comment', note2 AS 'Comment\|50' , note3 AS 'title=Comment\|width=100\|nostrip', note4 AS '50\|Comment',
+         'checked.png' AS 'Status\|icon', email AS 'mailto', CONCAT(homepage, '\|Homepage') AS 'url' ...
+  * Special column name: *_rowClass*
+    * Defines CSS class name(s) which will be rendered in the *<tr class="<_rowClass>">*.
+    * By using Bootstrap, the following predefined classes are available:
+      * Text color: *text-muted|text-primary|text-success|text-info|text-warning|text-danger* (http://getbootstrap.com/css/#helper-classes)
+      * Row background: *active|success|info|warning|danger* (http://getbootstrap.com/css/#tables-contextual-classes)
 Type: string
@@ -1168,18 +1173,19 @@ Processing of columns in the SQL result
 * The content of all columns of all rows will be printed sequentially, without separator.
 * Rows with `Special column names`_  will be processed in a special way.
-* Column names, which start with a '_', will not be printed. This is useful if you only want to access the content of
-  some columns during later on via the {{<level>.<column>}} variable but don't want to print the content of those columns.
 Special column names
+* Special column names always start with '_'.
+* Column names, which start with a '_' and which are not reserved (=special column name), will not be printed. Nevertheless,
+  access to it via the {{<level>.<column>}} variable (without '_') are possible.
 * The input parameters for the processing function are stored as column values.
 * Single parameters are delimited by the '|' character.
 * Parameters are identified by the function either
   * by their **order**
-  * or by a **one character qualifier** followed by the : character, placed in front of the actual parameter value.
+  * or by a **one character qualifier** followed by the ':' character, placed in front of the actual parameter value.
 |**Reserved column name**| **Purpose**                                                                                                                                                                                 |
@@ -1345,8 +1351,8 @@ Link Examples
-Columns: pageX & PageX
+Columns: _pageX & _PageX
 These columns provide a shortcut version of the link interface to use for fast creation of internal links. The colum name
 is composed of the string *page* and an optional character to specify the type of the link.
@@ -1424,8 +1430,8 @@ below.
-Column: vertical
+Column: _vertical
 Render text vertically. This is useful for tables with limited column width. The vertical rendering is achieved via CSS tranformations (rotation) defined in the style attribute of the wrapping tag. You can optionally specify the rotation
@@ -1479,8 +1485,8 @@ angle.
-Column: mailto
+Column: _mailto
 Easily create Email links.
@@ -1528,8 +1534,8 @@ Easily create Email links.
-Column: sendmail
+Column: _sendmail
 Send simple plain text emails. Every mail will be logged in the mail log. The logfile can be configured in ext_localconf.php via $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[$_EXTKEY]['log']['mail'].
@@ -1583,8 +1589,8 @@ This will send an email with subject *Latest News* from company@example.com to j
 This will send an email with subject *Latest news* from company@example.com to customer1@example.com and to customer2@example.com.
-Column: advancedmail
+Column: _advancedmail
 Send plain text/html emails. This is identical to ?t#Column:_sendmail, but allows to additionaly set the cc:, bcc: and reply-to: -headers. Every mail will be logged in the mail log. The logfile can be configured in ext_localconf.php via
@@ -1621,8 +1627,8 @@ $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[$_EXTKEY]['log']['mail'].
-Column: img
+Column: _img
 Renders images. Allows to define an alternative text and a title attribute for the image. Alternative text and title text are optional.
@@ -1680,8 +1686,8 @@ Renders images. Allows to define an alternative text and a title attribute for t
-Column: exec
+Column: _exec
 Runs batch files or executables on the webserver. In case of an error, returncode and errormessage will be returned.
@@ -1715,8 +1721,8 @@ Runs batch files or executables on the webserver. In case of an error, returncod
-Column: F
+Column: _F
 Challenge 1
diff --git a/extension/qfq/qfq/AbstractBuildForm.php b/extension/qfq/qfq/AbstractBuildForm.php
index 757173ae2109ac2cbdb4537879c76c9cfca97ed7..2bf7ce98fa2f413428cd67b5aab113f79ad121b4 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/qfq/AbstractBuildForm.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/qfq/AbstractBuildForm.php
@@ -1230,6 +1230,11 @@ abstract class AbstractBuildForm {
         // construct column attributes
         $control = $this->getSubrecordColumnControl(array_keys($formElement['sql1'][0]));
+        // Skip class control column
+        if (isset($control['title'][FE_SUBRECORD_ROW_CLASS])) {
+            unset($control['title'][FE_SUBRECORD_ROW_CLASS]);
+        }
         // Subrecord: Column titles
         $columns = $linkNew;
         $columns .= '<th>' . implode('</th><th>', $control['title']) . '</th>';
@@ -1249,6 +1254,11 @@ abstract class AbstractBuildForm {
             // All columns
             foreach ($row as $columnName => $value) {
+                // Skip class control column
+                if ($columnName === FE_SUBRECORD_ROW_CLASS) {
+                    continue;
+                }
                 $rowHtml .= Support::wrapTag('<td>', $this->renderCell($control, $columnName, $value));
@@ -1261,10 +1271,12 @@ abstract class AbstractBuildForm {
                 $rowHtml .= Support::wrapTag('<td>', Support::wrapTag("<button type='button' class='record-delete' data-sip='$s'>", '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span>'));
-            $html .= Support::wrapTag('<tr class="record">', $rowHtml, true);
+            $class = 'record ';
+            $class .= (isset($row[FE_SUBRECORD_ROW_CLASS]) ? $row[FE_SUBRECORD_ROW_CLASS] : '') . ' ';
+            $html .= Support::wrapTag("<tr class='$class'>", $rowHtml, true);
-        return Support::wrapTag('<table class="table">', $html, true);
+        return Support::wrapTag('<table class="table table-hover">', $html, true);
diff --git a/extension/qfq/qfq/Constants.php b/extension/qfq/qfq/Constants.php
index 3e356854b31ca5d0e673b35c1aef2460a4920030..7f9d378a0cf78b68b4787e438e26b08f21426211 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/qfq/Constants.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/qfq/Constants.php
@@ -364,6 +364,8 @@ const FE_MODE_REQUIRED = 'required';
 const FE_MODE_LOCK = 'lock';
 const FE_MODE_DISABLED = 'disabled';
+const FE_SUBRECORD_ROW_CLASS = '_rowClass';
 // FormElement columns: real
 const FE_TYPE = 'type';
diff --git a/extension/qfq/sql/formEditor.sql b/extension/qfq/sql/formEditor.sql
index f82aa4acc169763aa853bbb5a3e34dceca2ea798..f17b231e906264efdcbf8fbde46743ddc64b21e4 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/sql/formEditor.sql
+++ b/extension/qfq/sql/formEditor.sql
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ VALUES
    '', '', 4, ''),
   (1, '', 'FormElements', 'show', 'subrecord', 'all', 'native', 500, 0, 0, '', '', '',
-   '{{!SELECT id, feIdContainer,	name,	label,	mode,	class,	type, ord, size, sql1, parameter FROM FormElement WHERE formId={{id:R0}} ORDER BY ord, id}}',
+   '{{!SELECT IF(enabled="yes", "", "text-muted") AS _rowClass, id, feIdContainer,	name,	label,	mode,	class,	type, ord, size, sql1, parameter FROM FormElement WHERE formId={{id:R0}} ORDER BY ord, id}}',
    '', 'form=formElement\ndetail=id:formId', 5, 'new,edit,delete');