diff --git a/CODING.md b/CODING.md
index ffb9ae07833d5ffda7bf0c743d28b421a373b23b..a959d34b567d8a36302d4d44ec031738cf71c8e0 100644
--- a/CODING.md
+++ b/CODING.md
@@ -80,21 +80,26 @@ Debug / Log / Errormessages
 * Before firing a SQL or doing processing of an FormElement, set some debugging / error variables:
-[src] $this->store->setVar(SYSTEM_SQL_RAW, STORE_SYSTEM)
+    [src] $this->store->setVar(SYSTEM_SQL_RAW, STORE_SYSTEM)
 * Available fields:
-SYSTEM_FORM = CLIENT_FORM;                        // '<formName> / <formId>'
-SYSTEM_FORM_ELEMENT = 'formElement';              // '<formElementName> / <formElementeId>'
-SYSTEM_FORM_ELEMENT_COLUMN = 'formElementColumn'; // '<columnname of current processed formElement>'
+    <code>
+    SYSTEM_FORM = CLIENT_FORM;                        // '<formName> / <formId>'
+    SYSTEM_FORM_ELEMENT = 'formElement';              // '<formElementName> / <formElementeId>'
+    SYSTEM_FORM_ELEMENT_COLUMN = 'formElementColumn'; // '<columnname of current processed formElement>'
+    </code>
 * Form.debugShowInfo: yes|no will display a tooltip near beside every formelement and show parse/evaluate as tooltip.
+* Check to display debug info:
+    $this->store->getVar(SYSTEM_SHOW_DEBUG_INFO, STORE_SYSTEM) === 'yes'
diff --git a/extension/Documentation/AdministratorManual/Index.rst b/extension/Documentation/AdministratorManual/Index.rst
index 2445fef0350f53b115ac5a0a4e1337127fceb70c..e993503509fe7bcb4acd56e92d12339434ba58f8 100644
--- a/extension/Documentation/AdministratorManual/Index.rst
+++ b/extension/Documentation/AdministratorManual/Index.rst
@@ -60,13 +60,15 @@ Setup a *report* to manage all *forms*: Create a Typo3 page and insert a content
   form = {{form}}
-  10.sql = SELECT CONCAT('{{pageId}}&form=Form&r=', f.id) as Pagee, f.id, f.name, f.title, f.tableName FROM FormEditor As f ORDER BY f.name
-  10.head = <br><table class="table">
-  10.tail = </table>
-  10.rbeg = <tr class="table-hover">
-  10.rend = </tr>
-  10.fbeg = <td>
-  10.fend = </td>
+  10 {
+    sql = SELECT CONCAT('{{pageId}}&form=Form&r=', f.id) as Pagee, f.id, f.name, f.title, f.tableName FROM FormEditor As f ORDER BY f.name
+    head = <br><table class="table">
+    tail = </table>
+    rbeg = <tr class="table-hover">
+    rend = </tr>
+    fbeg = <td>
+    fend = </td>
+  }
diff --git a/extension/Documentation/UsersManual/Index.rst b/extension/Documentation/UsersManual/Index.rst
index 5eb8d2639595e1579ba819262e73654a5019fc66..cc43ec62025a6d2d999c8ec55bc6a0c961a33207 100644
--- a/extension/Documentation/UsersManual/Index.rst
+++ b/extension/Documentation/UsersManual/Index.rst
@@ -38,43 +38,45 @@ The title of the QFQ content element will not be rendered. It's only visible in
 QFQ Keywords (Bodytext)
- +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Name            | Explanation                                                                     |
- +=================+=================================================================================+
- | form            | Formname defined in ttcontent record bodytext                                   |
- |                 | * Fix. E.g.: **form = person**                                                  |
- |                 | * by SIP: **form = {{form}}**                                                   |
- |                 | * by SQL: **form = {{SELECT c.form FROM conference AS c WHERE c.id={{a:C}} }}** |
- +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | r               | recordId. If specified, the form will load the record with the specified id     |
- |                 | * Fix. E.g.: **r = 123**, by SQL: **r = {{SELECT ...}}**                        |
- +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | <level>.db      | Select a DB. Only necessary if a different than the standard DB should be used. |
- +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | <level>.fbeg    | Start token for every field (=column)                                           |
- +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | <level>.fend    | End token for every field (=column)                                             |
- +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | <level>.head    | Start token for whole <level>                                                   |
- +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | <level>.tail    | End token for whole <level>                                                     |
- +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | <level>.rbeg    | Start token for row.                                                            |
- +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | <level>.rbgd    | Alternating (per row) token                                                     |
- +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | <level>.rend    | End token for row. Will be rendered **before** subsequent levels are processed  |
- +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | <level>.renr    | End token for row. Will be rendered **after** subsequent levels are processed   |
- +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | <level>.rsep    | Seperator token between rows                                                    |
- +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | <level>.fsep    | Seperator token between fields (=columns)                                       |
- +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | <level>.sql     | SQL Query                                                                       |
- +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | <level>.althead | If <level>.sql is empty, these token will be rendered                           |
- +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Name              | Explanation                                                                     |
+ +===================+=================================================================================+
+ | form              | Formname defined in ttcontent record bodytext                                   |
+ |                   | * Fix. E.g.: **form = person**                                                  |
+ |                   | * by SIP: **form = {{form}}**                                                   |
+ |                   | * by SQL: **form = {{SELECT c.form FROM conference AS c WHERE c.id={{a:C}} }}** |
+ +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | r                 | recordId. If specified, the form will load the record with the specified id     |
+ |                   | * Fix. E.g.: **r = 123**, by SQL: **r = {{SELECT ...}}**                        |
+ +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | <level>.db        | Select a DB. Only necessary if a different than the standard DB should be used. |
+ +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | <level>.fbeg      | Start token for every field (=column)                                           |
+ +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | <level>.fend      | End token for every field (=column)                                             |
+ +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | <level>.head      | Start token for whole <level>                                                   |
+ +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | <level>.tail      | End token for whole <level>                                                     |
+ +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | <level>.rbeg      | Start token for row.                                                            |
+ +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | <level>.rbgd      | Alternating (per row) token                                                     |
+ +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | <level>.rend      | End token for row. Will be rendered **before** subsequent levels are processed  |
+ +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | <level>.renr      | End token for row. Will be rendered **after** subsequent levels are processed   |
+ +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | <level>.rsep      | Seperator token between rows                                                    |
+ +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | <level>.fsep      | Seperator token between fields (=columns)                                       |
+ +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | <level>.sql       | SQL Query                                                                       |
+ +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | <level>.althead   | If <level>.sql is empty, these token will be rendered                           |
+ +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | debugShowBodyText | If ='1' and config.ini:*showDebugInfo=yes*: shows a tooltip with bodytext       |
+ +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 .. _debug:
@@ -201,16 +203,21 @@ Only variables that are known in a specified store can be substituted.
  | P   | Parent record. E.g.: on multi forms the current record of the outer query              | All columns of the MultiSQL Statement from the table for the current row   |
- | D   | The *table.column* specified *default value*.                                          |                                                                            |
+ | D   | Default values column : The *table.column* specified *default value*.                  |                                                                            |
- | M   | The *table.column* specified *type*                                                    |                                                                            |
+ | M   | Column type: The *table.column* specified *type*                                       |                                                                            |
  | C   | Client: POST variable, if not found: GET variable                                      | Parameter sent from the Client (=Browser).                                 |
  | T   | Typo3: a) Bodytext (ttcontent record), b) Typo3 internal varibles like fe_user_uid, ...| See Typo3 tt_content record configuration                                  |
- | 0   | Value: 0, might be helpful if variable is empty but used in an SQL statement, which    | All possible keys                                                          |
- |     | might produce a SQL error otherwise if substituted with an empty string                |                                                                            |
+ | V   | Vars - Generic variables                                                               |                                                                            |
+ +-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | 0   | Zero - allways value: 0, might be helpful if a variable is empty or undefined and will | All possible keys                                                          |
+ |     | be used in an SQL statement.                                                           |                                                                            |
+ +-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | E   | Empty - allways value: 0, might be helpful if a variable is empty or undefined and will| All possible keys                                                          |
+ |     | be used in an SQL statement                                                            |                                                                            |
  | Y   | System: a) Database credentials, b) helper vars for logging/debugging:                 |                                                                            |
  |     | SYSTEM_SQL_RAW ... SYSTEM_FORM_ELEMENT_COLUMN                                          |                                                                            |
@@ -242,12 +249,6 @@ Store: *CLIENT* - C
  | keySemIdUser  | *{{keySemIdUser}}*, may be changed by user                                                                                               |
- | pageId        | current T3 page Id                                                                                                                       |
- +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | pageType      | T3 GET Parameter 'type'                                                                                                                  |
- +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | pageLanguage  | T3 GET Parameter 'L'                                                                                                                     |
- +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  | HTTP_HOST     | current HTTP HOST                                                                                                                        |
  | REMOTE_ADDR   | Client IP address                                                                                                                        |
@@ -256,8 +257,6 @@ Store: *CLIENT* - C
  | form          | Unique name of current form                                                                                                              |
- | random        | random string with length of 32 chars, alphanum                                                                                          |
- +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  | ANREDE        | *{{sex}}* == male >> Sehr geehrter Herr, *{{sex}}* == female  Sehr geehrte Frau                                                          |
  | EANREDE       | *{{sex}}* == male >> Dear Mr., *{{sex}}* == female >> Dear Mrs.                                                                          |
@@ -274,15 +273,19 @@ Store: *TYPO3* (Bodytext) - T
  |               | * Fix. E.g. *form = person*                                       |
  |               | * via SIP. E.g. *form = {{form}}*                                 |
- | feUser        | Logged in Typo3 FE User                                           |
+ | pageId        | Record id of current Typo3 page                                   |
- | feUserUid     | Logged in Typo3 FE User uid                                       |
+ | pageType      | Current selected page type (typically URL parameter 'type')       |
- | feUserGroup   | FE groups of logged in Typo3 FE User                              |
+ | pageLanguage  | Current selected page language (typically URL parameter 'L')      |
  | ttcontentUid  | Record id of current Typo3 content element                        |
- | typo3PageId   | Record id of current Typo3 page                                   |
+ | feUser        | Logged in Typo3 FE User                                           |
+ +---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | feUserUid     | Logged in Typo3 FE User uid                                       |
+ +---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | feUserGroup   | FE groups of logged in Typo3 FE User                              |
@@ -309,6 +312,15 @@ Store: *RECORD* - R
  | record column name | Name of a column of the primary table (as defined in the current form). To get, exactly and only, the specified form element: *{{p_id:R}}* |
+Store: *VARS* - V
+ +--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Name               | Explanation                                                                                                                                |
+ +====================+============================================================================================================================================+
+ | random             | random string with length of 32 chars, alphanum                                                                                            |
+ +--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
@@ -773,7 +785,7 @@ Type: subrecord
   * *<number>*: any 'digit only' will be treated as '''width'''.
   * *width=<number>*: max. number of chars displayed per cell in the column.
   * *nostrip*: by default, html tags will be stripped off the cell content before rendering. This protects the table layout. 'nostrip' deactivates the cleaning to make links, images, ... possible.
-  * *icon*: the cell value contains the name of an icon in *fileadmin/icons*. Empty cell values will omit an html image tag (=nothing renderd in the cell).
+  * *icon*: the cell value contains the name of an icon in *typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/icons*. Empty cell values will omit an html image tag (=nothing renderd in the cell).
   * *mailto*: value will be rendered as a mailto link.
   * *url*: value will be rendered as a link.
   * *title=<text>* or '<none of the above>': column '''title'''.
@@ -941,7 +953,7 @@ Syntax
         Global variables: {{global.<name>}}
-        Sanitized URL (Post/Get) variables: {{url.<name>}}
+        Variables from specific stores: {{<name>[:<store/s>[:<sanitize class>]]}}
         Row index and total rows: {{<level>.line.count}} or {{<level>.line.total}}
@@ -974,6 +986,7 @@ The parsed bodytext could be displayed by activating 'showDebugInfo' (:ref:`debu
     debugShowBodyText = 1
 A small symbol with a tooltip will be shown, where the content record will be displayed on the webpage.
+Note: :ref:`debug` information will only be shown with *showDebugInfo=yes* in config.ini .
@@ -1011,7 +1024,7 @@ Across several lines
 To make SQL quieres more readable, it's possible to split a line across several lines. Lines with keywords are on their
-own - if there are non 'keyword' lines, they will be appended at the last keyword line. 'Keyword' lines:
+own - if a line is not a 'keyword' line, it will be appended at the last keyword line. 'Keyword' lines are detected on:
  * <level>.<keyword> =
  * {
@@ -1274,17 +1287,17 @@ Link Examples
 |SELECT "p:form_person&S_person=Text|t:Person" AS link                  |<a class="internal" href="?form_person&S_person=Text">Person</a>                                                                        |
-|SELECT "p:form_person|e" AS link                                       |<a class="internal" href="?form_person"><img alttext="Edit" src="fileadmin/typo3conf/ext/formreport/icons/edit.gif"></a>                |
+|SELECT "p:form_person|e" AS link                                       |<a class="internal" href="?form_person"><img alttext="Edit" src="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/icons/edit.gif"></a>                |
-|SELECT "p:form_person|e|g:_blank" AS link                              |<a target="_blank" class="internal" href="?form_person"><img alttext="Edit" src="fileadmin/typo3conf/ext/formreport/icons/edit.gif"></a>|
+|SELECT "p:form_person|e|g:_blank" AS link                              |<a target="_blank" class="internal" href="?form_person"><img alttext="Edit" src="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/icons/edit.gif"></a>|
-|SELECT "p:form_person|C" AS link                                       |<a class="internal" href="?form_person"><img alttext="Check" src="fileadmin/typo3conf/ext/formreport/icons/checked-green.gif"></a>      |
+|SELECT "p:form_person|C" AS link                                       |<a class="internal" href="?form_person"><img alttext="Check" src="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/icons/checked-green.gif"></a>      |
-|SELECT "p:form_person|C:green" AS link                                 |<a class="internal" href="?form_person"><img alttext="Check" src="fileadmin/typo3conf/ext/formreport/icons/checked-green.gif"></a>      |
+|SELECT "p:form_person|C:green" AS link                                 |<a class="internal" href="?form_person"><img alttext="Check" src="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/icons/checked-green.gif"></a>      |
-|SELECT "A:p:form_person|G:C" AS link                                   |<a class="internal" href="?form_person"><img alttext="Check" src="fileadmin/typo3conf/ext/formreport/icons/checked-green.gif"></a>      |
+|SELECT "A:p:form_person|G:C" AS link                                   |<a class="internal" href="?form_person"><img alttext="Check" src="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/icons/checked-green.gif"></a>      |
-|SELECT "A:u:www.example.com|G:P:home.gif|t:Home" AS link               |<a class="internal" href="?form_person"><img alttext="Check" src="ffileadmin/typo3conf/ext/formreport/icons/home.gif">Home</a>          |
+|SELECT "A:u:www.example.com|G:P:home.gif|t:Home" AS link               |<a class="internal" href="?form_person"><img alttext="Check" src="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/icons/home.gif">Home</a>           |
@@ -1505,7 +1518,7 @@ Send simple plain text emails. Every mail will be logged in the mail log. The lo
-    10.sql = SELECT "john.doe@example.com|company@example.com|Latest News|The new version of FormReport is now available." AS sendmail
+    10.sql = SELECT "john.doe@example.com|company@example.com|Latest News|The new version is now available." AS sendmail
@@ -1518,7 +1531,7 @@ This will send an email with subject *Latest News* from company@example.com to j
-    10.sql = SELECT "customer1@example.com, customer2@example.com|company@example.com|Latest News|The new version of FormReport is now available." AS sendmail
+    10.sql = SELECT "customer1@example.com, customer2@example.com|company@example.com|Latest News|The new version is now available." AS sendmail
@@ -1803,7 +1816,8 @@ Solution for *#Challenge_2*:
 Include a form via link/url
-In most occasions it is handy if a formname does not have to be hard-coded in report but can be passed to the page as a parameter. To achieve this, first build a link on page A which includes the required parameters:
+In most occasions it is handy if a formname does not have to be hard-coded in report but can be passed to the page as a
+parameter. To achieve this, first build a link on page A which includes the required parameters:
 **page A**
@@ -1814,9 +1828,8 @@ In most occasions it is handy if a formname does not have to be hard-coded in re
-The above example builds a link to pageB - refer to the 'link'-manual for details. The link tells page B to render the form with name formname and load the record with id id for editing.
+The above example builds a link to pageB - refer to the :ref:`column-link`-manual for details. The link tells page B to
+render the form with name formname and load the record with id id for editing.
@@ -2032,7 +2045,18 @@ Formating (i.e. wrapping of data with HTML tags etc.) can be achieved in two dif
+The same as above, but with braces::
+  10 {
+    sql = SELECT p.name FROM exp_person AS p
+    head = <ul>
+    tail = </ul>
+    rbeg = <li>
+    rend = </li>
+  }
     Two queries
@@ -2086,7 +2110,7 @@ Two queries: nested with variables
 *   For every record of '10', all assigned records of 10.10 will be printed.
-    Two queries: nested with hidden variables in a table
+Two queries: nested with hidden variables in a table
@@ -2100,8 +2124,63 @@ Two queries: nested with variables
+Same as above, but written in the nested notation::
+  10 {
+    sql = SELECT p.id AS _p_id, p.name FROM exp_person AS p
+    rend = <br />
+    10 {
+    # inner query
+      sql = SELECT a.street FROM exp_address AS a WHERE a.p_id='{{10.p_id}}'
+      rend = <br />
+    }
+  }
 *   Columns starting with a '_' won't be printed but can be accessed as regular columns.
+Best practice
+Debug Report
+Writing "report's" in the nested notation or long queries broken over several lines, might not interpreted as wished.
+Best for debugging is to specify in the tt-content record::
+  debugShowBodyText = 1
+Note: Debug information is only display if it's enabled in  *config.ini* by
+ * *SHOW_DEBUG_INFO=yes* or
+ * *SHOW_DEBUG_INFO=auto* and logged in in the same Browser as a Typo3 backend user.
+More detailed error messages
+If *SHOW_DEBUG_INFO* is enabled, a full stacktrace and variable contents are displayed in case of an error.
+Person search form
+QFQ content record::
+  # Creates a small form that redirects back to this page
+  10 {
+    sql = SELECT '_'
+    head = <form action='#' method='get'><input type='hidden' name='id' value='{{pageId:T}}'>Search: <input type='text' name='search' value='{{search:CE:all}}'><input type='submit' value='Submit'></form>
+  }
+  # SQL statement will find and list all the relevant forms
+  20 {
+    sql = SELECT CONCAT('?detail&form=form&r=', f.id) AS Pagee, f.id, f.name, f.title
+              FROM Form AS f
+              WHERE f.name LIKE  '%{{search:CE:all}}%'
+    head = <table class='table'>
+    tail = </table>
+    rbeg = <tr>
+    rend = </tr>
+    fbeg = <td>
+    fend = </td>
+  }
diff --git a/extension/qfq/qfq/AbstractBuildForm.php b/extension/qfq/qfq/AbstractBuildForm.php
index c2363b61b582f529b0ed3c59aae667448fd4953f..0809666328eb699151c03c7244d55f32330a2c90 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/qfq/AbstractBuildForm.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/qfq/AbstractBuildForm.php
@@ -380,16 +380,18 @@ abstract class AbstractBuildForm {
     public function deriveNewRecordUrlFromExistingSip(&$toolTipNew) {
         $urlParam = $this->store->getStore(STORE_SIP);
         $urlParam[SIP_RECORD_ID] = 0;
-        $urlParam['id'] = $this->store->getVar(TYPO3_PAGE_ID, STORE_TYPO3);
-        $urlParam['type'] = $this->store->getVar(TYPO3_PAGE_TYPE, STORE_TYPO3);
+        Support::appendTypo3ParameterToArray($urlParam);
         $sip = $this->store->getSipInstance();
         $url = $sip->queryStringToSip(OnArray::toString($urlParam));
         if ($this->showDebugInfo) {
+            //TODO: missing decoding of SIP
             $toolTipNew .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . OnArray::toString($urlParam, ' = ', PHP_EOL, "'");
diff --git a/extension/qfq/qfq/BodytextParser.php b/extension/qfq/qfq/BodytextParser.php
index 44e8bb99677228c57d7e4e6ce6e356066ca16f3a..fd9899d07aa5f5a332d8af2a1160548e769123b1 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/qfq/BodytextParser.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/qfq/BodytextParser.php
@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ class BodytextParser {
         $full = '';
         foreach ($bodytextArray as $row) {
             // Valid 'new line' starts indicators: form, <level>, <level.sublevel>, <level>.<keyword>, {, <level> {, }
-            if ((1 === preg_match('/^\s*(\d*(\.)?)*\s*(head|althead|tail|sql|rbeg|rend|renr|rsep|fbeg|fend|fsep|form|debugShowBodyText|r) *=/', $row))
+            if ((1 === preg_match('/^\s*(\d*(\.)?)*\s*(head|althead|tail|sql|rbeg|rend|renr|rsep|fbeg|fend|fsep|' .
+                        TYPO3_FORM . '|' . TYPO3_DEBUG_SHOW_BODY_TEXT . '|' . TYPO3_RECORD_ID . ') *=/', $row))
                 || (1 === preg_match('/^\s*(\d*(\.)?)*\s*({|})\s*/', $row))
                 || (1 === preg_match('/^\s*(\d+(\.)?)+/', $row))
             ) {
@@ -96,8 +97,7 @@ class BodytextParser {
         // Replace '\{' | '\}' by internal token. All remaining '}' | '{' means: 'nested'
         $bodytext = str_replace('\{', '#&[_#', $bodytext);
         $bodytext = str_replace('\}', '#&]_#', $bodytext);
-        $bodytext = str_replace('{{', '#&[[_#', $bodytext);
-        $bodytext = str_replace('}}', '#&]]_#', $bodytext);
+        $bodytext = Support::encryptDoubleCurlyBraces($bodytext);
         $result = $bodytext;
         $posFirstClose = strpos($result, '}');
@@ -143,9 +143,7 @@ class BodytextParser {
         $result = str_replace('#&[_#', '{', $result);
         $result = str_replace('#&]_#', '}', $result);
-        $result = str_replace('#&[[_#', '{{', $result);
-        $result = str_replace('#&]]_#', '}}', $result);
+        $result = Support::decryptDoubleCurlyBraces($result);
         return $result;
diff --git a/extension/qfq/qfq/BuildFormBootstrap.php b/extension/qfq/qfq/BuildFormBootstrap.php
index aa94e679507767362759fb403546eb92d223fd27..ff688059f0c3470549481b01563a664913e2bce0 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/qfq/BuildFormBootstrap.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/qfq/BuildFormBootstrap.php
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ namespace qfq;
 use qfq;
 use qfq\UserFormException;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Element\ButtonElement;
 require_once(__DIR__ . '/../qfq/Constants.php');
 require_once(__DIR__ . '/../qfq/helper/OnArray.php');
@@ -112,71 +113,102 @@ class BuildFormBootstrap extends AbstractBuildForm {
-     * Simlute Submit Button: http://www.javascript-coder.com/javascript-form/javascript-form-submit.phtml
+     * Simulate Submit Button: http://www.javascript-coder.com/javascript-form/javascript-form-submit.phtml
      * @return string
     private function buildButtons() {
-        $toolTipNew = 'New';
-        $toolTipDelete = 'Delete';
-        $buttonDelete = '';
         $buttonNew = '';
-        $buttonDebug = '';
+        $buttonDelete = '';
+        $buttonClose = '';
+        $buttonSave = '';
+        $buttonEditForm = '';
         $recordId = $this->store->getVar(SIP_RECORD_ID, STORE_SIP);
         // Button: FormEdit
         if ($this->showDebugInfo) {
-            $tooltipFormEdit = "Edit form" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . OnArray::toString($this->store->getStore(STORE_SIP), ' = ', PHP_EOL, "'");
-            $urlFormEdit = $this->createFormEditUrl();
-            // Edit Form
-            $buttonDebug = <<<BUTTON
-                <div class="btn-group" role="group">
-                    <a href="$urlFormEdit" id="form-edit-button" class="btn btn-default navbar-btn" title="$tooltipFormEdit"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-wrench"></span></a>
-                </div>
+            $toolTip = "Edit form" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . OnArray::toString($this->store->getStore(STORE_SIP), ' = ', PHP_EOL, "'");
+            $url = $this->createFormEditUrl();
+            $buttonEditForm = $this->buildButtonAnchor('form-edit-button', $url, $toolTip, 'glyphicon-wrench');
+        }
+        // Button: Save
+        if (Support::findInSet(FORM_BUTTON_SAVE, $this->formSpec['showButton'])) {
+            $toolTip = 'Save';
+            if ($this->showDebugInfo) {
+                $toolTip .= PHP_EOL . "table = '" . $this->formSpec['tableName'] . "'" . PHP_EOL . "r = '" . $recordId . "'";
+            }
+            $buttonSave = $this->buildButtonCode('save-button', $toolTip, 'glyphicon-ok');
+        }
+        // Button: Close
+        if (Support::findInSet(FORM_BUTTON_CLOSE, $this->formSpec['showButton'])) {
+            $toolTip = 'Close';
+            if ($this->showDebugInfo) {
+                $toolTip .= PHP_EOL . "table = '" . $this->formSpec['tableName'] . "'" . PHP_EOL . "r = '" . $recordId . "'";
+            }
+            $buttonClose = $this->buildButtonCode('close-button', 'Close', 'glyphicon-remove');
         // Button: Delete
         if (Support::findInSet(FORM_BUTTON_DELETE, $this->formSpec['showButton'])) {
+            $toolTip = 'Delete';
             if ($this->showDebugInfo && $recordId > 0) {
-                $toolTipDelete .= PHP_EOL . "table = '" . $this->formSpec['tableName'] . "'" . PHP_EOL . "r = '" . $recordId . "'";
+                $toolTip .= PHP_EOL . "table = '" . $this->formSpec['tableName'] . "'" . PHP_EOL . "r = '" . $recordId . "'";
-            $buttonDeleteDisabled = ($recordId > 0) ? '' : 'disabled';
+            $disabled = ($recordId > 0) ? '' : 'disabled';
-            $buttonDelete = <<<BUTTON
-                <div class="btn-group" role="group">
-                            <button id="delete-button" type="button" class="btn btn-default navbar-btn $buttonDeleteDisabled" title="$toolTipDelete"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span></button>
-                </div>
+            $buttonDelete = $this->buildButtonCode('delete-button', $toolTip, 'glyphicon-trash', $disabled);
         // Button: New
         if (Support::findInSet(FORM_BUTTON_NEW, $this->formSpec['showButton'])) {
-            $formNewUrl = $this->deriveNewRecordUrlFromExistingSip($toolTipNew);
+            $toolTip = 'New';
+            $url = $this->deriveNewRecordUrlFromExistingSip($toolTip);
-            $buttonNew = <<<BUTTON
-                <div class="btn-group" role="group">
-                            <a href="$formNewUrl" id="form-new-button" class="btn btn-default navbar-btn" title="$toolTipNew"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></a>
-                </div>
+            $buttonNew = $this->buildButtonAnchor('form-new-button', $url, $toolTip, 'glyphicon-plus');
-//        <div class="btn-toolbar pull-right" role="toolbar">
-        $html = <<<BUTTON
-        <div class="btn-toolbar" role="toolbar">
-            $buttonDebug
-            <div class="btn-group" role="group">
-                <button id="save-button" type="button" class="btn btn-default navbar-btn" title="Save"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span></button>
-                <button id="close-button" type="button" class="btn btn-default navbar-btn" title="Close"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span></button>
-            </div>
-            $buttonDelete
-            $buttonNew
-        </div>
+        $html = Support::wrapTag('<div class="btn-group" role="group">', $buttonEditForm);
+        $html .= Support::wrapTag('<div class="btn-group" role="group">', $buttonSave . $buttonClose);
+        $html .= Support::wrapTag('<div class="btn-group" role="group">', $buttonDelete);
+        $html .= Support::wrapTag('<div class="btn-group" role="group">', $buttonNew);
+        $html = Support::wrapTag('<div class="btn-toolbar" role="toolbar">', $html);
         return $html;
+    /**
+     * @param $id
+     * @param $url
+     * @param $title
+     * @param $icon
+     * @param string $disabled
+     * @return string
+     */
+    private function buildButtonAnchor($id, $url, $title, $icon, $disabled = '') {
+        return "<a href='$url' id='$id' class='btn btn-default navbar-btn $disabled' " . Support::doAttribute('title', $title) . "><span class='glyphicon $icon'></span></a>";
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param $id
+     * @param $title
+     * @param $icon
+     * @param string $disabled
+     * @return string
+     */
+    private function buildButtonCode($id, $title, $icon, $disabled = '') {
+        return "<button id='$id' type='button' class='btn btn-default navbar-btn $disabled' " . Support::doAttribute('title', $title) . "><span class='glyphicon $icon'></span></button>";
+    }
      * @param $pillArray
      * @return string
diff --git a/extension/qfq/qfq/Constants.php b/extension/qfq/qfq/Constants.php
index a9a9f97b9e0130f1d9eb9a3bafbcb591be9eaa8a..04202e5c7ae49097e16cbf22f51b4ba81c854b34 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/qfq/Constants.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/qfq/Constants.php
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ const FORM_PERMISSION_ALWAYS = 'always';
 const FORM_PERMISSION_NEVER = 'never';
 const FORM_BUTTON_NEW = 'new';
 const FORM_BUTTON_DELETE = 'delete';
+const FORM_BUTTON_CLOSE = 'close';
+const FORM_BUTTON_SAVE = 'save';
 const FORM_FORWARD_MODE_NO = 'no';
 const FORM_FORWARD_MODE_AUTO = 'auto';
@@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ const SESSION_FE_USER_UID = 'fe_user_uid';
 const RETURN_URL = 'return_url';
 const RETURN_SIP = 'return_sip';
+const RETURN_ARRAY = 'return_array';
 const SQL_FORM_ELEMENT_SPECIFIC_CONTAINER = "SELECT *, ? AS 'nestedInFieldSet' FROM FormElement AS fe WHERE fe.formId = ? AND fe.deleted = 'no' AND FIND_IN_SET(fe.class, ? ) AND fe.feIdContainer = ? AND fe.enabled='yes' ORDER BY fe.ord, fe.id";
 const SQL_FORM_ELEMENT_ALL_CONTAINER = "SELECT *, ? AS 'nestedInFieldSet' FROM FormElement AS fe WHERE fe.formId = ? AND fe.deleted = 'no' AND FIND_IN_SET(fe.class, ? ) AND fe.enabled='yes' ORDER BY fe.ord, fe.id";
@@ -171,7 +174,9 @@ const STORE_TABLE_DEFAULT = "D"; // definition of primary table.
 const STORE_TABLE_COLUMN_TYPES = "M"; // column types of primary table.
 const STORE_CLIENT = "C"; // Client: POST variable, if not found: GET variable
 const STORE_TYPO3 = "T"; // Typo3 > Page content record > bodytext
+const STORE_VAR = "V"; // Generic Vars
 const STORE_ZERO = "0"; // value: 0, might helpfull if variable is empty but used in an SQL statement, which might produce a SQL error otherwise if substituted with an empty string
+const STORE_EMPTY = "E"; // value: '', might helpfull if variable is not defined and should result in an empty string instead of {{...}} (cause not replaced)
 const STORE_SYSTEM = "Y"; // various system values like db connection credentials
@@ -209,12 +214,15 @@ const CLIENT_PHP_SELF = 'PHP_SELF';
 // T3 Bodytext Keywords
 const TYPO3_FE_USER = 'feUser';
 const TYPO3_FE_USER_UID = 'feUserUid';
 const TYPO3_FE_USER_GROUP = 'feUserGroup';
 const TYPO3_TT_CONTENT_UID = 'ttcontentUid';
-const TYPO3_PAGE_ID = 'typo3PageId';
-const TYPO3_PAGE_TYPE = 'typo33PageType';
+const TYPO3_PAGE_ID = 'pageId';
+const TYPO3_PAGE_TYPE = 'pageType';
+const TYPO3_PAGE_LANGUAGE = 'pageLanguage';
+const TYPO3_DEBUG_SHOW_BODY_TEXT = 'debugShowBodyText';
 // System
@@ -260,6 +268,12 @@ const SIP_TABLE = 'table'; // delete a record from 'table'
 const SIP_URLPARAM = 'urlparam';
 // FURTHER: all extracted params from 'urlparam
+const VAR_RANDOM = 'random';
+const RANDOM_LENGTH = 32;
 // FORM - copy from table 'form' of processed form
@@ -317,3 +331,6 @@ const GLYPH_ICON_SHOW = 'glyphicon glyphicon-search';
 const GLYPH_ICON_TOOL = 'glyphicon-wrench';
 const GLYPH_ICON_CHECK = 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok';
+const PARAM_T3_ALL = 't3 all';
+const PARAM_T3_NO_ID = "t3 no id";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extension/qfq/qfq/Evaluate.php b/extension/qfq/qfq/Evaluate.php
index 3638b75bbbbb1f19e07cc934b864ecf2cc3a9020..bea3de79a1ba55b3bb8c06e2b25a8d851465ac1c 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/qfq/Evaluate.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/qfq/Evaluate.php
@@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ class Evaluate {
         $posFirstClose = strpos($result, $this->endDelimiter);
         while ($posFirstClose !== false) {
-            $flagTokenReplaced = true;
             $posMatchOpen = strrpos(substr($result, 0, $posFirstClose), $this->startDelimiter);
             if ($posMatchOpen === false) {
@@ -96,32 +95,42 @@ class Evaluate {
             $match = substr($result, $posMatchOpen + $this->startDelimiterLength, $posFirstClose - $posMatchOpen - $this->startDelimiterLength);
             $evaluated = $this->substitute($match, $foundInStore);
             $debugLocal[] = $debugIndent . "#Replace: '$match'";
-            // If an array is returned, break everything and return this assoc array.
-            if (is_array($evaluated)) {
-                $result = $evaluated;
-                $debugLocal[] = $debugIndent . "#By: 'array(" . count($result) . ")'";
-                break;
-            }
+            if ($foundInStore === '') {
+                // Encode the non replaceable part as preparation not to process again and to recode at the end.
+                $evaluated = Support::encryptDoubleCurlyBraces($this->startDelimiter . $match . $this->endDelimiter);
+                $debugLocal[] = $debugIndent . "#By: <nothing found - not replaced>";
+            } else {
+                $flagTokenReplaced = true;
-            $debugLocal[] = $debugIndent . "#By: '$evaluated'";
+                // If an array is returned, break everything and return this assoc array.
+                if (is_array($evaluated)) {
+                    $result = $evaluated;
+                    $debugLocal[] = $debugIndent . "#By: 'array(" . count($result) . ")'";
+                    break;
+                }
-            // More to substitute in the new evaluated result? Start recursion just with the new result..
-            if (strpos($evaluated, $this->endDelimiter) !== false) {
-                $evaluated = $this->parse($evaluated, $recursion + 1, $debugLocal, $foundInStore);
-            }  
+                $debugLocal[] = $debugIndent . "#By: '$evaluated'";
+                // More to substitute in the new evaluated result? Start recursion just with the new result..
+                if (strpos($evaluated, $this->endDelimiter) !== false) {
+                    $evaluated = $this->parse($evaluated, $recursion + 1, $debugLocal, $foundInStore);
+                }
+            }
             $result = $pre . $evaluated . $post;
             $posFirstClose = strpos($result, $this->endDelimiter);
         if ($flagTokenReplaced === true) {
-            $debugLocal[] = $debugIndent . "#Final: " . is_array($result) ?  "array(" . count($result) .")" : "'$result'" ;
+            $debugLocal[] = $debugIndent . "#Final: " . is_array($result) ? "array(" . count($result) . ")" : "'$result'";
             $debugStack = $debugLocal;
-        return $result;
+        return Support::decryptDoubleCurlyBraces($result);
@@ -133,7 +142,7 @@ class Evaluate {
      * If neither a) or b) match, return the token itself, surrounded by single ticks, to emphase that substition failed.
      * @param $token
-     * @param string $foundInStore
+     * @param string $foundInStore Returns the name of the store where $key has been found. If $key is not found, return ''.
      * @return array|mixed|null|string
      * @throws CodeException
      * @throws DbException
@@ -154,6 +163,7 @@ class Evaluate {
         // SQL Statement?
         if (in_array(strtoupper($arr[0] . ' '), $this->sqlKeywords)) {
+            $foundInStore = 'query';
             return $this->db->sql($token, $sqlMode);
@@ -168,8 +178,11 @@ class Evaluate {
         // search for value in stores
         $value = $this->store->getVar($arr[0], $arr[1], $arr[2], $foundInStore);
-        // nothing replaced: put ticks around, to sanitize strings for SQL statements. Nothing to substitute is not a wished situation.
-        return ($value === false) ? "'" . $token . "'" : $value;
+        // OLD: nothing replaced: put ticks around, to sanitize strings for SQL statements. Nothing to substitute is not a wished situation.
+//        return ($value === false) ? "'" . $token . "'" : $value;
+        // NEW: nothing replaced: higher level should decide what to do
+        return $value;
     public function getDebug() {
diff --git a/extension/qfq/qfq/QuickFormQuery.php b/extension/qfq/qfq/QuickFormQuery.php
index 01cf3c7c9534050523b2ec60fbea4aab4f1ef386..ae672a63f21d3a8c067a02fdfdcc1d3c34babf1d 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/qfq/QuickFormQuery.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/qfq/QuickFormQuery.php
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class QuickFormQuery {
     public function process() {
         $html = '';
-        if ($this->store->getVar('debugShowBodyText', STORE_TYPO3) === '1') {
+        if ($this->store->getVar(TYPO3_DEBUG_SHOW_BODY_TEXT, STORE_TYPO3) === '1') {
             $html .= Support::appendTooltip('', $this->t3data['bodytext']);
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ class QuickFormQuery {
      * @return string
     private function doReport() {
-        $report = new Report($this->t3data, $this->store->getVar(SYSTEM_SESSION_NAME, STORE_SYSTEM), $this->phpUnit);
+        $report = new Report($this->t3data, $this->store->getVar(SYSTEM_SESSION_NAME, STORE_SYSTEM), $this->eval, $this->phpUnit);
         $html = $report->process();
diff --git a/extension/qfq/qfq/helper/Support.php b/extension/qfq/qfq/helper/Support.php
index 598e7ecb49af8f1abb7e2e14ef2bd551d8095cec..d57833ef6be9540a9a0b2ff6db57066958c6f07d 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/qfq/helper/Support.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/qfq/helper/Support.php
@@ -14,19 +14,29 @@ class Support {
      * @param array $queryArray Empty or prefilled assoc array with url parameter
+     * @param string $mode PARAM_T3_NO_ID, PARAM_T3_ALL
-    public static function appendTypo3ParameterToArray(array &$queryArray) {
+    public static function appendTypo3ParameterToArray(array &$queryArray, $mode = PARAM_T3_ALL) {
 //        if (isset($_GET['id']))
 //            $queryArray['id'] = self::getCurrentPage();
-        if (isset($GLOBALS["TSFE"]->id))
-            $queryArray['id'] = $GLOBALS["TSFE"]->id;
-        if (isset($_GET['L']))
-            $queryArray['L'] = $_GET['L'];
+        $store = Store::getInstance();
-        if (isset($_GET['type']))
-            $queryArray['type'] = $_GET['type'];
+        if ($mode === PARAM_T3_ALL) {
+            $queryArray['id'] = $store->getVar(TYPO3_PAGE_ID, STORE_TYPO3);
+        }
+        // TYPE
+        $tmp = $store->getVar(TYPO3_PAGE_TYPE, STORE_TYPO3);
+        if ($tmp !== false && $tmp != 0) {
+            $queryArray['type'] = $tmp;
+        }
+        // Language
+        $tmp = $store->getVar(TYPO3_PAGE_LANGUAGE, STORE_TYPO3);
+        if ($tmp !== false && $tmp != 0) {
+            $queryArray['L'] = $tmp;
+        }
@@ -186,4 +196,57 @@ class Support {
         return $date . ' ' . $time;
+    /**
+     * Encrypt curly braces by an uncommon string. Helps preventing unwished action on curly braces.
+     *
+     * @param $text
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public static function encryptDoubleCurlyBraces($text) {
+        $text = str_replace('{{', '#&@[[@_#', $text);
+        $text = str_replace('}}', '#&@]]@_#', $text);
+        return $text;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Decrypt curly braces by an uncommon string. Helps preventing unwished action on curly braces
+     *
+     * @param $text
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public static function decryptDoubleCurlyBraces($text) {
+        $text = str_replace('#&@[[@_#', '{{', $text);
+        $text = str_replace('#&@]]@_#', '}}', $text);
+        return $text;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param int $length Length of the required hash string
+     * @return string       A random alphanumeric hash
+     */
+    public static function randomAlphaNum($length) {
+        $possible_characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
+        $string = "";
+        while (strlen($string) < $length) {
+            $string .= substr($possible_characters, rand() % (strlen($possible_characters)), 1);
+        }
+        return ($string);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param $url
+     * @param $param
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public static function concatUrlParam($url, $param) {
+        if ($param == '')
+            return $url;
+        $token = (strpos($url, '?') === false) ? '?' : '&';
+        return $url . $token . $param;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Link.php b/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Link.php
index 5ae9e55f8d6eb518276c30c8946019489d87e14a..407bd3d13a1b61c420f54ac4043e8a57bbb00e14 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Link.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Link.php
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ const NAME_PAGE = 'page';
 const NAME_TEXT = 'text';
 const NAME_ALT_TEXT = 'altText';
 const NAME_TOOL_TIP = 'toolTip';
+const NAME_TOOL_TIP_JS = 'toolTipJs';
 const NAME_IMAGE = 'image';
 const NAME_IMAGE_TITLE = 'imageTitle';
 const NAME_GLYPH = 'glyph';
@@ -85,6 +86,8 @@ const NAME_HASH = 'hash';
 const NAME_URL_PARAM = 'param';
 const NAME_RIGHT_PICTURE_POSITION = 'picturePosition';
+const NO_CLASS = 'no_class';
  * Class Link
  * @package qfq
@@ -123,6 +126,7 @@ class Link {
         'u' => 'buildUrl',
         'm' => 'buildMail',
         'p' => 'buildPage',
+        'o' => 'buildToolTip',
         'P' => 'buildPicture',
         'B' => 'buildBullet',
         'C' => 'buildCheck',
@@ -178,7 +182,7 @@ class Link {
         $this->utils = new Utils();
         $this->varsDefault[NAME_QUESTION] = 'Please confirm';
-        $this->varsDefault[NAME_PAGE] = $this->store->getVar(TYPO3_PAGE_ID, STORE_TYPO3);
+//        $this->varsDefault[NAME_PAGE] = $this->store->getVar(TYPO3_PAGE_ID, STORE_TYPO3);
         $this->varsDefault[NAME_ENCRYPTION] = '0';
         $this->varsDefault[NAME_RIGHT_PICTURE_POSITION] = 'l';
         $this->varsDefault[NAME_RENDER] = 0;
@@ -270,7 +274,12 @@ class Link {
-        $htmlUrl = $this->doHtmlUrl($vars);
+        // Set default tooltip
+        if ($vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP] == '' && $vars[NAME_GLYPH_TITLE] !== '') {
+            $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP] = $vars[NAME_GLYPH_TITLE];
+        }
+        $htmlUrl = $this->doAnchor($vars);
         $htmlImage = $this->doHtmlImageGlyph($vars);
 // Compose Image & Text
@@ -281,8 +290,8 @@ class Link {
 // ToolTip
         $extraSpan = ['', ''];
-        if ($vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP]) {
-            $extraSpan[0] = "<span " . $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP][0] . ">" . $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP][1];
+        if ($vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP] !== '') {
+            $extraSpan[0] = "<span " . $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP_JS][0] . ">" . $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP_JS][1];
             $extraSpan[1] = "</span>";
@@ -337,7 +346,7 @@ class Link {
             // 3: <a href=url>url</a>
             case '3':
-                $link = $htmlUrl . $vars[NAME_URL] . '</a>' . $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP][1];
+                $link = $htmlUrl . $vars[NAME_URL] . '</a>' . $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP_JS][1];
             case '13':
                 $vars[NAME_TEXT] = $vars[NAME_MAIL];
@@ -346,7 +355,7 @@ class Link {
             // 4: <a href=url>Text</a>
             case '4':
-                $link = $htmlUrl . $vars[NAME_TEXT] . '</a>' . $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP][1];
+                $link = $htmlUrl . $vars[NAME_TEXT] . '</a>' . $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP_JS][1];
             case '14':
                 $link = $this->encryptMailtoJS($vars, TRUE);
@@ -385,7 +394,8 @@ class Link {
         $vars[NAME_GLYPH_TITLE] = '';
         $vars[NAME_QUESTION] = '';
         $vars[NAME_TARGET] = '';
-        $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP] = ['', ''];
+        $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP] = '';
+        $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP_JS] = ['', ''];
         $vars[NAME_URL_PARAM] = '';
         $vars[NAME_RENDER] = '';
@@ -426,7 +436,7 @@ class Link {
         $keyName = $this->tableVarName[$key];
-        // A few keys do not have necessarily a value: fake the definition by manual assigning the default
+        // A few keys do not have necessarily a value: fake the definition by manual creating a value.
         if ($value == '') {
             switch ($key) {
                 case 'R':
@@ -443,12 +453,12 @@ class Link {
-        // Take defaults
+        // Defaults
         if ($value === '' && isset($this->varsDefault[$keyName])) {
             $value = $this->varsDefault[$keyName];
-        //  Check for empty values. Some keys are allowed to be empty.
+        //  Check for empty values. Respect: some keys are allowed to be empty.
         if ($value === '' && strpos('uENDHIS', $key) === false) {
             throw new UserReportException ("Missing value for '$key'", ERROR_MISSING_VALUE);
@@ -493,44 +503,52 @@ class Link {
                 $vars[NAME_LINK_CLASS] = ($vars[NAME_LINK_CLASS] == '') ? $vars[NAME_LINK_CLASS_DEFAULT] : $vars[NAME_LINK_CLASS];
+        if ($vars[NAME_LINK_CLASS] === NO_CLASS) {
+            $vars[NAME_LINK_CLASS] = '';
+        }
-     * Builds complete HTML anchor.
-     * - <a href="mailto:info@example.com:>info@example.com</a>
-     * - <a href="http://example.com:>http://example.com</a>
-     * - If $this->modeHash is set, create a
+     * Create the HTML anchor.
+     * - <a href="mailto:info@example.com" title=".." class="..">
+     * - <a href="http://example.com" title=".." class="..">
+     * - If $this->modeHash is set, create a hash (sip)
      * @param array $vars
      * @return string
      * @throws UserReportException
-    private function doHtmlUrl(array &$vars) {
-        $tags = '';
+    private function doAnchor(array &$vars) {
+        $attributes = '';
         // build URL
-        $htmlUrl = "";
         $anchorTitle = '';
+        // Link: URL
         if ($vars[NAME_URL] !== '') {
             if ($vars[NAME_HASH] === "1") {
-                $vars[NAME_URL] = $this->sip->queryStringToSip($vars[NAME_PAGE] . '&' . $vars[NAME_URL_PARAM]);
+                $paramArray = $this->sip->queryStringToSip(Support::concatUrlParam($vars[NAME_URL], $vars[NAME_URL_PARAM]), RETURN_ARRAY);
+                $vars[NAME_URL] = $paramArray['_url'];
+                if ($this->store->getVar(SYSTEM_SHOW_DEBUG_INFO, STORE_SYSTEM) === 'yes') {
+                    $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP] .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . OnArray::toString($paramArray, ' = ', PHP_EOL, "'");
+                    $this->buildToolTip($vars, 'o', $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP]);
+                }
             } else {
                 if ($vars[NAME_URL_PARAM] != '') {
-                    // Append '&' or '?' depending if there is already a '?'
-                    $vars[NAME_URL] .= (strpos($vars[NAME_URL], '?') >= 0) ? '&' : '?';
-                    // Append all additional params.
-                    $vars[NAME_URL] .= $vars[NAME_URL_PARAM];
+                    $vars[NAME_URL] = Support::concatUrlParam($vars[NAME_URL], $vars[NAME_URL_PARAM]);
-        // If there is no encryption: handle the mailto as an ordinary URL
+        // Link: MAILTO
         if ($vars[NAME_MAIL] !== '') {
+            // If there is no encryption: handle the mailto as an ordinary URL
             if ($vars[NAME_ENCRYPTION] === '0') {
                 $vars[NAME_URL] = "mailto:" . $vars[NAME_MAIL];
                 $vars[NAME_MAIL] = "";
@@ -542,22 +560,25 @@ class Link {
         if ($vars[NAME_GLYPH] !== '') {
             $vars[NAME_LINK_CLASS] .= ' btn btn-default ';
-            if ($vars[NAME_GLYPH_TITLE] !== '') {
-                $anchorTitle = $vars[NAME_GLYPH_TITLE];
-            }
+//            if ($vars[NAME_GLYPH_TITLE] !== '') {
+//                $anchorTitle = $vars[NAME_GLYPH_TITLE];
+//            }
-        $tags .= Support::doAttribute('href', $vars[NAME_URL]);
-        $tags .= Support::doAttribute('class', $vars[NAME_LINK_CLASS]);
-        $tags .= Support::doAttribute('target', $vars[NAME_TARGET]);
-        $tags .= Support::doAttribute('title', $anchorTitle);
+        $attributes .= Support::doAttribute('href', $vars[NAME_URL]);
+        $attributes .= Support::doAttribute('class', $vars[NAME_LINK_CLASS]);
+        $attributes .= Support::doAttribute('target', $vars[NAME_TARGET]);
+//        $attributes .= Support::doAttribute('title', $anchorTitle);
+        $attributes .= Support::doAttribute('title', $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP]);
         if ($vars[NAME_QUESTION]) {
-            $tags .= Support::doAttribute('onclick', 'confirm(\'' . $vars[NAME_QUESTION] . '\')');
+            $attributes .= Support::doAttribute('onclick', 'confirm(\'' . $vars[NAME_QUESTION] . '\')');
-        $htmlUrl = '<a ' . $tags . $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP][0] . '>';
+//        $anchor = '<a ' . $attributes . $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP_JS][0] . '>';
+        $anchor = '<a ' . $attributes . '>';
-        return ($htmlUrl);
+        return ($anchor);
@@ -569,6 +590,34 @@ class Link {
 //  <img src="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/icons/edit.gif" title="Edit" >
+    /**
+     * Create a ToolTip: $toolTip[0] and $toolTip[1] have to inserted in HTML code accordingly.
+     * $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP_JS][0]: JS to show '$toolTip[1]'.
+     * $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP_JS][1]: '<span>...</span>' with the tooltip text.
+     *
+     * @param $vars
+     * @param $key
+     * @param $value
+     */
+    private function buildToolTip(&$vars, $key, $value) {
+        static $count = 0;
+        $toolTipIndex = 'tooltip.' . $GLOBALS["TSFE"]->currentRecord . '.' . ++$count;
+        $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP_JS] = array();
+        // Expample: <img src="fileadmin/icons/bullet-gray.gif" onmouseover="document.getElementById('gm167979').style.
+        // display='block';" onmouseout="document.getElementById('gm167979').style.display='none';" />
+        $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP_JS][0] = " onmouseover=\"document.getElementById('" . $toolTipIndex .
+            "').style.display='block';\" onmouseout=\"document.getElementById('" . $toolTipIndex . "').style.display='none';\"";
+        // Example: <span id="gm167979" style="display:none; position:absolute; border:solid 1px black; background-color:#F9F3D0;
+        // padding:3px;">My pesonal tooltip</span>
+        $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP_JS][1] = '<span id="' . $toolTipIndex .
+            '" style="display:none; position:absolute; border:solid 1px black; background-color:#F9F3D0; padding:3px;">' .
+            $value . '</span>';
+        return;
+    }
      * Create Image HTML Tag
@@ -629,7 +678,7 @@ class Link {
                 // Compose $dw (documentwrite statement)
                 $dw .= ' + mm' . $ii++;
-            $dw .= ' + "' . $vars[NAME_LINK_CLASS] . str_replace('"', '\\"', $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP][0]) . '>"';
+            $dw .= ' + "' . $vars[NAME_LINK_CLASS] . str_replace('"', '\\"', $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP_JS][0]) . '>"';
             $closeDw = '"</a>")';
         } else {
             $dw = 'document.write(';
@@ -649,7 +698,7 @@ class Link {
         $tt .= '//--></script>';
-        if ($href) $tt .= $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP][1];
+        if ($href) $tt .= $vars[NAME_TOOL_TIP_JS][1];
         return ($tt);
@@ -699,6 +748,7 @@ class Link {
     private function buildMail(&$vars, $key, $value) {
         $vars[NAME_LINK_CLASS_DEFAULT] = $this->cssLinkClassExternal;
@@ -733,6 +783,7 @@ class Link {
     private function buildPicture(&$vars, $key, $value) {
         $vars[NAME_ALT_TEXT] = "Grafic: " . $value;
         $vars[NAME_IMAGE_TITLE] = $value;
@@ -745,6 +796,7 @@ class Link {
     private function buildBullet(&$vars, $key, $value) {
         $vars[NAME_IMAGE] = PATH_ICONS . "bullet-" . $value . '.gif';
         $vars[NAME_IMAGE_TITLE] = $value;
@@ -757,6 +809,7 @@ class Link {
     private function buildCheck(&$vars, $key, $value) {
         $vars[NAME_IMAGE] = PATH_ICONS . "checked-" . $value . '.gif';
         $vars[NAME_IMAGE_TITLE] = $value;
@@ -773,6 +826,7 @@ class Link {
         $vars[NAME_GLYPH_TITLE] = "Delete";
         // Include Extjs library
@@ -790,9 +844,9 @@ class Link {
 //        $vars[NAME_IMAGE_TITLE] = "Edit";
         $vars[NAME_GLYPH] = GLYPH_ICON_EDIT;
         $vars[NAME_GLYPH_TITLE] = "Edit";
      * Called by $this->callTable
@@ -805,6 +859,8 @@ class Link {
 //        $vars[NAME_IMAGE_TITLE] = "Help";
         $vars[NAME_GLYPH] = GLYPH_ICON_HELP;
         $vars[NAME_GLYPH_TITLE] = "Help";
@@ -820,6 +876,7 @@ class Link {
         $vars[NAME_GLYPH] = GLYPH_ICON_INFO;
         $vars[NAME_GLYPH_TITLE] = "Information";
@@ -836,6 +893,7 @@ class Link {
         $vars[NAME_GLYPH] = GLYPH_ICON_NEW;
         $vars[NAME_GLYPH_TITLE] = "New";
@@ -852,6 +910,8 @@ class Link {
         $vars[NAME_GLYPH] = GLYPH_ICON_SHOW;
         $vars[NAME_GLYPH_TITLE] = "Details";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Report.php b/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Report.php
index 62f3f5fc7495a837fa1ee9261433dbf8508f14fb..34b802584c8a3b62c5eccd8cdc25a7630b758e6f 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Report.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Report.php
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ require_once(__DIR__ . '/../Database.php');
 require_once(__DIR__ . '/Link.php');
 require_once(__DIR__ . '/Sendmail.php');
 require_once(__DIR__ . '/../exceptions/UserReportExtension.php');
+require_once(__DIR__ . '/../Evaluate.php');
 class Report {
@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ class Report {
      * @param array $t3data
-    public function __construct(array $t3data, $sessionName, $phpUnit = false) {
+    public function __construct(array $t3data, $sessionName, Evaluate $eval, $phpUnit = false) {
         $this->phpUnit = $phpUnit;
@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ class Report {
         $this->db = new Database();
         $this->utils = new Utils();
-        $this->variables = new Variables($t3data["uid"]);
+        $this->variables = new Variables($eval, $t3data["uid"]);
         // Set static values, which won't change during this run.
         $this->fr_error["pid"] = isset($this->variables->resultArray['global.']['page_id']) ? $this->variables->resultArray['global.']['page_id'] : 0;
@@ -123,8 +124,7 @@ class Report {
         // Sanitize function for POST and GET Parameters.
         // Merged URL-Parameter (key1, id etc...) in resultArray.
-        $this->variables->resultArray = array_merge($this->variables->resultArray, array("url." => $this->utils->sanitize()),
-            array("global." => $this->variables->collectGlobalVariables()));
+        $this->variables->resultArray = array_merge($this->variables->resultArray, array("global." => $this->variables->collectGlobalVariables()));
         // Create Logclass.
         $this->log = new Log($this->variables->resultArray['global.']);
@@ -878,27 +878,6 @@ class Report {
         return ($columnValue);
-    /**
-     * Prepare Session Array with Hash Entry: Only for form
-     *
-     * @param $formName
-     * @param $formRecordId
-     * @return string
-     */
-    private function form2hash($formName, $formRecordId) {
-        $hash = $this->utils->randomAlphaNumUnique();
-        $_SESSION[FORMREPORT][$hash]['formName'][0] = $formName;
-        $_SESSION[FORMREPORT][$hash]['referrer'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
-        if (is_numeric($formRecordId) && $formRecordId >= 0) {
-            $_SESSION[FORMREPORT][$hash]['idMap'][1]['recordId'] = $formRecordId;
-            $_SESSION[FORMREPORT][$hash]['idMap'][1]['param'] = "";
-        }
-        return ($hash);
-    }
      * Generate SortArgument
diff --git a/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Utils.php b/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Utils.php
index 65ff353d3de4ff1baf31a0d29c91222cfd355f49..e2fe65e05d55111eae03c436d6bb7741ba28b976 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Utils.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Utils.php
@@ -29,174 +29,6 @@ class Utils {
         $this->db = null;
-    /**
-     * Sanitize GET and POST Parameters. Categorize Parameter: name begins with:
-     * 'S_' String:                   sanitize via  t3lib_db::quoteStr, htmltospecialchars
-     * 'H_' HTML:                     no sanitize at all
-     * [Typo3, xdebug, zend debugger] special - no change
-     * [rest]                         has to be numeric - if not, will not be copied.
-     *
-     * @return    Array of sanitized GET and POST Variables. Only correctly filled variables will be returned.
-     */
-    public function sanitize() {
-        $arr = array();
-        // Merge GET and POST arrays. GET will be preferred.
-        $params = array_merge($_POST, $_GET);
-        foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
-            // if $value is an array (e.g. when using checkboxes on a 'set' field), convert it to a csv list.
-            if (is_array($value)) {
-                $value = implode(",", $value);
-            }
-            switch (substr($key, 0, 2)) {
-                //alphanum
-                // String values. HTML entitites will be converted, strings escaped.
-                case "S_":
-//					$arr[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($value));
-//					TA: htmlspecialchars darf hier nicht angewendet werden - Daten sollen so in DB geschrieben werden wie sie angegeben werden		
-                    $arr[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
-                    break;
-                //default (F_ kommt vom ursprünglichen namen form)
-                //Tags werden bis auf die Whitelist LIST_MARKUP_TAGS (siehe define) ersetzt
-                case "F_":
-                    $arr[$key] = addslashes(strip_tags($value, LIST_MARKUP_TAGS));
-                    break;
-                //email
-                //ExtJs definition (unterstützt nicht alle erlaubten Emailadressen)
-                case "E_":
-                    $pattern = "/^((\w+)([\-+.][\w]+)*@(\w[\-\w]*\.){1,5}([A-Za-z]){2,6})?$/";
-                    if (preg_match($pattern, $value) > 0) {
-                        $arr[$key] = $value;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                //url
-                //Protokoll http / https muss angegeben werden. Definition ExtJs
-                case "U_":
-                    $pattern = "/((((^https?)|(^ftp)):\/\/([\-\w]+\.)+\w{2,3}(\/[%\-\w]+(\.\w{2,})?)*(([\w\-\.\?\\\/+@&#;`~=%!]*)(\.\w{2,})?)*\/?))?$/i";
-                    if (preg_match($pattern, $value) > 0) {
-                        $arr[$key] = $value;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                //html
-                // HTML allowed: no sanitize at all.
-                case "H_":
-                    $arr[$key] = addslashes($value);
-                    break;
-                //date
-                //DD.MM.YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY
-                case "D_":
-// 					$pattern = "/^\d\d[(.|\/)]\d\d[(.|\/)]\d\d\d\d$/";
-// 					if(preg_match($pattern, $value)>0){
-// 						$arr[$key] = $value;
-// 					} 
-                    // use strtotime instead of a complex regex:
-                    // - the function accepts different formats of times / dates (e.g. speaking names) - this is extremely powerful
-                    // - the date is automatically converted to a defined format, which makes it easier to process in later steps
-                    if (strtotime($value)) {
-                        $arr[$key] = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($value));
-                    }
-                    break;
-                //time
-                //hh:mm:ss
-                case "T_":
-                    //$pattern = "/^(((0|1)\d|2[0-4])[:]([0-6]\d)[:]([0-6]\d))?$/";  // CR: restriction to 00-23 is to strong
-// 					$pattern = "/^\d?\d[:]\d?\d[:]?\d?\d?$/";
-// 					if(preg_match($pattern, $value)>0){
-// 						$arr[$key] = $value;
-// 					} 
-                    // use strtotime instead of a complex regex:
-                    // - the function accepts different formats of times / dates (e.g. speaking names) - this is extremely powerful
-                    // - the date is automatically converted to a defined format, which makes it easier to process in later steps
-                    if (strtotime($value)) {
-                        $arr[$key] = date("h:i:s", strtotime($value));
-                    }
-                    break;
-                //date_time
-                //DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss
-                case "Z_":
-                    //$pattern = "/^((0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[.](0[1-9]|1[012])[.](19|20)\d\d[ ]((0|1)\d|2[0-4])[:]([0-6]\d)[:]([0-6]\d))?$/";
-// 					$pattern = "/^(\d*\d[.]\d*\d[.]\d*\d*\d*\d[ ]\d?\d[:]\d?\d[:]?\d?\d?$/";
-// 					if(preg_match($pattern, $value)>0){
-// 						$arr[$key] = $value;
-// 					}
-                    // use strtotime instead of a complex regex:
-                    // - the function accepts different formats of times / dates (e.g. speaking names) - this is extremely powerful
-                    // - the date is automatically converted to a defined format, which makes it easier to process in later steps
-                    if (strtotime($value)) {
-                        $arr[$key] = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", strtotime($value));
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case "N_":
-                    //num
-                    //Only numeric-value allowed
-                    $pattern = "/^-?[0-9]*$/";
-                    if (preg_match($pattern, $value) > 0) {
-                        $arr[$key] = $value;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    /* 'id' (T3 page identifier) and ZEND 'debugger' GET_VARS won't be sanitized*/
-                    ;
-                    switch ($key) {
-                        case 'id':
-                        case 'start_debug':
-                        case 'debug_host':
-                        case 'send_sess_end':
-                        case 'debug_session_id':
-                        case 'original_url':
-                        case 'debug_start_session':
-                        case 'debug_no_cache':
-                        case 'debug_port':
-                            $arr[$key] = $value;
-                            continue 2;
-                    }
-                    break;
-            }
-        }
-        return ($arr);
-    }    // sanitize()
-    /**
-     * Create a new _unique_ (max 20 tries, else breaks) hash string and saves it in $_SESSION[FORMREPORT][$hash]
-     *
-     * @return    string        A random alphanumeric hash, or
-     *                      false if it was not possible to create a unique hash.
-     */
-    public function randomAlphaNumUnique() {
-        for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
-            $hash = $this->randomAlphaNum(LENGTH_HASH);
-            if (!isset($_SESSION[FORMREPORT][$hash])) {
-                $_SESSION[FORMREPORT][$hash] = array();
-                return ($hash);
-            }
-        }
-        // Too much tries without success
-        return (false);
-    } // randomAlphaNum ()
-    /**
-     * @param int $length Length of the required hash string
-     * @return string       A random alphanumeric hash
-     */
-    private function randomAlphaNum($length) {
-        $possible_characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
-        $string = "";
-        while (strlen($string) < $length) {
-            $string .= substr($possible_characters, rand() % (strlen($possible_characters)), 1);
-        }
-        return ($string);
-    } // randomAlphaNumUnique()
      * If record locking has been enabled in ext_localconf.php, create a record in the lock table
@@ -213,8 +45,7 @@ class Utils {
             $query = "INSERT INTO `" . FR_LOCK . "` (`phpsession_id`, `fe_user_uid`, `form`, `record_id`, `tablename`, `dbalias`) VALUES ('" . session_id() . "', '" . $GLOBALS["TSFE"]->fe_user->user["uid"] . "', '" . $form . "', '" . $record_id . "', '" . $tablename . "', '" . $dbalias . "')";
             $this->db->doQuery(DB, $query, $result, ROW_EXPECT_0);
         } // if
-    } // eo setLockRecord
+    } // randomAlphaNumUnique()
      * If record locking has been enabled in ext_localconf.php,
@@ -275,19 +106,19 @@ class Utils {
         $this->db->doQuery(T3, $query, $result, ROW_EXPECT_1);
         $username = ($result['username']) ?: "anonymous";
         return $username;
-    }
+    } // eo setLockRecord
      * Create a unique directory in $path
-     * @param string $path path
-     * @return string           path/uniqedir
-     * @throws codeException
+     * @param $path
+     * @return string
+     * @throws CodeReportException
     function createUniqueDir($path) {
         // Try max. 20 times
         for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
-            $dirname = $this->randomAlphaNum(5);
+            $dirname = Support::randomAlphaNum(5);
             $dirpath = $path . "/" . $dirname;
             if (!file_exists($dirpath)) {
@@ -297,28 +128,5 @@ class Utils {
         // Too many tries without success
         throw new CodeReportException ("Could not create unique directory.", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-    } // eo createUniqueDir
-    /**
-     * Create a ToolTip: $toolTip[0] and $toolTip[1] have to inserted in HTML code accordingly.
-     *
-     * @param    string $note Text to be shown in the tooltip
-     * @return    array        $toolTip        $toolTip[0]: JS to show '$toolTip[1]'.
-     *                                        $toolTip[1]: '<span>...</span>' with the tooltip text.
-     */
-    public function createToolTip($note) {
-        static $count = 0;
-        $toolTipIndex = 'tooltip.' . $GLOBALS["TSFE"]->currentRecord . '.' . ++$count;
-        $toolTip = array();
-        // Expample: <img src="fileadmin/icons/bullet-gray.gif" onmouseover="document.getElementById('gm167979').style.display='block';" onmouseout="document.getElementById('gm167979').style.display='none';" />
-        $toolTip[0] = " onmouseover=\"document.getElementById('" . $toolTipIndex . "').style.display='block';\" onmouseout=\"document.getElementById('" . $toolTipIndex . "').style.display='none';\"";
-        // Example: <span id="gm167979" style="display:none; position:absolute; border:solid 1px black; background-color:#F9F3D0; padding:3px;">My pesonal tooltip</span>
-        $toolTip[1] = '<span id="' . $toolTipIndex . '" style="display:none; position:absolute; border:solid 1px black; background-color:#F9F3D0; padding:3px;">' . $note . '</span>';
-        return ($toolTip);
-    } // createToolTip()
+    }
diff --git a/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Variables.php b/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Variables.php
index 3819460a305b5f48c5393da7156a062068178fc7..839417039520e5d2960a75e08179aeb78e475dc1 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Variables.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/qfq/report/Variables.php
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
 namespace qfq;
+require_once(__DIR__ . '/../Evaluate.php');
 //use qfq;
 class Variables {
@@ -32,11 +34,17 @@ class Variables {
     // TODO to explain
     private $tt_content_uid = 0;
+    /**
+     * @var Evaluate
+     */
+    private $eval;
      * @param int $tmp_ttcontent_uid
-    public function __construct($tt_content_uid = 0) {
+    public function __construct(Evaluate $eval, $tt_content_uid = 0) {
+        $this->eval = $eval;
         // specified once during initialisation.
         $this->tt_content_uid = $tt_content_uid;
@@ -51,7 +59,7 @@ class Variables {
     public function doVariables($text) {
 //        $str = preg_replace_callback("/(~([a-zA-Z0-9._])*)/", array($this, 'replaceVariables'), $text);
-        $str = preg_replace_callback("/{{(([a-zA-Z0-9._])*)}}/", array($this, 'replaceVariables'), $text);
+        $str = preg_replace_callback("/{{(([a-zA-Z0-9.:_])*)}}/", array($this, 'replaceVariables'), $text);
         return $str;
@@ -72,12 +80,21 @@ class Variables {
         // index of last '.'
         $pos = strrpos($matches[1], ".");
+        if ($pos !== false) {
+            $fullLevel = substr($matches[1], 0, $pos + 1);
+            $varName = substr($matches[1], $pos + 1, strlen($matches[1]));
-        $fullLevel = substr($matches[1], 0, $pos + 1);
-        $varName = substr($matches[1], $pos + 1, strlen($matches[1]));
+            if (isset($this->resultArray[$fullLevel][$varName])) {
+                $data = $this->resultArray[$fullLevel][$varName];
+            }
+        }
-        if (isset($this->resultArray[$fullLevel][$varName]))
-            $data = $this->resultArray[$fullLevel][$varName];
+        // If not replaced, try the Stores
+        if ($data === $matches[0]) {
+            $dataTmp = $this->eval->parse($data);
+            if ($dataTmp !== false)
+                $data = $dataTmp;
+        }
         return $data;
diff --git a/extension/qfq/qfq/store/Sip.php b/extension/qfq/qfq/store/Sip.php
index a747f2ac2db0a6f12793151a32de862d844a2e5f..29c15889a84ec83b2d398ad612b8f9239a51b825 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/qfq/store/Sip.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/qfq/store/Sip.php
@@ -64,9 +64,10 @@ class Sip {
      *   * a=1&s=4b3403665fea6&r=45&type=99&id=person
      * @param string $mode Possible values: RETURN_URL|RETURN_SIP
-     * @return string
+     * @return string/array
      *  * mode=RETURN_URL: return complete URL
      *  * mode=RETURN_SIP: returns only the sip
+     *  * mode=RETURN_ARRAY: returns array with url ('_url') and all decoded and created parameters.
      * @throws CodeException
      * @throws UserFormException
@@ -103,17 +104,29 @@ class Sip {
             $_SESSION[$s] = $sipParamString;
-        if ($mode == RETURN_URL) {
-            // Append SIP to final parameter
-            $clientArray[CLIENT_SIP] = $s;
-            if ($script[0] === '?')
-                $script = $scriptName . $script;
-            return $script . OnArray::toString($clientArray);
-        } else {
-            return $s;
+        // Append SIP to final parameter
+        $clientArray[CLIENT_SIP] = $s;
+        if ($script[0] === '?')
+            $script = $scriptName . $script;
+        $clientArray['_url'] = $script . OnArray::toString($clientArray);
+        switch ($mode) {
+            case RETURN_URL:
+                $rc = $clientArray['_url'];
+                break;
+            case RETURN_SIP:
+                $rc = $s;
+                break;
+            case RETURN_ARRAY:
+                $rc = array_merge($clientArray, $sipArray);
+                break;
+            default:
+                throw new CodeException('Unknown Mode: "' . $mode . '"', ERROR_UNKNOWN_MODE);
+        return $rc;
diff --git a/extension/qfq/qfq/store/Store.php b/extension/qfq/qfq/store/Store.php
index f4fc7e2cd4b1277f6a0757dee384abe22360ac3a..648377e33e5210b0126c7083ec7499603b2638b5 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/qfq/store/Store.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/qfq/store/Store.php
@@ -246,6 +246,9 @@ class Store {
         if (isset($GLOBALS["TSFE"]->type))
             $arr[TYPO3_PAGE_TYPE] = $GLOBALS["TSFE"]->type;
+        if (isset($GLOBALS["TSFE"]->sys_language_uid))
+            $arr[TYPO3_PAGE_LANGUAGE] = $GLOBALS["TSFE"]->sys_language_uid;
         self::setVarArray($arr, STORE_TYPO3, true);
@@ -254,7 +257,15 @@ class Store {
     private function fillStoreClient() {
         // copy GET and POST and SERVER Parameter. Priority: SERVER, POST, GET
-        $arr = array_merge($_GET, $_POST, $_SERVER);
+        $arr = array();
+        if (isset($_GET))
+            $arr = array_merge($arr, $_GET);
+        if (isset($_POST))
+            $arr = array_merge($arr, $_POST);
+        if (isset($_SERVER))
+            $arr = array_merge($arr, $_SERVER);
         self::setVarArray($arr, STORE_CLIENT, true);
@@ -311,16 +322,26 @@ class Store {
             $useStores = substr($useStores, 1); // shift left remaining stores
             if (!isset(self::$raw[$store][$key])) {
-                if ($store === STORE_ZERO) {
-                    return 0;
-                } else {
-                    continue; // no value provided
+                switch ($store) {
+                    case STORE_ZERO:
+                        return 0;
+                    case STORE_EMPTY:
+                        return '';
+                    case STORE_VAR:
+                        if ($key === VAR_RANDOM) {
+                            return Support::randomAlphaNum(RANDOM_LENGTH);
+                        } else {
+                            continue 2;  // no value provided, continue with while loop
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        continue 2; // no value provided, continue with while loop
+                        break;
             $rawVal = isset(self::$raw[$store][$key]) ? self::$raw[$store][$key] : null;
             if (self::$sanitizeStore[$store] && $sanitizeClass != '') {
-//                return \qfq\Sanitize::sanitize($rawVal, $sanitizeClass);
                 if ($sanitizeClass == SANITIZE_ALLOW_PATTERN || $sanitizeClass == SANITIZE_ALLOW_MIN_MAX || $sanitizeClass == SANITIZE_ALLOW_MIN_MAX_DATE) {
                     // We do not have any pattern or min|max values at this point. For those who be affected, they already checked earlier. So set 'no check'
                     $sanitizeClass = SANITIZE_ALLOW_ALL;
@@ -363,12 +384,20 @@ class Store {
+        if (self::getVar(TYPO3_DEBUG_SHOW_BODY_TEXT, STORE_TYPO3) === '1' &&
+            self::getVar(SYSTEM_SHOW_DEBUG_INFO, STORE_SYSTEM) !== 'yes'
+        ) {
+            self::setVar(TYPO3_DEBUG_SHOW_BODY_TEXT, '0', STORE_TYPO3);
+        }
         return self::$instance;
      * @param $store
+     * @throws UserFormException
+     * @throws \qfq\CodeException
     public static function unsetStore($store) {
         // Check valid Storename
@@ -384,12 +413,34 @@ class Store {
+    /**
+     * @param $key
+     * @param $value
+     * @param $store
+     * @param bool|true $overWrite
+     * @throws UserFormException
+     * @throws \qfq\CodeException
+     */
+    public static function setVar($key, $value, $store, $overWrite = true) {
+        // Check valid Storename
+        if (!isset(self::$sanitizeStore))
+            throw new UserFormException("Unknown Store: $store", ERROR_UNNOWN_STORE);
+        if ($store === STORE_ZERO)
+            throw new CodeException("setVar() for STORE_ZERO is impossible - there are no values.", ERROR_SET_STORE_ZERO);
+        if ($overWrite === false && isset(self::$raw[$store][$key])) {
+            throw new UserFormException("Value of '$key' already be set in store '$store'.", ERROR_STORE_KEY_EXIST);
+        }
+        self::$raw[$store][$key] = $value;
+    }
      * @param $formName
      * @throws CodeException
-    public
-    static function createSipAfterFormLoad($formName) {
+    public static function createSipAfterFormLoad($formName) {
         $recordId = self::getVar(CLIENT_RECORD_ID, STORE_TYPO3 . STORE_CLIENT);
         if ($recordId === false) {
             $recordId = 0;
@@ -418,30 +469,10 @@ class Store {
-     * @param $key
-     * @param $value
      * @param $store
-     * @param bool|true $overWrite
+     * @return array
      * @throws UserFormException
-     */
-    public static function setVar($key, $value, $store, $overWrite = true) {
-        // Check valid Storename
-        if (!isset(self::$sanitizeStore))
-            throw new UserFormException("Unknown Store: $store", ERROR_UNNOWN_STORE);
-        if ($store === STORE_ZERO)
-            throw new CodeException("setVar() for STORE_ZERO is impossible - there are no values.", ERROR_SET_STORE_ZERO);
-        if ($overWrite === false && isset(self::$raw[$store][$key])) {
-            throw new UserFormException("Value of '$key' already be set in store '$store'.", ERROR_STORE_KEY_EXIST);
-        }
-        self::$raw[$store][$key] = $value;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param $store
-     * @return mixed
+     * @throws \qfq\CodeException
     public static function getStore($store) {
         // Check valid Storename
diff --git a/extension/qfq/sql/formEditor.sql b/extension/qfq/sql/formEditor.sql
index 32285d41f87fde6bda9fc0e638ed366abd387564..37bffb79f4b2ba1b52b8acb912d9a18156f0e587 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/sql/formEditor.sql
+++ b/extension/qfq/sql/formEditor.sql
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Form` (
   `permitNew`                ENUM('sip', 'logged_in', 'logged_out', 'always', 'never') NOT NULL  DEFAULT 'sip',
   `permitEdit`               ENUM('sip', 'logged_in', 'logged_out', 'always', 'never') NOT NULL  DEFAULT 'sip',
   `render`                   ENUM('plain', 'table', 'bootstrap')                       NOT NULL  DEFAULT 'plain',
-  `showButton` SET('new', 'delete') NOT NULL  DEFAULT 'new,delete',
+  `showButton`               SET('new', 'delete', 'close', 'save')                     NOT NULL  DEFAULT 'new,delete,close,save',
   `multiMode`                ENUM('none', 'horizontal', 'vertical')                    NOT NULL  DEFAULT 'none',
   `multiSql`                 TEXT                                                      NOT NULL,
   `multiDetailForm`          VARCHAR(255)                                              NOT NULL  DEFAULT '',
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `FormElement` (
 # FormEditor: Form
 INSERT INTO Form (name, title, noteInternal, tableName, permitNew, permitEdit, render, multiSql, parameter) VALUES
   ('form', 'Form Editor: {{SELECT id, " / ", name FROM Form WHERE id = {{r:S0}}}}', 'Please secure the form',
-   'Form', 'always', 'always', 'bootstrap', '', 'maxVisiblePill=3\nclass=container-fluid');
+   'Form', 'always', 'always', 'bootstrap', '', 'maxVisiblePill=5\nclass=container-fluid');
 # FormEditor: FormElements
 INSERT INTO FormElement (formId, name, label, mode, type, checkType, class, ord, size, maxLength, note, clientJs, value, sql1, sql2, parameter, feIdContainer, subrecordOption)
diff --git a/extension/qfq/tests/phpunit/LinkTest.php b/extension/qfq/tests/phpunit/LinkTest.php
index e2c7dce6135c779f0fc000c2ee9ee5cee0f43ced..0443314ca8e8495c4109687c423ef92ee60edb5e 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/tests/phpunit/LinkTest.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/tests/phpunit/LinkTest.php
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ class LinkTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
     private $store = null;
      * @throws SyntaxReportException
@@ -89,10 +88,10 @@ class LinkTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
         $link = new Link(null, $this->sip, true);
         $result = $link->renderLink('m:john@doe.com');
-        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" class="external" >mailto:john@doe.com</a>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" >mailto:john@doe.com</a>', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('m:john@doe.com|t:John Doe');
-        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" class="external" >John Doe</a>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" >John Doe</a>', $result);
@@ -152,7 +151,8 @@ class LinkTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
         $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" class="external" >http://example.com</a>', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('t:Example|r:1');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('Example', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('u:http://example.com|t:Example|r:1');
         $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" class="external" >Example</a>', $result);
@@ -175,26 +175,32 @@ class LinkTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
         $this->assertEquals('', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('u:http://example.com|r:3');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >http://example.com</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >http://example.com</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('http://example.com', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('t:Example|r:3');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('Example', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('u:http://example.com|t:Example|r:3');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('Example', $result);
         // r: 4
         $result = $link->renderLink('u|r:4');
         $this->assertEquals('', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('u:http://example.com|r:4');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >http://example.com</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >http://example.com</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('http://example.com', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('t:Example|r:4');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('Example', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('u:http://example.com|t:Example|r:4');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >http://example.com</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >http://example.com</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('http://example.com', $result);
         // r: 5
         $result = $link->renderLink('u|r:5');
@@ -248,7 +254,8 @@ class LinkTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
         $this->assertEquals('<a href="?id=secondPage" class="internal" >?id=secondPage</a>', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('t:Example|r:1');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('Example', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('p:secondPage|t:Example|r:1');
         $this->assertEquals('<a href="?id=secondPage" class="internal" >Example</a>', $result);
@@ -268,29 +275,37 @@ class LinkTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
         // r: 3
         $result = $link->renderLink('p|r:3');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >?id=firstPage</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >?id=firstPage</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('?id=firstPage', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('p:secondPage|r:3');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >?id=secondPage</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >?id=secondPage</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('?id=secondPage', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('t:Example|r:3');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('Example', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('p:secondPage|t:Example|r:3');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('Example', $result);
         // r: 4
         $result = $link->renderLink('p|r:4');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >?id=firstPage</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >?id=firstPage</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('?id=firstPage', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('p:secondPage|r:4');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >?id=secondPage</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >?id=secondPage</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('?id=secondPage', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('t:Example|r:4');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('Example', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('p:secondPage|t:Example|r:4');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >?id=secondPage</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >?id=secondPage</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('?id=secondPage', $result);
         // r: 5
         $result = $link->renderLink('p|r:5');
@@ -314,39 +329,40 @@ class LinkTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
         $this->assertEquals('', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('m:john@doe.com');
-        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" class="external" >mailto:john@doe.com</a>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" >mailto:john@doe.com</a>', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('t:Example');
         $this->assertEquals('', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('m:john@doe.com|t:Example');
-        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" class="external" >Example</a>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" >Example</a>', $result);
         // r: 0
         $result = $link->renderLink('u|r:0');
         $this->assertEquals('', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('m:john@doe.com|r:0');
-        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" class="external" >mailto:john@doe.com</a>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" >mailto:john@doe.com</a>', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('t:Example|r:0');
         $this->assertEquals('', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('m:john@doe.com|t:Example|r:0');
-        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" class="external" >Example</a>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" >Example</a>', $result);
         // r: 1
         $result = $link->renderLink('u|r:1');
         $this->assertEquals('', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('m:john@doe.com|r:1');
-        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" class="external" >mailto:john@doe.com</a>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" >mailto:john@doe.com</a>', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('t:Example|r:1');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('Example', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('m:john@doe.com|t:Example|r:1');
-        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" class="external" >Example</a>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" >Example</a>', $result);
         // r: 2
         $result = $link->renderLink('u|r:2');
@@ -359,33 +375,39 @@ class LinkTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
         $this->assertEquals('', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('m:john@doe.com|t:Example|r:2');
-        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" class="external" >Example</a>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="mailto:john@doe.com" >Example</a>', $result);
         // r: 3
         $result = $link->renderLink('u|r:3');
         $this->assertEquals('', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('m:john@doe.com|r:3');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >mailto:john@doe.com</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >mailto:john@doe.com</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('mailto:john@doe.com', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('t:Example|r:3');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('Example', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('m:john@doe.com|t:Example|r:3');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('Example', $result);
         // r: 4
         $result = $link->renderLink('u|r:4');
         $this->assertEquals('', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('m:john@doe.com|r:4');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >mailto:john@doe.com</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >mailto:john@doe.com</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('mailto:john@doe.com', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('t:Example|r:4');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >Example</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('Example', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('m:john@doe.com|t:Example|r:4');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >mailto:john@doe.com</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >mailto:john@doe.com</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('mailto:john@doe.com', $result);
         // r: 5
         $result = $link->renderLink('u|r:5');
@@ -409,39 +431,41 @@ class LinkTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
         $this->assertEquals('', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('u:http://example.com|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" class="external" ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > </a>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > </a>', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('t:Example|P:picture.gif');
         $this->assertEquals('', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('u:http://example.com|t:Example|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" class="external" ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example</a>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example</a>', $result);
         // r: 0
         $result = $link->renderLink('u|r:0|P:picture.gif');
         $this->assertEquals('', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('u:http://example.com|r:0|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" class="external" ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > </a>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > </a>', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('t:Example|r:0|P:picture.gif');
         $this->assertEquals('', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('u:http://example.com|t:Example|r:0|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" class="external" ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example</a>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example</a>', $result);
         // r: 1
         $result = $link->renderLink('u|r:1|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > </span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > </span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > ', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('u:http://example.com|r:1|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" class="external" ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > </a>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > </a>', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('t:Example|r:1|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('u:http://example.com|t:Example|r:1|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" class="external" ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example</a>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example</a>', $result);
         // r: 2
         $result = $link->renderLink('u|r:2|P:picture.gif');
@@ -449,39 +473,47 @@ class LinkTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
         //TODO: no link if text is empty - image is linked here: this is not what the user expects.
         $result = $link->renderLink('u:http://example.com|r:2|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" class="external" ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > </a>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > </a>', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('t:Example|r:2|P:picture.gif');
         $this->assertEquals('', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('u:http://example.com|t:Example|r:2|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" class="external" ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example</a>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://example.com" ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example</a>', $result);
         // r: 3:
         $result = $link->renderLink('u|r:3|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > </span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > </span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > ', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('u:http://example.com|r:3|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > </span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > </span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > ', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('t:Example|r:3|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('u:http://example.com|t:Example|r:3|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example', $result);
         // r: 4
         $result = $link->renderLink('u|r:4|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > </span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > </span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > ', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('u:http://example.com|r:4|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >http://example.com</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >http://example.com</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('http://example.com', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('t:Example|r:4|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span ><img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('<img alt="Grafic: picture.gif" src="picture.gif" title="picture.gif" > Example', $result);
         $result = $link->renderLink('u:http://example.com|t:Example|r:4|P:picture.gif');
-        $this->assertEquals('<span >http://example.com</span>', $result);
+//        $this->assertEquals('<span >http://example.com</span>', $result);
+        $this->assertEquals('http://example.com', $result);
         // r: 5
         $result = $link->renderLink('u|r:5|P:picture.gif');
@@ -497,9 +529,6 @@ class LinkTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
         $this->assertEquals('', $result);
     public function testLinkClass() {
diff --git a/extension/qfq/tests/phpunit/SupportTest.php b/extension/qfq/tests/phpunit/SupportTest.php
index 38cc0c9a2e62b5ed167b615c406ab2fe4418247d..91ba7777b5e312771c461c4e8169ca4224c6afd4 100644
--- a/extension/qfq/tests/phpunit/SupportTest.php
+++ b/extension/qfq/tests/phpunit/SupportTest.php
@@ -14,42 +14,38 @@ require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../qfq/Evaluate.php');
 class FakeTSFE {
     public $id = 1;
+    public $type = 2;
+    public $sys_language_uid = 3;
 class SupportTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+    /**
+     * @var Store
+     */
+    private $store = null;
     public function testAppendTypo3ParameterToArray() {
-        $GLOBALS["TSFE"] = new FakeTSFE();
         $queryArray = array();
-        $this->assertEquals(['id' => 1], $queryArray);
+        $this->assertEquals(['id' => 1, 'type' => 2, 'L' => 3], $queryArray);
-        $queryArray = ['id' => '1', 'a' => '100'];
-        $expected = $queryArray;
+        $queryArray = array();
+        $this->store->setVar(TYPO3_PAGE_LANGUAGE, 0, STORE_TYPO3, true);
-        $this->assertEquals($expected, $queryArray);
+        $this->assertEquals(['id' => 1, 'type' => 2], $queryArray);
-        $_GET['L'] = 1;
-        $_GET['type'] = 100;
-        $queryArray = ['id' => '1', 'a' => '100'];
-        $expected = array_merge($_GET, $queryArray);
-        Support::appendTypo3ParameterToArray($queryArray);
-        $this->assertEquals($expected, $queryArray);
-        unset($_GET);
-        $_GET['L'] = 1;
-        $queryArray = ['id' => '1', 'a' => '100'];
-        $expected = array_merge($_GET, $queryArray);
+        $queryArray = array();
+        $this->store->setVar(TYPO3_PAGE_TYPE, 0, STORE_TYPO3, true);
-        $this->assertEquals($expected, $queryArray);
+        $this->assertEquals(['id' => 1], $queryArray);
-        unset($_GET);
-        $_GET['type'] = 1;
-        $queryArray = ['id' => '1', 'a' => '100'];
-        $expected = array_merge($_GET, $queryArray);
+        $queryArray = ['a' => '100'];
+        $expected = ['a' => '100', 'id' => 1];
         $this->assertEquals($expected, $queryArray);
@@ -75,7 +71,6 @@ class SupportTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
         $actual = Support::arrayToQueryString(['id' => '55', 'name' => 'He<b>inz']);
         $expected = '';
         $this->assertEquals('id=55&name=He%3Cb%3Einz', $actual);
     public function testWrapTag() {
@@ -104,7 +99,6 @@ class SupportTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
         $result = Support::wrapTag("<p>", 'Hello World', false);
         $this->assertEquals('<p>Hello World</p>', $result);
     public function testDateTime2mysql() {
@@ -127,6 +121,56 @@ class SupportTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
         // date time
         $this->assertEquals('2069-02-01 01:02:00', Support::dateTime2mysql('1.2.69 1:2'));
         $this->assertEquals('2016-12-31 23:48:59', Support::dateTime2mysql('31.12.2016 23:48:59'));
+    }
+    public function testEncryptDoubleCurlyBraces() {
+        $arr = [
+            ['', ''],
+            ['1', '1'],
+            ["1\n2", "1\n2"],
+            ['{', '{'],
+            ['#&@[[@_#', '{{'],
+            ['-\{-', '-\{-'],
+            ['#&@[[@_##&@]]@_#-#&@[[@_##&@]]@_#', '{{}}-{{}}'],
+            ['#&@[[@_#hello#&@[[@_#world#&@]]@_##&@]]@_#', '{{hello{{world}}}}'],
+            ["\n\n##&@[[@_#\n#&@]]@_#", "\n\n#{{\n}}"],
+        ];
+        foreach ($arr as $tuple) {
+            $this->assertEquals($tuple[0], Support::encryptDoubleCurlyBraces($tuple[1]));
+            $this->assertEquals($tuple[1], Support::decryptDoubleCurlyBraces($tuple[0]));
+        }
+    public function testConcatUrlParam() {
+        $url = Support::concatUrlParam('', '');
+        $this->assertEquals('', $url);
+        $url = Support::concatUrlParam('http://example.com', '');
+        $this->assertEquals('http://example.com', $url);
+        $url = Support::concatUrlParam('', 'a=1');
+        $this->assertEquals('?a=1', $url);
+        $url = Support::concatUrlParam('http://example.com', 'a=100');
+        $this->assertEquals('http://example.com?a=100', $url);
+        $url = Support::concatUrlParam('http://example.com?id=2', 'a=100');
+        $this->assertEquals('http://example.com?id=2&a=100', $url);
+        $url = Support::concatUrlParam('http://example.com', 'a=100&b=201');
+        $this->assertEquals('http://example.com?a=100&b=201', $url);
+        $url = Support::concatUrlParam('http://example.com?id=34', 'a=100&b=201');
+        $this->assertEquals('http://example.com?id=34&a=100&b=201', $url);
+    }
+    protected function setUp() {
+        parent::setUp();
+        $GLOBALS["TSFE"] = new FakeTSFE();
+        $this->store = Store::getInstance('', true);
+    }