diff --git a/extension/Classes/Core/Form/FormAsFile.php b/extension/Classes/Core/Form/FormAsFile.php
index c0a1c87839ccf989acb00e5d3dabef5c42bcb388..b75d3bc57ab0e50bd795b652de431994f1dc74fd 100644
--- a/extension/Classes/Core/Form/FormAsFile.php
+++ b/extension/Classes/Core/Form/FormAsFile.php
@@ -129,17 +129,23 @@ class FormAsFile
     public static function exportForm(string $formName, Database $database, ?int $formId = null) // : void
-        list($formName, $formId, $formJson) = self::formToJson($formName, $database, $formId);
+        list($formName, $formId, $formJson, $adjustContainerName) = self::formToJson($formName, $database, $formId);
         // backup and write file
         $pathFileName = self::formPathFileName($formName, $database);
         HelperFile::file_put_contents($pathFileName, $formJson);
-        // Update column fileStats
-        $fileStats = self::formFileStatsJson($pathFileName);
-        list($sql, $parameterArray) = SqlQuery::updateRecord(TABLE_NAME_FORM, [F_FILE_STATS => $fileStats], $formId);
-        $database->sql($sql, ROW_REGULAR, $parameterArray);
+        // some column names where adjusted => import form
+        if ($adjustContainerName) {
+            self::importForm($formName, $database);
+        // otherwise => Update column fileStats
+        } else {
+            $fileStats = self::formFileStatsJson($pathFileName);
+            list($sql, $parameterArray) = SqlQuery::updateRecord(TABLE_NAME_FORM, [F_FILE_STATS => $fileStats], $formId);
+            $database->sql($sql, ROW_REGULAR, $parameterArray);
+        }
@@ -595,13 +601,14 @@ class FormAsFile
      * Return json string of the given form with form-elements. If $formId is given, $formName is ignored.
      * - Container FormElements: The form file uses names instead if ids to reference containers. These references are translated before saving the file.
+     * - Adjust container names: If a container name is empty or not unique it is adjusted. In that case the fourth return parameter is set to true.
      * - Ignored columns: The columns 'id', 'name' (only Form table), 'fileStats', 'formId', 'feIdContainer' are not added to the json output.
      * - FormElement order: The formElements are ordered by the 'ord' column before writing them to the file.
      * @param string $formName
      * @param Database $database
      * @param int|null $formId If given, $formName is ignored
-     * @return array
+     * @return array [$formName, $formId, $formJson, $adjustedContainerNames > 0]
      * @throws \CodeException
      * @throws \DbException
      * @throws \UserFormException
@@ -632,21 +639,27 @@ class FormAsFile
         $formElements = $database->sql($sql, ROW_REGULAR, $parameterArray); // array(array(column name => value))
         // Translate container references (id to name) and remove all id columns
-        $containerNames = array_reduce($formElements, function ($result, $formElement) use ($formName, $formId) {
+        $adjustedContainerNames = 0;
+        $containerNames = array_reduce($formElements, function ($result, $formElement) use ($formName, $formId, &$adjustedContainerNames) {
             if ($formElement[FE_CLASS] === FE_CLASS_CONTAINER) {
                 $containerName = $formElement[FE_NAME];
                 if (in_array($containerName, $result)) {
-                    Thrower::userFormException("Failed exporting Form '$formName' to file."
-                        , "Container Form Elements must have a unique and nonempty name. Container name: '$containerName'. Container id: " . $formElement[FE_ID]);
+                    $containerName = $containerName . '_auto_adjust_not_unique_' . count($result);
+                    $adjustedContainerNames++;
                 if ($containerName === '') {
-                    Thrower::userFormException("Failed exporting Form '$formName' to file.", "Container form-elements may not have an empty name. Container id: " . $formElement[FE_ID]);
+                    $containerName = 'auto_adjust_empty_' . count($result);
+                    $adjustedContainerNames++;
                 $result[$formElement[FE_ID]] = $containerName;
             return $result;
         }, []); // array(id => name)
         $formElements = array_map(function ($formElement) use ($containerNames) {
+            if (array_key_exists($formElement[FE_ID], $containerNames)) {
+                // in case container name was auto adjusted above we set new name
+                $formElement[FE_NAME] = $containerNames[$formElement[FE_ID]];
+            }
             $containerId = $formElement[FE_ID_CONTAINER];
             if ($containerId !== 0) {
                 $formElement[FE_FILE_CONTAINER_NAME] = $containerNames[$containerId];
@@ -660,7 +673,7 @@ class FormAsFile
         // add form elements and create json
         $form[F_FILE_FORM_ELEMENT] = $formElements;
         $formJson = json_encode($form, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
-        return array($formName, $formId, $formJson);
+        return array($formName, $formId, $formJson, $adjustedContainerNames > 0);
diff --git a/extension/Classes/Sql/formEditor.sql b/extension/Classes/Sql/formEditor.sql
index 923b174e44e070e29f619d5b327ebcf118659f81..c6d99d92d4891d0267ea45948526adde0bae7e07 100644
--- a/extension/Classes/Sql/formEditor.sql
+++ b/extension/Classes/Sql/formEditor.sql
@@ -477,17 +477,22 @@ VALUES (2, 'feIdContainer', 'Container', 'show', 'select', 'all', 'native', 120,
         '', 'no',
         '', '', '', '', '', 'none');
-INSERT INTO `FormElement` (`id`, `formId`, `feIdContainer`, `dynamicUpdate`, `enabled`, `name`, `label`, `mode`,
+INSERT INTO `FormElement` (`formId`, `feIdContainer`, `dynamicUpdate`, `enabled`, `name`, `label`, `mode`,
                            `modeSql`, `class`, `type`, `subrecordOption`, `encode`, `checkType`, `checkPattern`,
                            `onChange`, `ord`, `tabindex`, `size`, `maxLength`, `bsLabelColumns`, `bsInputColumns`,
                            `bsNoteColumns`, `rowLabelInputNote`, `note`, `adminNote`, `tooltip`, `placeholder`, `value`,
                            `sql1`, `parameter`, `parameterLanguageA`, `parameterLanguageB`, `parameterLanguageC`,
                            `parameterLanguageD`, `clientJs`, `feGroup`, `deleted`)
-VALUES (NULL, '2', '0', 'no', 'yes', 'Check Name Conflict', '', 'show', '', 'action', 'beforeSave', '', 'specialchar',
+VALUES (2, '0', 'no', 'yes', 'Check Name Conflict', '', 'show', '', 'action', 'beforeSave', '', 'specialchar',
         'auto', '', '', '650', '0', '', '', '', '', '', 'row,label,/label,input,/input,note,/note,/row', '', '', '', '',
         '', '',
         'sqlValidate={{!SELECT fe.id FROM FormElement AS fe WHERE "{{class:F:alnumx}}"=fe.class AND fe.formId={{formId:RF}} AND fe.name!="" AND fe.name="{{name:F:alnumx}}" AND fe.id!={{id:R0}} }}\r\n\r\nexpectRecords=0\r\n\r\nmessageFail=There is already another {{class:F:alnumx}} form element with name "{{name:F:alnumx}}".',
+        '', '', '', '', '', '', 'no'),
+       (2, 0, 'no', 'yes', 'Check Name Empty Container', '', 'show', '', 'action', 'beforeSave', '', 'specialchar',
+        'auto', '', '', 660, 0, '', '', '', '', '', 'row,label,/label,input,/input,note,/note,/row', '', '', '',
+        '', '', '',
+        'sqlValidate ={{!SELECT \'1\' FROM (SELECT \'\') AS _fake WHERE \"{{class:F:alnumx}}\"=\"container\" AND \"{{name:F:alnumx}}\"=\"\"}}\r\n\r\nexpectRecords=0\r\n\r\nmessageFail=Form elements of class container must have a unique non-empty name.',
         '', '', '', '', '', '', 'no');
 # ----------------------------------------