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  • Carsten  Rose's avatar
    #3854 / Wrong final page: a) New > Save > Close, b) New > Save > Delete · b6cb6285
    Carsten Rose authored
    QfqForm.js: Preparation for client, to handle window.location.replace() by new API status 'url-skip-history'. Also changed "(data.redirect === "url" || data['redirect-url'])" to "(data.redirect === "url" && data['redirect-url'])" - CR did not understand the former logic ('or' instead of 'and'). #OPEN#: window.location.replace = 'index.php....' throws an JS exception that it the attribute 'replace' is readonly. Instead "window.location.replace('index.php....')" works as expected. add 'url-skip-history'.
    save.php: recode to become more readable.
    QuickFormQuery.php: getForwardMode() - temporarily fix to update status 'page' to 'url' (bug never caused a problem as long as '||' has been used on client side). Will change 'page' to 'url' asap.